January 31, 2015

Carry with a Chance of Support

Views: 1891 Blubbles
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Hello Dotafire, this is Blubbles, writing for all you people who have nothing better to do than look at blogs about video games ( Like Me ) !

I just started this blog, and if you really want to know I WILL be talking about random **** that happens in Dota 2, that most likely you will not care about! But I'm doing it anyway!

This includes but is not limited to :
  • Venting
  • Update Opinions
  • Which heroes I think are ****s
  • Which heroes I think are great
  • Strategy

To start of I will be talking about my journey to nontotalnoobyness.

It was a exciting moment, my first game was. I was giddy (yes, I used giddy) to play a game against real people. I thought I would be pretty good, I did the tutorial, I knew the basics, I would do well. I was very, very, utterly, life crushing, hellraisingly wrong.

It was textbook. I think I went 1 - 20 or something and my only kill was from a killsteal. To make matters worse, I was Witch Doctor and did not know what the **** a Courier was, so on top of noob rage my team yelled for me to get a courier. I put all of my points into Maledict even though I could not land it for ****. Also, there was a Ursa on the opposing team. what is a noob supposed to do when a giant *** bear who can rip down a support in seconds supposed to do? Feed. Great.

This was that phase in the game when Ursa, Juggernaut, and Sniper were in every game. I thought of course:

"Hey that Ursa just got a rampage! I bet I could do that if I used Ursa"

I contined to play Ursa for probably 10 - 35 matches. I fed very bad. When I got tired as hell of using Ursa, I started using Invoker cause he looked cool. Oh what a joy that was! Standard skill people can't play invoker well. How could I? I don't know. I was Juggernaut food for my first 10 games as him.

And then I learned something. I started to realize you can't spend all your starting gold on Healing Salves and that hitting every creep as much as you possibly can is not how you last hit. I learned runes are good. I lean red that you do not walk into a 5 man push by yourself even if they are trying to take your tower. So in a way using the hardest hero in the game as my noob hero was a good thing. I leaned how to land spells and how to attack a creep at the last moment, and how to bottle a rune, and stack creep camps. and I turned into nontotalnooby invoker. And I felt good. Then the Riki fad came along. dammit.

I will be continuing this blog. Do not fret. It will most likely be every Saturday.

Ta-ta losers. Ha. bye.