Tera's Digest - The Major Work
Views: 1655 TerathielThis particular piece is my major work, the product of everything I've done in Extension 2 English. I submitted it last week to the Board of Studies for marking, and can only hope it's well-received there!
Entitled 'Undermine', this piece is a dystopia set in a not-too-distant future. There's a moral lesson in there somewhere, but it's mostly an expression of nihilistic power hunger and the endless struggle to climb your way to the top of the food chain.
So, let's get this going, shall we?
Have you seen this man?
Eamon Lazarus came across the missing sign, the fifth in as many telegraph poles. Around him, the city was silence. No children were playing, no friends laughing, no couples sharing a lunch in any of the restaurants that were open. Admittedly, it was a working day, but it was his lunch break, and no doubt the lunch breaks of many others. Yet still the emptiness ca…
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