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dresmasher's Blog
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April 14, 2013

DotA 2 Custom Realms and D2Ware

Views: 3711 dresmasher
Hey guys, I haven't seen any announcement on this site yet about any of those so I'm just spreading the word, you can play -omg dota and other fun modes on and on the Dota 2 - Custom Realms client (latest version atm is 1.28).

The different modes allow you to pick or random a hero and then pick or random 4 skills for the hero. d2ware just recently introduced the deathmatch mode which basically randoms a hero for you, once you die, you respawn with another randomed hero with same items/lvl.

On the Custom Realms client, you're the one being used as host and takes a bit longer to set up, but on d2ware there are actually servers that host automatically once 10 ppl join a lobby which is rly neat.

Have fun.

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January 22, 2013

Memorable Dota 1 Videos

Views: 2504 dresmasher
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Here is a list of youtube videos that basically shaped the game up for me.

Hero Tributes

The Red Tide - Bloodseeker
Raigor Tribute - Earthshaker
The Sense of Shaker
The Dark Knight - Shadow Fiend
The Magical Kunkka


The Way Of The Ninja - there are 3 seasons out there
The Art of Mindgames - there are a lot of videos like this made by that guy

Ganks/kills going wrong

The dota gank that went wrong. Really wrong.
Run Rhasta Run
When 3v1 ganks go wrong

And the rest

Tactical Exuberance
Don't do that in dota
The Truth
Luck is no excuse

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December 18, 2012

Custom personal sets

Views: 4963 dresmasher
Here is a list of sets that I personally "built" from from other set items and individual items.

I'm using them together either because most of the other better looking items are too expensive or too hard to get, or the original version of the set does not look at good as it could look.


Aspect Mask of Fulimant Rage - rare mask
Strange Grand Claive of the Unshamed - common sword
Seven-Sealed the Fur Bracer - common bracer
Twelve Tusks the Cape of Boars - common cape

This is a set I recently settled for after trying to mess around with a combination of High Plains bracer and Cuffs + Defender of the Ivory Towers for a more barbaric-looking Juggernaut.

The colors on all the items fit Juggernaut's default color scheme which is orange.
Personally I feel that the Claive of the Unshamed looks nearly as good as a Fireborn Odachi due to it's glow, the extra details with the rings on the blade only makes it more appealing.

I'm not a big fan of putting …
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February 19, 2012

Primary and secondary hero roles

Views: 22526 dresmasher
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babysitter  |  carry  |  caster  |  disabler  |  ganker  |  hard carry  |  hero  |  initiator  |  jungler  |  nuker  |  pusher  |  roamer  |  role  |  semicarry  |  support


Heroes in this role are generally required to have a high level and quite expensive items in their inventory in order to be effective in teamfights. They generally take most of the farm in a team, cleaning lanes and sometimes jungles.

This role can be split in two sub-categories:

Hard Carry

A hard carry is the type of hero that is generally useless in the beginning of the game and is really dependent on getting his items/levels.
These type of carries are generally seen ricing through early-mid game and coming out late-game to wipe the floor with the enemy team.

Examples: Anti-Mage, Spectre, Faceless Void

Semi Carry

A semi carry on the other hand, is the type of hero that excels at ganking early game or has skills that allow him to farm a creep wave fast. These heroes reach their peak potential way earlier than hard carries and can sometimes compete with some hard carries themselves, if farmed enough.

Examples: Bounty Hunter, Shadow Fiend, Queen of Pain

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