September 23, 2015

How To: Get carried m8

Views: 1714 Smuggels
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this will be a quick blog post just more so to get them feels of the chest ya feel homies?


lately ive been smashing the games out in my second account. being playing exclusively solo ranked games and it was around 4.4-5 k that i started to support a lot more.... like ... a lot.

i now have a 0.98 on my reborn graph for supporting. :p

its my role now in my team as a pos 5 i can focus more on controlling the flow of the game and executing the movement that i want in game. i am allowed to put more time into TEAM things rather then LANE things. i can talk and communicate more about what needs to be done and do it.

this also come into my ranked games. hence the high amount of supporting. ive also come to the realization.

im getting carried.

as of last night my solo mmr is 4675 nearly 4.7k boiz! but i noticed a trend. i lose when i go core. i really do since i hit 4.5k i have not won ONE game where i went core. literally not one game. dem feels elejiggle.

but i have won every game that i have supported? WHY? am i **** carry? am i a good support? why am i losing as core and winning as a support?

every game i have when i support i go 3-9-18 or something similar. i am poor for 60% of the game HELL I DONT EVEN GET BOOTS FOR LIKE 20 ***IN MINUTES!!! when i play core i seem to not have the awareness thats needs the focus and reactions needed to play core. NOT that core requires more then a support more so that my mind set is active, i like to be moving i want to be doing multiple things every minute. i cant sit and farm a lane for 25 minutes. i just cant and because of that my pos 1 and 2 is weaker then my pos 3-4-5. purely mindset based. the mindless narrow minded laser like focus to beat yourself up about one missed last hit in 10 minutes is not in me. The difference game sense and goals that a carry has in the 4.5-5.5k bracket is something i dont have, the complete self possession required to carry with out really concerning your team is just beyond me atm.

but this means im not a 4.7k carry player. im not i know im not. i . can . not . play . carry . to 4.7k rating . but im cool with it.

im fine to do what it takes. i dont care that i die 3 times in 5 minutes. as long as my cores get the kills and the space to farm. i dont care that i only have bown boots 20 minutes into a game if my carry gyro is 10-0-10 fully 5 slotted. i dont care if im lvl 5 at 15 minutes as long as were winning.

im NOT a 4.7k carry
i AM a 4.7k support

and im happy with that... why?