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looking at guides i cant see anything SPECIFICALLY for OFFLANE titan.
ive been trying him out and i cant see him in a draft unless you basically draft to him.
1). Builds? do you go max W-Q first then your natural order last?
2). items ? i go 2 sets tangoes and clarities and stout shield then i rush soul ring then boots into Crimson guard or drums then force staff.
3).drafts? i feel with his huge ability to set things up he tends towards combos more?
4). gameplay? in the offlane i play semi cautious with last hits from my spirit but any competent defensive trilane means im not going to get levels at all which leads me to my biggest fualt in offlane titan.
not super tanky no escape mechanism and his only disable takes 1.6 seconds to do.
unless you want to be underlevelled and under farmed he needs a dual lane or a solo safe i feel.
To be honest im not even that amazing of an elder titan. :P Im just a pretty good offlaner.
ET isnt the strongest offlaner, on dire against a trilane you are most likely screwed.
On radiant its a lot better and most duallanes he can handle.
The build you really want is 0440. But that requires a lot of levels so it depends on the pace of the game and how much you are getting. Delay points in natural order if needed.
It is fine to have 2441 at lvl 11, since the damage on your ult doesnt increase, and you need 2 points in stomp to set up your ult.
For builds you get utility items, tranquil is good for heals, treads for hp, and phase for better 1v1 laning.
After that get utility items like mek, force, BKB, OR IF YOU ARE A MAN LIKE TIM YOU GET DAGON AND **** **** UP WITH MASSIVE DAMAGE.
Luxury items are hex, shivas, AC, eblade and other lategame utilities.
For team you would like some rotations, even one extra nuke can get a kill since you amplify damage.
Teamights ults are ofcourse great with him. Heroes like sand king will love you.
Personally I prefer a slightly different build to Tim - something like 1311 by 6, but 2441 by eleven is fine. His stun may be slow, but it has a huge AOE that can get you out of trouble, set things up for roamers/mid if required, and obviously your ultimate.
I'd suggest playing cautiously early on against a decent trilane, don't be greedy, you can't afford to feed them and have no real escape. Titan is very powerful against trilanes though - extra heroes is more damage for your spirit and yourself once you have levels and a Soul Ring.
Once you have a few levels, use the spirit to last hit, harass, safely contest pulls, give vision, take off potions, protect the tower etc. It becomes pretty unpleasant for the opposition as their starting tangoes will soon be gone, and they'll find you increasingly threatening and difficult to deal with.
Be patient - survive, get levels and whatever farm you can, it'll turn round later.
Having allies in the lane complicates the picture - the wrong ones will just slow your levelling and give you extra headaches. There are a few that can genuinely help you - as Tim said, you can really amplify the effects of nukes or look after you in other ways. My personal favourite is a KOTL battery build - he sits back and feeds you mana, you spam spirits from the start - they have to kill you or they'll lose the lane.
BTW - enemies turned to stone by Medusa will take some extra damage from the PHYSICAL portion of your ultimate, so it should do about 50% extra damage, plus more potentially from Natural Order. However, they also get 100% magic resistance from this, and I'm not sure on the interaction of this with NA, so you'll probably lose damage too.
I prefer a 1110 starting build then I start maxing Spirit and Order till 9 for ult.
Always want one level into stomp just as a deterrent and to slow down an early tower siege.
The stomp isn't something you should be spamming early on.
I prefer going Astral Spirit first due to it being a safer way of killing creeps. Also safe harass on enemies. Then follow it up with Natural Order.
Under 6.82, I would actually go stout and tangos into bottle. Then boots.
The best thing to do is just stay inside xp range so you get levels. So that will force the enemy team to waste time either trying to kill you or at most push you out of lane. So their supports will have a harder time leaving lane to gank mid.
Sometimes when my team does scrims we will draft a Elder Titan and a Naga Siren combo. Since ET requries quite a bit of setup to land his full combo, naga makes this a breeze.
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