July 20, 2015

The Grand Adventure: Episode One

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its here boys and grills !!!

game one which happened to be pretty fun and talkative and yes as you expect... easy.

im going to basically place down a video here and explain what im doing and some explanations about MMR and the like also so personal observations and some photos and run you guys through the eventual climb.

its a bit long but it hopefully clears up some MMR confusion and includes some of my backstory in MMR hell

Now before we begin i still haven't finished my first ten 10 games yet so this one is on the VERY first game played on the new account.

so with out futher ado here what the teams looked like! INB4 FILTHY SF PICKER... yes i know but hey love me some last hits and denies

as you can see the last guy didnt pick till right after the draft so all g. but i feel just looking at the drafts we were a bit ahead. early game was ok i won my lane pretty quickly with my last hitting. and i zoned out the Ques-Wex invoker pretty easily. then nek minute...
those guys bottom bought like 4 sentries at the start and a dust... no wonder they got first blood !!!

bottom lane just went crazy from there on and top was doing even better. i can safely say we won all the lanes i was farming mid and loving it. the invoker couldnt come to lane for fear of dying and he left lane after he realized he wouldnt get any last hits with me there. Then all hell broke loose. kills everywhere, we got 3 kills top and another 2 bottom and then another one top... mean while .... i farmed mid. i knew there wasnt any reason for me to leave and no one was ganking me so EASY LANE BOYZ GG WP... heres what it looked like at 12 mins.
dem denies though... oh look highest level by 2

i would have had a lot more last hits but at the very start i realized i didnt make my hotkeys so i missed about 2 creep waves worth of last hits over the ten minutes. :( my denies were on point though...game went pretty smoothly from there and then they decided to group and push mid .... na-huh hunny i got this little invis rune just specially for you...here comes the pain...
ez double ez game

game was going like a dream before hand now it was just sailing smoothly. void was farming i was farming and clock and lich were roaming getting kills. we did rosh earlish and then pushed down the rest of the tier 1's and a couple tier 2's.... then a ****ing centuar happened....
centaurs bear a grudge so it seems!

my requiem got 2 but it also hit the cent camp then when riki jumped me with bh i euls riki and went to run away but they blocked the camp and well... my first death on the new account boyz ... :( sad times. in the end it turned out ok we team wiped them from it and only lost me and clockwerk. from it we took the last tier 2 and game was pretty much over.
paybacks a *****

pushing tier 3 top for the game i managed to catch a bounty hunter out of position and blew him up like the fourth of july!! we then pushed and took rax took mid and finished the game!
team work was what won us it!

Big first game boys and the things are looking UP! i also have some news along the lines of the elo climb.... so remember me saying it takes usually at least 20 games for the algorithm to start putting you in your skill level ? well..... this time its going to be a lot quicker. currently have played 5 games and i am in high skill already ... sooo im expecting very high by game 20 at least. so far so good people !!!

stay tuned for game 10!