1. as much as its a team game, if you have a hero that can snowball and they do so, they can carry a horribly drafted team to victory. i.e. Storm Spirit the ball of electric snow
2.it only takes one player to ruin the game for the rest.
3. searching in anything less then a 5 stack usually means your going to get stuck with an idiot....90% of the time.
tales from the Pub...(credit to threadsoffate)
the scene:
4 stack captains mode SEA servers
the one player who isnt in our stack seems to be decent he chats (read:Types) he communicates that he would like to support, ohhhh lordy what a great stroke of luck this is a player that WANTS to support of praise be Lord Gabe...... ohhhh what a cruel trick that was.
i draft a decent line up bristle solo off, invoker mid, sladar hard carry tri with a AA and then it comes round to ...lets call him "Jimmy" , Jimmy says he plays a great venomancer, well ok then a veno works i can give him a Veno. thus our trilane and draft is complete and now its time to lane .... cue veno buying ring of Bas and no wards .... AA gets them and courier. i have to share tango's with AA... not a good start...
we trundle along to lane and were up against a solo offlane clockwerk who has warded our pull camp, well thats easy enough... ask veno to deward go back to LS/D .... 3 mins later ...
No Wards, No dewards, and .... hes jungling, not stacking, not pulling ... full out jungling, well i mean ive seen a jungling veno before but i kind of need him to pull and stack .... which he isnt doing .... then Pudge in 4 mins gets 3 kills on him ... AA buys wards and places them ...YAY
we have some vision woohooo.... 15 mins in ....he hasnt bought one set of wards, has been ganked 5 times and has died 3 times to neutrals .... pudge has near on 20 stacks of fleshheap due to 5 man ganks on bottom... the only person doing ok is bristle then ....THEN AS IF IT COULD GET WORSE....
Veno rotates top ....to THIER JUNGLE!!!!
where they have a RIKI.... cue free farm for Riki
were 20-30 deaths to 8 kills... 3 towers down and its 24 mins in ... gg
this happened 4 times in a row while 4 stack searching ....
i swore im never going to search unless in a 5 stack from now on ... that way if i **** up i can just blame myself. the way it should be.
3. searching in anything less then a 5 stack usually means your going to get stuck with an idiot....90% of the time.
I don't know, I find that when I'm in a 4-stack, more often than not, the 5th will be at least "okay", i.e. communicates and doesn't Feed repeatedly, makes a semi-sensible Pick, etc.
Honestly, I can feel you though, I can't stand Solo Queue, my last Ranked match, I played Roaming Mirana, Ganking the hell out of the other Team. Because of that, Anti-Mage, Sniper and Slardar managed to get ahead.
Eventually we managed to break down their Top Tower, leaving the Raz wide open...everyone was dead...this was gg!...Oh wait no, Abti-Mage and Slardar want to Farm the Jungle...of course -_-
...longest 43 minutes of my life...never again, Solo Queue -_-