September 13, 2012

A Personal Note on Dota 2 and Gaming Etiquette

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Etiquette  |  Manners
Personal note to all the noobies. Nay, a personal note to all players. This game is hard, this game is different from all other genres of video games. Rarely do I ever see a 'bad' player. I see new players, I see inexperienced players, I see players that have smoked a little too much weed before entering a game. The only bad players I see are the ones that blame people, get angry, and rage quit. Basically the negative people. Although I would like it to be different, this is a part of the game whether you like it or not. Don't let these people get to you, they are nothing but immature.

A good friend of mine really enjoyed playing the game, but the constant harassment led him to feel bad when he played and it was hard for him to play without getting upset. He has come to learn the game better (but by no means is he a good player) but he has taken an example from others playing this game and constantly blames other people, gets angry at everyone else, and believes he is better at the game than he really is. Don't be like this, it holds you back.

I agree it is hard to enjoy a game where you are getting absolutely pummeled, but it's going to happen. Here are my rules of Etiquette for all players of the game, whether you are completely new or a seasoned veteran.
  1. Don't **** talk. Just don't do it. Makes the game a worst place for everyone.
  2. Whether you won or lost a game, there is something you can learn from that game.
  3. Don't blame other people. Maybe it was just one guy that threw the game for you, sometimes it is, but blaming does nothing. Absolutely nothing. The game is a team game, and the fault lies in everyone.
  4. Don't yell at people for doing something wrong, instead offer instruction and teaching in a positive manner.
  5. Winning isn't everything. I find games where I get steamrolled just as bad as when my team steamrolls another. Games are about a challenge, a test of skill, cunning, wit, and dexterity, not in the win itself.
  6. When you rage, as you will, since everyone rages, KEEP IT TO YOURSELF. Sometimes I will be in a mood and I will blow up, swear up a storm and want to punch a politician. But I keep it OFF the mic and chat, as I know nothing good can possibly come from it.
  7. Be patient, learning this game comes with experience. It will take some time to get used to. Don't get down and disheartened, keep your chin up and enjoy the experience of learning, playing, and getting immersed in this heroin-like addiction called DotA 2.
  8. You may become a good player, but there is always more to learn. I know I am a good player, but I know I'm not that good. There is always more for me to learn and ways I can improve. I was a new player at once too, I keep that in mind when playing with others, and I hope you do the same.

This is my own personal tidbit about this game, and can be passed on to other parts of your life if you so dare. Blame yourself. Not like in a depressing way where you start to hate yourself, but in a constructive way. If 'ToTaLNOObZ' goes 0/20/2 (Kills/Deaths/Assists), don't blame him for playing badly, blame yourself for not helping him. If your teammate doesn't stun someone when you think he should have, blame yourself for not communicating well. If you do this, you will become a much better player, as the mistakes of the game will be your responsibility. Then what you will do is fix these mistakes and therefore get better. If you are constantly blaming others, you will never think that it is your fault and will not change how you play.

Some people are new at the game, some people are bad at the game. The important part of this is they don't know how to play a game. A GAME. A thing meant for enjoyment and fun. There should be no expectation that all people will be good at the thing that you are good at, or more likely the thing you think you are good at. Relax and keep on playing.