well ill have you know i wasnt lazy i have been sick, well not sick more so sick with worry. you see i recently had a operation on my face? my eye? my face area where my eye is? my eyeball? my eyelid? i dont know what to call it but basically i had something there which gave back some weird test results that made some smart people nervous so they decided to remove a bunch of blood vessels near my eye. so i havent been really super active as normal due to well... me worried about never being able to see out of two eyes again... so there was that BUT BUT BUT im back now.
BLOOOOOGGG POOOOSSSSSTTTTT!!!! woooooooo well not reall cause im thinking a lot of people wont like this one.
and by a lot of people i means around 65% of all dota players.
wellllll its because truth and recognising self truths are some of the most painful things in lyfe. wther it be that someone doesnt love you the way you love them or that you are not as smart as you think you are, or that your not as good at something that you think you are.self truths come with something that is heavy, burdensome and annoying. Responsibility.
im going to be talking about responsibility today and why i feel it is the most important thing in dota.
so the reason for this is because i was helping a new player eh actually around 2.8 k recently and i was watching one of his games back with him and explaining some of the ways he can improve and a incident occurred. basically he was playing a storm spirit and it was around 16 mins in and he had a hard lane against a QoP so he only had treads and soul ring and bottle and a null. effective mana of around 900 ish. a PL on his team decided to take a fight at the 16 min rune and things were going well for him he killed the QoP and the necro and the fleeing veneg and gyro was on about 300 ish hp each. he then made the decision to jump up high ground for the kills. this used up all of his mana and he was stunned and killed.
during the chat we had about it he kept saying " i told the pls to go and he didnt if he had attacked them i would have survived." i explained that the only one who jumped high ground was him so he is at fault. he then again said " BUT if pl had come i wouldnt have died" soooo i said again.... YOU made the decision to go high ground. not PL.
AGAIN he responded with " yes i know that BUT if the PL came i would have lived."
i got a bit annoyed and tried to explain it away but he went on and said " most of this game was the PL's fault we would have won if he...." i stopped him there and said
"What do you mean he fault"
"well he made these stupid decisions like that one at rune"
"you made that decison not PL"
" yea but"
"NO NO NO, YOU were the one who was on half mana and went high ground, YOU were the one that jumped into two heroes, YOU were the one that made a stupid decision. Accept it, learn from it and move on."
"But i wouldnt have if"
i sat back and thought .... **** me how does this guy not understand that it was his fault. then it dawned on me. he doesnt want to.
this baffled me? why why cant he just go "i ***ed up" why cant he seem to be able to accept responsibility for his actions? i do it all the time. in fact i just played a huge ranked game with the average MMR of 4.3k mmr and i snowballed our AM and wind into a luna ult. basically losing us the mid game. i knew i ****ed up as soon as i did it. admittedly if our WW had listened to me and ulted the disrupter we would have won the fight BUT i was at fault for even doing it in the first place. i ****ed up. i shouldnt have gone in when the WW hadnt responded. same with the storm game he shouldnt have done it. he ****ed up.
accept responsibility.
i noticed that when i play with people who are at lowers levels this huge mentality of "NOT MY FAULT" exists... i died not my fault. they won, not my fault.
you will find me in games multiple times saying... **** sorry my bad or my fault, yup thats on me, ahuh yea shouldnt be here my bad. sorry bad choice, **** my mistake...
every time is say that it is me acknowledging something i SHOULD know and now that i have said it for me it sticks with me. i remember my mistakes more so then my enemies or team-mates ....
i noticed this a lot in REDDIT yea i know ... cough reddit cough a whole lot of people make posts like
why do i get stuck with idiots.
pls volvo giff recalibration
im better then my mmr (<-ive felt like this guys so i get why they say this)
im playing with actual ******s
wtf is wrong with match making.
i see these a lot and when you actually read them, they either post a game id with a explanation like ... look at this ****** bloodseeker or i went 42-03-22 and still lost cause of feeders or they explain that they consistently are better then there team mates yet they cant win cause of there team mates.
i have something to say about that. accept responsibility.
for example this one guy posted a game where he was like 30-1-30 on gyro and still lost. i looked at the game and said. hey maybe dont build this item next time try going for this one instead? his response? why my team ******ed. yes but this might have helped. but my team lost me this game.... NO .... you lost the game 1/5th of that game was lost by you. accept responsibility and move on.
so that piece of advice i leave you guys with at the end of most blogs?
focus on your mistakes and improve from them. accept responsibility for them and learn. because as soon as you do .... things get better.
Improvement is grounded in self reflection to identify issues, across all aspects of life.
<- This.
Unfortunately I think a lot of people are badly lacking in self-confidence and aren't capable of admitting fault, even to themselves. It means they'll often be stuck and lack improvement in whatever they do.
No matter how good you can always get better. You will always make mistakes.
Don't get me wrong...there's plenty of games where various members of your team might throw...but you can only work on your own faults. Even if you were better at convincing people to make better choices...that's still a skill which will help you win games, and that you can improve :).
I haven't been playing much recently for various reasons, but managed a game last night and was lucky to have a decent lane support
Admitting mistakes isn't a's a strength.
Anyway yeah you got some really good points here. Good job Smuggels. hopefully you can get through to the scrubs.
jks ily bby
At first it's crazy but then it's endless fun! :^)
needle through eye stuff is always cooooool
It's an attitude that kinda prevails across the internet, and I think has some basis in anonymity meaning you can be held directly accountable for your actions and words most of the time. And it's not something easily fixed.
But yes, good points. Improvement is grounded in self reflection to identify issues, across all aspects of life.
But probably worth saying it's not good to go too far the other way and be overly critical of yourself or your performance.