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DibsMid's Blog
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September 13, 2012

The Future of DotaFire

Views: 1960 DibsMid
+Rep Report
Change  |  DotaFire  |  Future
Dota is definitely a big deal, after the million dollar prize of the international. The game isn't even out of beta and its the largest played game on steam. Now from all this there are going to be many people making their way towards dota, and DotaFire is the top hit on google when you type in "dota 2 guides." I'm making this little post to see what people think about the website.

What is good about it?
What is bad about it?
Are we missing important features?
How can we make it better?
Etc Etc

I'll start. Mine are just mostly things I think that could be better.

1. What is up with the voting system? I don't understand it much at all. I think if we made it similar to reddit, where there were upvotes and downvotes, and the best guides came to the top and the worst went to the bottom, it would be much more user friendly.
2. I think we should be able to vote to get guides removed, as there is always some ridiculous troll guide out that is just taking up space.
3. I think we should have…
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September 13, 2012

Why the Rage?

Views: 1822 DibsMid
+Rep Report
Anger  |  Rage
Rage is a part of this game that comes far too easily. The reason is it is much different from many games that you might play now. Sociocultural factors also play into it, but this aint no college lecture.

The first thing to understand the rage is the length of the game. It's like the video game equivalent to Monopoly. It's ******* long. It's long enough where you have to set aside time to play it. Sometimes you get Boardwalk and all the red properties and rock the board, and other times all you get is the purples and Reading ****ing Railroad, not to mention you land on income tax every time you pass GO. Once you invest a certain amount of time into something, the more you feel a need in a positive outcome. And when the positive outcome isn't happening, the rage begins. A game typically lasts 45 minutes, and when you are losing you feel as if it is a waste of time since you wont win anyways. I say bullocks, I make any and all games productive. Bad at a certain skill, when you are losi…
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September 13, 2012
+Rep Report
Etiquette  |  Manners
Personal note to all the noobies. Nay, a personal note to all players. This game is hard, this game is different from all other genres of video games. Rarely do I ever see a 'bad' player. I see new players, I see inexperienced players, I see players that have smoked a little too much weed before entering a game. The only bad players I see are the ones that blame people, get angry, and rage quit. Basically the negative people. Although I would like it to be different, this is a part of the game whether you like it or not. Don't let these people get to you, they are nothing but immature.

A good friend of mine really enjoyed playing the game, but the constant harassment led him to feel bad when he played and it was hard for him to play without getting upset. He has come to learn the game better (but by no means is he a good player) but he has taken an example from others playing this game and constantly blames other people, gets angry at everyone else, and believes he is better at the ga…
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