January 01, 2014

My blog

Views: 1340 wackyshadow
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Hello Guys,

This is my first blog post so it might be full of errors. IF you are reading this then you are my favorite person. I will be using this particular blog for mainly about my experience with Dota. After each game i will blog about it to see what you guys think about my game. There will be funny screenshots and videos. My goal is to keep you guys entertained. There is nothing better i would like than put a smile on your face. Also, there will be times when i post a serious blog to see what you guys think i should do in my latest games. Feel free to offer any type of advices or compliments as that will help me so much. Trolls and outrageous haters will be ignored. That concludes my first blog. I wish you all happy new year and good luck in your matches. May dota be forever be part of your life.