May 20, 2015

/r/Dota2 's Stupid Balancing Thread Patchnotes

Views: 3347 TheGooGaming
+Rep Report
These is the final result of the /r/Dota2 Stupid Balacing Thread I created a day ago. You can find that thread here.

* Pudge

-Movement Speed reduced to 0.
-Meat Hook range increased to global.
-Missing a Meat Hook causes the X-Ping sound to play permanently.
-Meat Hook targetting changed to Unit-target.
-Meat Hook has phase effect until it reaches the selected target.
-Roshan can now be affected by Meat Hook.
-Meat Hooks available from 1/1/1/1 to 3/4/5/6.
-Rot range increased to global.
-Hooks now bounce off the map's edges.

* Anti-Mage

-Aghanim's Upgrade: Mana Void can now be casted on an allied hero, fully damaging him and nearby enemies.
-Aghanim's Upgrade: Increases damage to 0.9/1.1/1.3 per point of mana missing and gives all allies within AoE mana equivalent to target's missing mana.
-All abilities now cost no mana, including items.
-Using items puts Blink on cooldown.

* Added Votekick

-420 Mana Cost. 322 second cooldown. Can be refreshed but not rearmed. Affected by Lotus Orb.

* Invoker

-Sunstrike's cooldown is now refreshed when landed on a hero.
-Sunstrike's cooldown increased by 3 seconds for each creep hit.
-For all matches.

* Sniper

-Aghanim's Upgrade: Assassinate: On cast, the player is forced into first person mode for 3 seconds and has to aim manually. Headshots landed during this effect inflict 683,000 damage.
-What the ****.
-Aghanim's Upgrade: Adds a sub-spell: 360. On cast Sniper performs a 360. Does nothing else.
-If assassinate fails, the game stays in First Person Peeping for the rest of the match.
-Assassinate: Now requieres ammo. Ammo is bought with gold, 100 Gold per shot. Max 10 Ammo can be carried at one time.
-On kill: Sniper gains 25 attack range. This is an innate passive called "Experienced Sharpshooter".
-Innate Sharpshooter: Passive. Damage increase with distance.

* Nature's Prophet

-Sprout replaced with Greevil's Greed.
-Nature's Prophet renamed to Nature's Profit for ceremonial reasons.
-Wrath of Nature: Can only be learned on level 25.
-Wrath of Nature: Costs 18120 gold to cast.

* Alchemist

-Replaced Greevil's Greed with a new passive: Transmutation.
-Transmutation allows Alchemist to sell items back to the shop for 70%/80%/90%/100% of the original price.
-Aghanim's Upgrade: Transmutation upgraded to 110%

* Meepo

-Meepo now starts with a point in Divided we Stand.
-Divided we Stand level requirement from 3/10/17 to 8/16.
-Poof voicelines replaced with EVERYONE GET IN HERE at max volume.
-Geostrike proc sound effect replaced with HEHE PILE ON, also at max volume.
- ºل͜º ༽ºل͜º ༽ºل͜º ༽ EVERYONE,GET IN HERE ༼ ºل͜º༼ ºل͜º༼ ºل͜º ༽
-Divided we Stand: Added a 50% chance for a new Meepo to be spawned as a spy.
-At random, the spy will backstab other Meepo resulting in an instant kill.
-Spy does not have random crits.
-Aghanim's Upgrade: Stacking Aghanim's Specters allows you to have more clones.
-Magic Resistance increased to 100%.
-All damage in the game changed to pure damage.

* Lich

-Aghanim's Upgrade: Buying two Aghanim's Specters unlocks the second upgrade.
-Second Aghanim's Upgrade: Chain Frost has a chance to bounce into other matches.
-Chain Frost damage type from Magical to Pure.
-Chain Frost can now bounce off trees.
-Chain Frost can now bounce off thin air.
-Chain Frost can now bounce off other chain frosts.
-Every 3/2/1 bounces, Chain Frost spawns another Chain Frost.
-Chain Frost can now be cast globally, like Wrath of Nature.

* Undying

-Decay Stolen strength is stolen permanently.
-Strength growth reduced to 0.
-Decay cooldown increased to 160 seconds.
-Mana used by decay is permanently lost.
-Soul ring removed from the game.
-Tombstone HP increased from 175/350/525/700 to 200/400/600/800. Reverting the 6.84c change.

* Riki

-Using Shadow blade or Silver edge makes Riki Immune to true sight.
-Riki can only be played at LAN events.
-Cannot be seen on drafting screen.
-Renamed Riki to RTZ.

* Gem of True Sight

-Added Gem 2, purchased by combining two gems of true sight, makes you able to see invisibility immune to true sight on a 1800 radius.
-Rip Techies.
-Rip Slark.

* Ti5 Compendium Level is added to your passive gold gain. Dying in game costs you money from your Steam Wallet.

* Bloodstone

-On activation Icefrog commits sudoku.

* Faceless Void

-Backtrack chance increased to 50%/60%/70%/80%.
-Added a 6 second cooldown to Backtrack.
-Every second, Faceless void has a 25% chance to die to Laguna Blade. Even if Lina is not in the match.
-A successful Backtrack proc sends the evaded spell to yourself in a future match.

* Rubick

-Spell Steal now works on allies.
-Spell Streal literally steals a spell, the original user loses it.
-The original user can steal his spell back.
-Players can now prosecute Rubick for robbery. Count proceedings may take several months.
-Still not as long as c9 vs SFZ game 2.
-Self-Targetting Spell Speal allows you to cycle through previously stolen spells.
-Now steals cosmetics.
-Reduced max level from 25 to 5.

* Timbersaw

-Fixed Timber Chain not being able to target Treant Protector.

* Earth Spirit

-Reduced 7 Base Int.
-Added to Captain's Mode.
-Enemy team can pick an extra hero, which is assigned to their sixth player.
-Sixth player must be Jimmy Ho.
-Earth Spirit can only be first picked.
-If picked, Captain gets stage four cancer.
-Scratch that, make it ebola.
-Earth Spirit renamed to Dirt Ghost.
-Earth Spirit removed from the game.

* Captain's Mode Removed from the game

* Juggernaut

-Blade fury: Rebalanced Radius from 250 to 0/500/600/700.
-During Blade fury Juggernaut moves at 20/30/40/50.
-The user must now mash the key in order to spin.
-Doing it too fast causes Juggernaut to helicopter away, making the match safe to leave.

* Bristleback

-Can now move and attack backwards.
-Edge panning camera is reversed
-Attacks from the front instantly kill Bristleback.
-Releases quill spray when attack from the front.
-Turn rate reduced by 50%.

* Dragon Knight

-During Elder Dragon Form, all attacks are directed towards Silencer, even if he is not in the game.
-Breathe Fire causes Dragon Knight to cough for a few seconds if he is not in Elder Dragon Form. This has no impact on gameplay.
-Aghanim's Scepter: Granted a new spell: Dragon Shout. 750 range, slows MS by 65% by 3.5 seconds and deals 1.25% x Strength damage to enemies caught in the area.
-If hit by sacred arrow: Renamed dragon knight to nameless guard.
-If killed by Shadow Fiend, shadow fiend gains the spell Dragon shout.

* Winter Wyvern

Aghanim's Upgrade: Winter's Curse no longer reduces damage taken on target's allies.

* Outworld Devourer

-Arcane Orb now pierces Spell Immunity.
-Essence Aura proc chance reduced from 40% to 10%.

* Oracle

-Increases duration to 7/8/9. At the end of the duration, also causes 50% net negative damage taken to be dealt in a 400 radius to enemies, and causes 50% net healing to be given to allies in a 700 unit radius.
-Oracle now allowed only in ARDM.

* Mute & Break now properly switch meanings

* Tango renamed to enchanted tango

* Changes to female heroes

-Female Heroes now lose an article of clothing upon death.
-Passive Gold Gain Reduced by 30%.
-Male heroes are disarmed when targetting Female Heroes.

* Broodmother

-Re-added free pathing.
-Broodmother can now path through the edges of the map.
-Broodmother can now path to other matches. This causes the game to become safe to leave.
-Removed from the game.

* Necrophos

-Successfully killing a hero with Reaper's Scythe does not let the hero respawn anymore.
-If Necrophos is killed while holding an Aghanim's Scepter, he dies permanently and drops the Aghanim's Scepter for other hero to use.

* Crystal Maiden

-Reduced base Int from 16 to -322.
-Armor reduced by 1.
-Replaced Frostbite with Glaives of Wisdom.
-Glaives of wisdom are no longer to heal enemy heroes.
-Glaives of wisdom: On hit steal 2 int permanently.
-BAT from 1.7 to 0.1.

* Terrorblade

-Agility gain increased from 3.2 to 12.0.
-Primary Attibute changed to Intelligence.
-Strength gain reduced from 1.4 to 0.9.
-Armor reduced by 1.

* Bane

-Strength Growth increased by 0.1.
-Agility Growth increased by 0.1.
-Int Growth increased by 0.1.
-Base stats reduced by 1.

* Enigma

-Black hole is now a square.
-Buildings are now sucked into black hole, permanently.

* Techies

-Has now a sixth skill: Permanent invisibility.
-Land mines automatically explode when outside 3000 range from Techies.
-Land mines now behave like proper units, have an inventory and the sub-spell: Return.
-Increased armor by 1.
-Removed Techies.

* Megacreeps are now mentioned in the kill feed with their proper names

* Mask of Madness mana cost increased to 600

* Luna

-Changes to Golden Moonfall:
-Lunar Blessing replaced with exort.
-Lucent beam replaced with Sunstrike.
-Reworked Eclipse into Sunstrikes.

* Zeus

-Thundergod's Wrath: On cast, all enemy volumes are set to max.

* Dark Seer

-Vacuum radius increased to global.
-Cooldown increased by 2 seconds.

* Lone Druid

-Entangling Claws now use true random distribution.
-Replaced Return with Suicide Squad attack.

* Skywrath Mage

-Quote Length increased by 300%.
-That is a nerf by the way.

* Io

-Aghanim's Upgrade: Adds 2/3/4 extra tether abilities.
-Tether now pierces disable help.

* Shadow Fiend

-Euls Scepter of Divinity cyclone duration reduced to 0.5 seconds.

* Silencer

-Replaced Glaives of Wisdom with a new passive: Permanent Silence.
-Permanent Silence: Causes silencer to be silenced permanently.

* ARDM is now the only gamemode available in Low priority

* Ability Draft is now the only gamemode available in ranked matchmaking

* Dota 2 removed from steam

* BabyRage increased by 50% for each Riki or Techies picked

* Fixed bug that caused BZZ pugna set to not spawn every game

* Hand of midas can now target heroes resulting in an instant kill

* Rolling boulder now fully interacts with Stone Gaze affected heroes and tiny, resulting in instant kills

* New Item: Beetus Scooter. Built using only a 1700 gold recipe. On activation user permantently moves at 285 MS. Can only be purchased by Pudge.

* Bottle: Upgradable by combining a Bottle and a Beetus Scooter Recipe. Bottle 2 renamed to Big Gulp Cup. Holds 17 charges.