Heroes in this role are generally required to have a high level and quite expensive items in their inventory in order to be effective in teamfights. They generally take most of the farm in a team, cleaning lanes and sometimes jungles.
This role can be split in two sub-categories:
Hard Carry
A hard carry is the type of hero that is generally useless in the beginning of the game and is really dependent on getting his items/levels.
These type of carries are generally seen ricing through early-mid game and coming out late-game to wipe the floor with the enemy team.
Examples: Anti-Mage, Spectre, Faceless Void
Semi Carry
A semi carry on the other hand, is the type of hero that excels at ganking early game or has skills that allow him to farm a creep wave fast. These heroes reach their peak potential way earlier than hard carries and can sometimes compete with some hard carries themselves, if farmed enough.
Examples: Bounty Hunter, Shadow Fiend, Queen of Pain
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