December 18, 2012

Custom personal sets

Views: 4963 dresmasher
Here is a list of sets that I personally "built" from from other set items and individual items.

I'm using them together either because most of the other better looking items are too expensive or too hard to get, or the original version of the set does not look at good as it could look.


Aspect Mask of Fulimant Rage - rare mask
Strange Grand Claive of the Unshamed - common sword
Seven-Sealed the Fur Bracer - common bracer
Twelve Tusks the Cape of Boars - common cape

This is a set I recently settled for after trying to mess around with a combination of High Plains bracer and Cuffs + Defender of the Ivory Towers for a more barbaric-looking Juggernaut.

The colors on all the items fit Juggernaut's default color scheme which is orange.
Personally I feel that the Claive of the Unshamed looks nearly as good as a Fireborn Odachi due to it's glow, the extra details with the rings on the blade only makes it more appealing.

I'm not a big fan of putting helmets on most of my heroes but seeing as Juggernaut has a mask by default, the Rage mask does not pose much of an issue, it gives the hero an overall serious aspect which fits well with his overall level of annoyance: invulnerability, magic immunity, %based aoe heal.


Rulling Sword - rare sword
Helm of the Flameguard - uncommon helm
Cape of the Flameguard - uncommon cape
Dressed Pauldron of the Flameguard - uncommon sect pauldron
Skirt of the Flameguard - rare sect skirt

The Flameguard set is probably the most decent looking one out of the bunch for Sven, the default blade looks pretty bad though, so I decided to replace it with Rulling Sword which looks damn great, some others prefer Demigod instead though, but I fell this one is more in theme and looks much more badass :D.

The other good looking set for Sven would be Commander of the Flameguard set but honestly, it's basically the same set with a color tint, a new helm which makes me think of Pantheon from LoL and a bracer.
You can only get it by trading it for keys or getting a lucky drop in-game, too much trouble to go through just to get such a similar set imo :P.


Beast-Jaw Bludgeoner - common makeshift weapon
Excavator's Decorated Treasure - rare bone helm
Cerebral Support - common armor
Skeletal Catch - uncommon finished lunch

The Paleogeneous Punisher Set is not a bad idea by default, but the default weapon looks pretty bad so I decided to replace it with the Beast-Jaw one simply because it has more detail and still maintains the boney theme.

The helmet is a no-brainer really, the default does not look bad but the rare version looks better, it's also one of those items you can't buy in shop, so it increases the value of your inventory by default.


Qaldin Assasin's Slicer - uncommon mancatcher
Master Assasin Mask - uncommon mask
Hardened Hunter's Armor - uncommon armor
Guard of the Crimson Cut-throat - uncommon shield
Hardened Hunter's Bracer - uncommon bracer
Qaldin Assasin's Glaive - uncommon shuriken
Master Assasin's Grim cutter - common sword

The whole point of getting different items for a hero like Gondar is, imo, to make him as least noticeable as possible, that's why I like to keep items that are as minimal as possible that can camouflage in the environment in a messy teambattle for example, making him harder to lock down than usual. Sure the effects are close to non-existent but they are there nonetheless.

The reason I prefer the Hardened Hunter Armor over others is because this one actually gives him armor for his elbows and also gives him gloves.

The Grim Cutter is another example of a great looking common item simply because of the small banner hanging from it.


Sword of the Seventy-Seven Seas - uncommon sword
Royal Admiral's Bycorne - common hat
Weavecrester - common back
Lucky Tooth Necklage - common necklace
Gloves of the Admirable Admiral - common gloves

The Admirable Admiral sets looks to damn gay to be taken seriously, the only items I could use from it was the gloves.

This blade actually looks sharp unlike the other one and his default hand-held telescope looks more important than a Ceremonial Rapier.


Bonehunter Slicer/Off-hand - uncommon blade
Hlotl-Tusk Headdress of the Seeker - common headdress
Bonehunter Tuskguard - common guard
Bonehunter Belt - common belt
Bonehunter Spineguard - uncommon armor
Hlotl-Feather Gloves - common gloves

Just like the Gondar set, this one also contains a ******ed amount of items but it adds so much detail to the hero that it's worth it in the end.

The default Bonehunter helm makes him look too different for my taste so I decided to go with with the helm from the other set, which nicely complements his boney structure.

The Hlotl-Feather Gloves also have a lot more detail than the Bonehunter ones, so I swapped them.


Warhammer of Renewed Faith - uncommon hammer
Armor of Thunderwrath's Calling - rare armour
Armlet of Renewed Faith - common armlet
Cape of Thunderwrath's Calling - rare cape
Circlet of the Purist Champion - uncommon circlet

Thunderwrath's Calling set is probably the most high quality one available atm for Omniknight, but as I said before I dislike putting helmets on the heads of my heroes, unless they have a default one, because that would just ruin the detail/personality of the hero.

The Thunderwrath weapon is ridiculously huge so I swapped it for this nicely detailed warhammer.

I used to keep a cloak on his head before I acquired the Thunderwrath armor pieces, but now it wouldn't make much sense seeing as his cape already has a cloak.

I will add a few more sets I'm working on after I'm done.
I won't bother talking about the full sets that I'm using for other heroes (axe,dk) because that's not the focus of this blog entry.
Don't hesitate to share your opinion !!