September 13, 2012

Why the Rage?

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Rage  |  Anger
Rage is a part of this game that comes far too easily. The reason is it is much different from many games that you might play now. Sociocultural factors also play into it, but this aint no college lecture.

The first thing to understand the rage is the length of the game. It's like the video game equivalent to Monopoly. It's ******* long. It's long enough where you have to set aside time to play it. Sometimes you get Boardwalk and all the red properties and rock the board, and other times all you get is the purples and Reading ****ing Railroad, not to mention you land on income tax every time you pass GO. Once you invest a certain amount of time into something, the more you feel a need in a positive outcome. And when the positive outcome isn't happening, the rage begins. A game typically lasts 45 minutes, and when you are losing you feel as if it is a waste of time since you wont win anyways. I say bullocks, I make any and all games productive. Bad at a certain skill, when you are losing practice it. Bad at last hitting, practice it. Good things can come from a lost game. Enough of this topic, lets move on.

Dependence on a team, not on only yourself. There are five heroes every game, and a bad player or two can lose you the game, no matter what you own personal skill level is. In a game where you play one versus one, if you lose all the blame is on yourself. In a team game, it is very easy to blame another person for losing. This game does not just need just one good player, it relies on teamwork to succeed, and as a new player it is very hard to contribute to the team. Don't fret, you'll get better the more you play.

Dependence on large knowledge base. There is so much you need to know about the game. To play effectively you need to know what every heroes abilities are, how they can be used, and the situations they will be using them in, for both your team and the enemy team. On top of that, you must know what items do what, and what heroes they are good on. You need to know what build or role a hero is going for if they have certain items. You need to know how to counter certain heroes or certain team compositions with your hero pick and item build. You need to know SO many things and the way you learn these things are by playing the game and reading guides, like my guides :). Mostly just playing the game though. It takes a lot of experience to become competent at this game.

Most of all just enjoy the game. That's what it is here for. I do rage, but even when I am, I am still usually having a good time. The worst games are usually the ones where the funniest things are being said over the text chat, and I love it. Absolutely love it.

So make a joke, take a smoke, cast invoke,
just please don't rage, light up some sage ;)

(actually don't, the closest smokable substance to sage is Salvia Divinorum, which will **** you up HARD)