March 10, 2016

My Return to Dota ( Also a Comparison to LoL )

Views: 2917 Blubbles
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Hello Dotafire,

Believe it or not Ive been gone for about a month playing League. Yes, I will accept the hate. All my friends play it, so I thoughtd I try it just so I could play with friends. Now im coming back to my home territory. League is disgustingly easy in comparison. Takes about 10 nukes to get someone to half health.


  • No in-game voice chat. Cannot get anything done.
  • Holy s*** its is so unbelieveably pay to play. Unfourtunately for me I got hooked on the 'buy a champ' rush and eneded up spending about 100 bucks on league. Disgusting. You need to play 63 games in order to save enough in-game currency for a new champ. So say 6300 hours later you wont evenb have enough to buy the entire roster of champs. What?
  • The runes and masteries are just dumb. Theres things that give poeple an advantage outaide of the actual gameplay? Makes no sense. Starting off even every match is refreshing.
  • The whole 'bushes that hide you' is just kinda unessisary. I mean what does this add to gameplay other than making laning harder.
  • Not a fan of the symetrical map thing. Yeah sure it might make it more even but the whole map is juits so very boring I cant stand it. No personality really. I do like the actual textures of things.
  • AND FOR THE LOVE OF GOD, I MISS ITEMS SO MUCH. In League, you get two 'Suymmoner Spells'. They are terrible. Imagine only being able to use Blink every FIVE MINUTES. And its like half the range. Its so terrible. Teleports, like from TP Boots, 5 minutes. Phase Boots? 4 Minutes. A really basic heal? Three minutes. Waiting for these things is just awful and makes everything more boring. As well all the items are dumb and passive so you basically get the same set of items depending on whether your carry tank or caster
  • The concept of a shield is pretty OP. The true 'shield' in Dota is Aphotic Shield and thats one spell on one hero that basically allows him to destroy pubs. Now imagine that on like very other hero. So broken.
  • Everyone has a passive and 4 actives. I dont liek it.
  • Last thing: League truly does copy Dota. Id say theres a counterpart for nearly every hero in dota:

    Not to mention the endless spell copies, seriously look these guys up

  • Pretty cool looking ( skill and items look like Dota 1 though )
  • Specialized pings
  • Better report system
  • Manaless heroes