Most Frustrating Moment
Views: 4463 wackyshadowI just had the worst game possible. My teammates were great except for one person. Here is the scenario: (i won't list the heroes like i normally do in my blog post because it is irrelevant)
It was the beginning of the match, we all picked our heroes. I paused the game because my team had one guy that didn't pick a hero yet. It took him about 2 minutes before he finally picked a hero. He chose Medusa. It was fine because we lacked a mid-lane hero. After he picked his hero, i noticed he wasn't moving until about 3 minute after the first wave of creeps spawned. Already, i was ticked off. However, this story gets better. He gave the enemy Pudge first blood and said he doesn't have energy for his computer. Everyone was like "WTF!!" He disconnect and never came back. To make matter worst, this was a ranked match. At first, I had hope for my team because we did really well in the early game, despite the stupid Medusa. As the match drags on, my team started to lose fights. I do…
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