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well no not really. shes tanky because of dispersion but if she hasnt skilled it yet she is very very squishy. later in the game when she has items and is level 16 she can tank a ******** huge amount of damage BUT by basically stacking an extra 20% on top of that your not really using her skills to the fullest.
i can see where you have the idea and i think in certain situations it would be extremely useful
but i feel that as with games i play as soon as someone activates their mask .... to me its like a HUGE BIG FLASHING SIGN saying HIT ME HIT ME because well .. free damage. thats why zues has a high win rate against faceless void.
i do sometimes build Armlet on her though in games with nukers and high burst potential. though that is rare
Thing is Mask of Madness is an UAM and therefor doesnt stack with Diffusal Blade which imo is a far better steriod than MoM on Spectre. First MoM doesnt give any stats for ~2k gold....which is basically a huge dps drop for an illusion based hero. Secondly MoM-active cant be used by your illusions, while the feedback from DB can (since it stacks with Desolate for illusions and yourself you basically deal 100 Bonusdmg per hit, which is exactly why spectre is so good). Lastly spectre is only doin DMG when in meleerange and therefor having her take 30% more dmg isnt a good idea...also dont forget about DBs active, which makes escaping form spectre nigh impossible anyway.
TLDR: Difusal Blade offers greater DMG-output AND greater chasing potential.
the thing about mask of madness is that its really good on any hero with decent rightclick, but you need much better positioning then your opponents. so in normal games its only good on a few heroes.
in those games i would much rather have manta for triple desolate.
Thing is Mask of Madness is an UAM and therefor doesnt stack with Diffusal Blade which imo is a far better steriod than MoM on Spectre. First MoM doesnt give any stats for ~2k gold....which is basically a huge dps drop for an illusion based hero. Secondly MoM-active cant be used by your illusions, while the feedback from DB can (since it stacks with Desolate for illusions and yourself you basically deal 100 Bonusdmg per hit, which is exactly why spectre is so good). Lastly spectre is only doin DMG when in meleerange and therefor having her take 30% more dmg isnt a good idea...also dont forget about DBs active, which makes escaping form spectre nigh impossible anyway.
TLDR: Difusal Blade offers greater DMG-output AND greater chasing potential.
You get both Radiance and Diffusal Blade on her. There's no reason not to. Sure, you could skip it and go straight into Yasha, but then again, you are missing on easy kills with Haunt and the purge.
You get both Radiance and Diffusal Blade on her. There's no reason not to. Sure, you could skip it and go straight into Yasha, but then again, you are missing on easy kills with Haunt and the purge.
I usually get the Radiance and then into a Daedalus. I think diffusal is better on those heroes that have a concentration of illusions all hitting one hero (like Naga Siren). Spectre has her illusions spread out. Thats my opinion anyway. Feel free to disagree.
I usually get the Radiance and then into a Daedalus. I think diffusal is better on those heroes that have a concentration of illusions all hitting one hero (like Naga Siren). Spectre has her illusions spread out. Thats my opinion anyway. Feel free to disagree.
That's a mistake. Spectre doesn't carry with right click, she carries with Dispersion. You have to build her damage sponge style, else she gets outcarried late game.
I usually get the Radiance and then into a Daedalus. I think diffusal is better on those heroes that have a concentration of illusions all hitting one hero (like Naga Siren). Spectre has her illusions spread out. Thats my opinion anyway. Feel free to disagree.
I have never gotten a deadalus on spectre. Let alone instanly after radiance.
You will have no armor, no HP, no attackspeed, and still very low crits since spectre has very low damage.
Its a really bad build to be honest.
I would only get deadalus as a situational last item if i need damage but dont need MKB or abyssal, which will be VERY VERY rarely.
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