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TheGooGaming's Blog
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May 20, 2015
+Rep Report
These is the final result of the /r/Dota2 Stupid Balacing Thread I created a day ago. You can find that thread here.

* Pudge

-Movement Speed reduced to 0.
-Meat Hook range increased to global.
-Missing a Meat Hook causes the X-Ping sound to play permanently.
-Meat Hook targetting changed to Unit-target.
-Meat Hook has phase effect until it reaches the selected target.
-Roshan can now be affected by Meat Hook.
-Meat Hooks available from 1/1/1/1 to 3/4/5/6.
-Rot range increased to global.
-Hooks now bounce off the map's edges.

* Anti-Mage

-Aghanim's Upgrade: Mana Void can now be casted on an allied hero, fully damaging him and nearby enemies.
-Aghanim's Upgrade: Increases damage to 0.9/1.1/1.3 per point of mana missing and gives all allies within AoE mana equivalent to target's missing mana.
-All abilities now cost no mana, including items.
-Using items puts Blink on cooldown.

* Added Votekick

-420 Mana Cost. 322 second cooldown. Can be refreshed but not rearmed. Affected by…
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February 18, 2015

What should I do with my life?

Views: 2817 TheGooGaming
+Rep Report
Let us try something different.

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February 16, 2015

Guide Progress & Stuff & Deadlines

Views: 1398 TheGooGaming
+Rep Report
For anyone wondering or people who still care, the last guide is still in progress.

I would say its at a solid 80%.

Maybe could be done by fridaaaayy...? I dont want to put a deadline because I might not be able to make it, but friday seems about right.

I am talking about this [Text/Dense] Goo's Guide To Improvement Techniques, if you are lost.


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January 27, 2015
+Rep Report
Hey guys. Just dropping the index of my next guide for anyone interested. Still have no idea when it's going to be done. For anyone interested.

1. Optimal Settings
1.1. Framerate
1.2. Key Strokes
1.3. General Settings
1.4. Quick Cast
2. Memory
2.1. Knowledge
2.2. Muscle Memory
3. Card Counting
4. Eye Cursoring
4.1. Keyboard Coordination
5. Reflexes
5.1. Disjoints & Narrow Disjoints
6. Maxing Spell & Item Relevance
6.1. Exploiting Turn Rates
6.2. Chaos Nukers (Teamfight Fragging)
6.3. Re-Initiation (Finishers)
6.4. Pre-Initiation (Setups)
6.5. Cast Time & Animations
7. Shifting (Commands)
8. Runes
9. Lane Equilibrium
9.1. Early Denying
9.2. Using Spells In Lane
10. Offlane Pulls
10.1. Choke Points
10.2. Blind Spots
11. Handling Stats & Regen
11.1. Power Treads
11.2. Arcane Boots
11.3. Dropping Items
12. Flurrying
13. Juking & Kiting
13.1. Terrain Force Staff-ing (And Other Mobilities)
14. Eyeballing & Pinpointing
15. Baiting
15.1. Turn Around Bait (Re-Initiation Technique)

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January 24, 2015
+Rep Report

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