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Midas doesn't accelerate farm nearly as much as battlefury, it should never be bought on AM. Either you finish the battlefury or you go straight into fighting items.
Vanguard is okay, its just a very situational item on an already very situational hero.
Hand of Midas gives you approximately 140 gold every 100 seconds. Yes, 140 not 190, because otherwise the creep would still give you ~50 gold if you last hit it. So Midas gives you + 140/100*60 = +84 GPM. And that's assuming you use it on every cooldown, which you won't.
On the other hand, Battle Fury makes you possibly the best flash farmer in the whole game. It allows you to spam blink, and 3-shot creep waves. Takes your GPM from ~400 (typical GPM for heroes who can't farm, like Wraith King and friends), to 800-900 GPM. So Bfury = +400 GPM. Not to mention that Bfury has infinitely more utility like split pushing lanes.
It's a bit oversimplified but you get my point. Midas is a farming item that is essentially made for heroes who have no built-in farming mechanic. Seeing AM's synergy with Bfury it just doesn't compare.
If you're worried about HP on Anti-Mage, which is perfectly understandable because going for Bfury makes you very vulnerable to gankers, you can just grab the Vitality Booster after finishing your bfury to make it into heart later. Or you can go Ultimate Orb first in building your Manta Style.
Never, ever make Midas on AM. Either make Bfury, or just don't get a farming item. Vanguard is legit if you want to fight early.
Hand of Midas gives you approximately 140 gold every 100 seconds. Yes, 140 not 190, because otherwise the creep would still give you ~50 gold if you last hit it. So Midas gives you + 140/100*60 = +84 GPM. And that's assuming you use it on every cooldown, which you won't.
Midas is also mostly about for a very big part, getting your LVL 2 or 3 ult up quick can be a big deal.
But since a battlefury AM levels quickly anyway and needs gold much more then levels battlefury is the obvious choice.
Apart from that dont underestimate what BF does for your pushing, strong splitpush is also a big aspect of anti mage.
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