May 04, 2013
Treant - Seriously Underrated!
Views: 2920
Just finished a game where I randomed
Treant Protector, and wow, seriously impressed :)
Ended up having to hard solo against
Clinkz and was just thinking it was gonna be invisible and soak up XP...wrong! Between your massive base damage and Living Armour I could actually make life a bit difficult for him and compete for hits. Throw it across the map occasionally to save a team mate, heal a tower etc and you've got one hell of a power...
60 minute game ended with a lot of massive team fights, roshan attempts and
Overgrowth really proved it's worth - preventing
Black Holes and setting up their team for a kicking.
Nature's Guise also deserves a mention, you have to beware of
Sentry Wards but being able to invis most of your team allows for some great initiation.
Will there be a second date? Hell yeah :)
He is a great support. Lacks in damage.
I usually go arcanes into a mek, followed by pipe. At this point no one on my team dies.... period.
Agreed, Treant has awesome Last Hitting powa, tankiness and can keep heroes alive from anywhere on the map. He seems like he would work well in fast pushing strategies.
I like his denying power with 100+ damage, safe warding with invis, and invis ulti making enemy "why I can't move omgz why I died".
My fav build is E Q E W E R E Q Q Q R W W W, so you max heal/block first (using this skill for blocking dmg is even better than healing sometimes), then max invis to make it spamable and OP long, then W which I use mainly for slow. When I have money I build aura items such as
Edit. Sry if something is not clear but I don't have my PC for like 2 weeks and im writing from my smartphone.
They had
He does pack a pretty serious right click with plenty of levels and equipment too...hardly ever see him picked thou!
I really like rushing a