January 08, 2015

Progress On "[Full/Dense] Goo's Guide To Dota 2 (Over 120 Sections!)&a

Views: 1481 TheGooGaming
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The guide regarding general Dota 2 is already under development and my estimate is that is going to be done by either January 30th or early February.

The index is looking roughly like this. It may be subject to change though.

2. 1. Getting Set Up
3. 1.1. Game Options
4. 1.2. Basic Controls & The HUD
5. 2. Heroes
6. 2.1. Hero Positions
7. 2.1.1. Position 1: The Carry
8. 2.1.2. Position 2: The Mid
9. 2.1.3. Position 3: The Offlaner/Semi-Carry
10. 2.1.4. Position 4: The Support
11. 2.1.5. Position 5: The Hard Support
12. 2.2. Hero Utilities
13. 2.2.1. Initiator
14. 2.2.2. Disabler
15. 2.2.3. Nuker
16. 2.2.4. Ganker
17. 2.2.5. Jungler
18. 2.2.6. Escape
19. 2.2.7. Pusher
20. 2.2.8. None Of The Above
21. 3. Damage Types
22. 3.1. Physical
23. 3.2. Magical
24. 3.3. Pure
25. 4. Spells
26. 4.1. Spell Types
27. 4.2. Spell Utilities
28. 4.2.1. Stun
29. 4.1.2. Slow
30. 4.2.3. Nuke
31. 4.2.4. Buffs & Debuffs
32. 4.2.5. Transformation
33. 4.2.6. Summoning & Conversion
34. 4.2.7. Disable
35. 4.2.8. Traps
36. 4.2.9. Silences & Mutes
37. 4.2.10. Healing
38. 4.2.11. Skillshots
39. 4.2.12. Auras
40. 4.2.13. Toggle
41. 4.2.14. None Of The Above
42. 5. The Map
43. 5.1. The Lanes
44. 5.1.1. Top Lane
45. 5.1.2. Middle Lane
46. 5.1.3. Bottom Lane
47. 5.2. Jungle
48. 5.3. Runes
49. 5.4. Roshan
50. 5.5. Buildings
51. 5.5.1. Towers
52. 5.5.2. Barracks
53. 5.5.3. Buildings & Effigies
54. 5.5.4. The Ancient
55. 5.5.5. The Well/Fountain
56. 5.6. Shops
57. 5.6.1. Main Shop
58. 5.6.2. Side Shop
59. 5.6.3. Secret Shop
60. 5.7. Terrain
61. 5.7.1. Trees
62. 5.7.2. Flying Vision
63. 5.8. Fog Of War
64. 5.9. Juke Paths & The Art Of Juking
65. 6. Items
66. 6.1. Item Types
67. 6.1.1. Consumables
68. 6.1.2. Aura Items
69. 6.1.3. Item Actives
70. 7. Creeps
71. 7.1. Lane Creeps
72. 7.2. Neutral Creeps
73. 7.3. Ancient Creeps
74. 8. Stats
75. 9. Mixed Concepts
76. 9.1. Lifesteal
77. 9.2. Cleave
78. 9.3. Evasion & Miss Chance
79. 9.4. Illusions
80. 9.5. Invisibility
81. 9.6. Defense
82. 9.6.1. Armor
83. Armor Reduction
84. 9.6.2. Magic Resistance
85. Magic Amplification
86. 9.6.3. Magic Immunity
87. 9.7. Cleave
88. 9.8. Attack Modifiers
89. 9.9. Disarm
90. 9.10. Mana Burn
91. 9.11. Ethereal Or Ghost Form
92. 9.12. Buyback
93. 9.13. Cooldowns
94. 9.14. Mana Cost
95. 9.15. Day & Night
96. 9.16. Teleportation
97. 9.17. Micromanagement
98. 9.18. None Of The Above
99. 10. Gaining Momentum & Farm
100. 10.1. Gold
101. 10.1.1. Natural Gold
102. 10.1.2. Last Hitting
103. 10.1.3. Reliable & Unreliable Gold
104. 10.2. Experience
105. 10.3. Denying
106. 10.4. Leveling Up
107. 11. Laning
108. 11.1. Keeping Your Lane Balanced
109. 11.1.1. Stacking & Pulling
110. 11.1.2. Blocking The Creepwave
111. 11.2. Lane Types
112. 11.3. Harassment
113. 11.3.1. Avoiding Harassment
114. 12. Ganking
115. 12.1. Avoiding Ganks
116. 13. Warding & Dewarding
117. 13.1. Useful Warding Spots (Radiant Side)
118. 13.2. Useful Warding Spots (Dire Side)
119. 14. Cosmetics
120. 15. Dealing With Opponents (Within Your Same Team)
121. 15.1. Muting
122. 15.2. Reports
123. 16. Commend Me!
124. 17. Ranked Matchmaking
125. 18. Reading Guides, Watching Videos. Practice.
126. 19. Before You Leave (Some Must Knows)
127. 20. End Note

Good Luck & Have Fun!