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wackyshadow's Blog
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March 04, 2014

Most Frustrating Moment

Views: 4463 wackyshadow
+Rep Report
Hey Guys,

I just had the worst game possible. My teammates were great except for one person. Here is the scenario: (i won't list the heroes like i normally do in my blog post because it is irrelevant)

It was the beginning of the match, we all picked our heroes. I paused the game because my team had one guy that didn't pick a hero yet. It took him about 2 minutes before he finally picked a hero. He chose Medusa. It was fine because we lacked a mid-lane hero. After he picked his hero, i noticed he wasn't moving until about 3 minute after the first wave of creeps spawned. Already, i was ticked off. However, this story gets better. He gave the enemy Pudge first blood and said he doesn't have energy for his computer. Everyone was like "WTF!!" He disconnect and never came back. To make matter worst, this was a ranked match. At first, I had hope for my team because we did really well in the early game, despite the stupid Medusa. As the match drags on, my team started to lose fights. I do…
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January 07, 2014

1st Time Ursa

Views: 1983 wackyshadow
+Rep Report
My team:
Ursa, Zeus, Tusk, Windranger, Beastmaster

Enemy team:
Juggernaut, Viper, Slark, Drow Ranger, Queen of Pain


Today i decided to try out Ursa because my friend told me i should. I was originally going to play Lycanthrope since i was more comfortable with him. My friend still managed to persuade me into picking Ursa. He said he was going to walk me through everything during my match. I got to admit, Ursa is a freaking beast and so much fun. I didn't know he was this easy to play with. The enemy was getting wrecked despite my team didn't speak english except for one guy. It was some European language that looked like russian but i know it was not russian. The characters did not match. Anyway, we dominated the other team with ease. I know they were gonna lose as long we kept the pressure because they had all squishy heroes. Although, they did managed to put up a good fight toward mid game, but i wasn't worried. I'm just walking around like a mad man picking one…
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January 03, 2014

My 2nd game as Lycan

Views: 2027 wackyshadow
+Rep Report

My team:
Tusk, Lycanthrope, Zeus, Legion Commander, Spirit Breaker

Enemy Team:
Sniper, Pudge, Axe, Disruptor, Skywrath Mage

This morning I had an okay game with Lycanthrope. The thing that frustrated me was that i got matched up with all Spanish speakers. Only one guy kind of know English. I have nothing against spanish speaker, it just frustrating when you can't communicate with them. I decided to jungle with Lycanthrope. I assumed they knew that i was jungling because I thought the matchmaking system will match me with people that have similar experience as i am. I was totally wrong. These guys knew nothing about support because they didn't buy wards (the opponent had Pudge) and couriers. I had to buy the couriers just so we have one (including the flying courier). They don't even know how the jungling process work. Tusk was our offlane hero. So during my jungle, Zeus obviously didn't know how to play against Pudge because he kept getting hooked and die in mid lan…
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January 02, 2014

Decent Game

Views: 1920 wackyshadow
+Rep Report

I just played Sniper against a very tough team. I was solo mid against viper. My team was Bounty Hunter, kunkka, shadow shaman, Sniper and Lifestealer. The opposing team had Viper, Drow Ranger, Axe, Omniknight, and Disruptor. They had a huge start on us. About 10 minute into the game they started to gank each lane. They must've used smoke because our wards did not pick anything up when we got ganked. I was the first one to be ganked by their entire team. I was surprised by how fed they were because i could not do a thing to them. Anyway, they stuck together and push down all our towers until our base towers. I was worried, but thank goodness my team was able to regroup and started playing smart Dota. It all started when they tried to push down our mid base tower with their entire team. I believe i had a Mask of Madness and Desolator at the time. I took out three guys while my other teammates took out the remaining two. We needed that team wipe so badly. We were able to push down…
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January 01, 2014

My blog

Views: 1336 wackyshadow
+Rep Report
Hello Guys,

This is my first blog post so it might be full of errors. IF you are reading this then you are my favorite person. I will be using this particular blog for mainly about my experience with Dota. After each game i will blog about it to see what you guys think about my game. There will be funny screenshots and videos. My goal is to keep you guys entertained. There is nothing better i would like than put a smile on your face. Also, there will be times when i post a serious blog to see what you guys think i should do in my latest games. Feel free to offer any type of advices or compliments as that will help me so much. Trolls and outrageous haters will be ignored. That concludes my first blog. I wish you all happy new year and good luck in your matches. May dota be forever be part of your life.

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