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Since the latest patch I find my games running on and on. 60 minute games were once a real rarity for me but now the vast majority of my games last between 40 and 60 mins. Now this is an issue for me as a primarily play supports and, as we all know, supports drop off hard in the latter part of the game. They get bursted down, focused before they can get their spells off and generally don't do much other than stun or ulti. I realise how good stuns and other hard CC are in the late game but being a walking 3s stun with an average lifespan of 2 minutes isn't fun to play and nor do you contribute much.
So which support heroes fair better in the late game?
- Silencer, if he got some good INT midgame, can become quite the right-clicker and his ulti wins fights at all phases of the game
- Shadow Demon's illusions will do a lot more, good for pushing with by cloning your fat carry or good for teamfights when the enemy carry has farm, too. His 50% damage amp will do more damage the later the later the game goes.
- Lion's ample amount of hard CC makes those valuable late game pickoffs much easier and his ulti is good to destroy an important hero early in a team fight as well as disabling the carry to save teammates.
- Rubick is the ultimate play maker when everyone is slinging those massive spells in those bigass 60 min teamfights (if he can live long enough to do it).
Those are all I can really think of, all three are still very squishy. Things like Ghost Scepter's, Euls and Force will help keep them alive but they're still very vulnerable. I understand how supports really shine in the early and mid game as they buy time for the cores to farm up for late, but I'm getting tired of being useless later on and wondered if there are any other good late game supports.
Who have I missed?
Who else am I missing?
This space reserved for a quote I find particularly humourous.
Treant: Huge vision / nuke with Aghanim's Scepter, as well as a good slow, amazing heal, a great escape, and a **** ton of tankiness and right click.
Venge: Great Stun and damage, in the late game she transitions well into a carry sort of hero, and can easily solo many with items like a Manta Style and Desolator
Enigma because he actually gets farm. Witch Doctor because he can run around solo'ing cores with an Ag's Scepter Death Ward and Maledict. Omniknight since he scales so well with farm. Lion because Hex and massive burst damage. (That much magic damage will always be relevent. Shadow Shaman because Hex and the ability to solo a base by himself pretty much.
Ancient Appirition, because knocking 10-12% off of the opponents EHP is really scary.
I'd say there isn't an single best support with farm, just some supports that scale better into late game than others.
If you want to base race, Omniknight is the man with the plan.
If you want to break high ground Dazzle seems like your man.
If you want to massively boost DPS, Ogre Magi is helpful.
If you want to manipulate positioning or save your Carry, Venge is your lady.
If you want to teamfight with lots of aoe damage, Warlock will shine.
If you want to protect your teammates from damage and stuns/slows, Abaddon will lead you.
If you want massive stuns against enemy dpsers Earthshaker is your man.
If you want massive stuns and pushing power, Rhasta is he you seek.
If you want make your right clicker team immortal like that fall out boy song, get Wraith King.
If you want to destroy opponent initiation chances, Silencer is the best for that.
If you want to counter a hero with high stats, Shadow Demon will plague them.
If you want to counter many heroes with high stats, Wyvern will fly them to their deaths.
If you want to be able to globally stop pushes and assist in battles, Kaldr will freeze them good.
If you want a pickoff to single handedly win you the game, Necro will do that for you.
I probably missed a few, but this is to show that these late game supports are not all built with the same purpose, and there's not way to say one is objectively the best.
Also fun fact: Enigma with Aghanim's Scepter and Refresher Orb can kill an entire team by himself...the problem is landing 2 5 man black holes in a row on top of a midnight pulse...good luck with that.
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