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I've been re-thinking a bit about alternative ways to build Clinkz (since Unscathed's post ^^) and I just had that idea : why not get Eul's Scepter of Divinity as core item?
I've never been 100% sold on standard ways to build the hero. Orchid rush is really good but it only works if you get a fast orchid, as a snowballing build. If you get a late orchid it falls off heavily. The whole point of Clinkz is that he has no disable, so he needs to be able to burst down his target from full HP before he can run away. So Orchid is really good if you're ahead, far less otherwise.
And then there's EternalEnvy's build, Soul Ring/ Blink Dagger...problem is, that's not enough mana regen, EE had a crystal maiden in his team when he first did it and even then he was out of mana a lot. And Blink Dagger seems a little redundant on Clinkz, because Clinkz already has amazing initiation with Skeleton Walk. Yes, Blink is great to chase people around, but it's a bit expensive just to do that.
I tried other stuff also... Diffusal Blade and Rod of Atos being the main items I thought about because of the powerful slow but the fact that they don't solve your mana issues make them just OK and not great.
But Eul's Scepter of seems like this item was pretty much designed for Clinkz. Let me explain.
- Arguably the most cost-efficient mana battery in the game, Euls solves any hero's mana issues and Clinkz is no exception. Mana regen is comparable to orchid just a bit less INT.
- The cyclone is amazing for solo kills and to prevent escapes. You Skeleton Walk next to your target, you activate Strafe, the target tries to run away, and when he's getting out of your range, you euls him into the air, and catch up to him. And he has to eat the rest of your Strafe duration. With a level 2 or 3 strafe, you have enough time for this. Essentially the cyclone elimiates the need for a Blink Dagger because you can cyclone running enemies and catch up to them.
- Cheap, and self-reliant. You can rush Euls and go gank early.
- Euls breaks Town Portal Scrolls, a big weakness of Clinkz. TP scrolls are such a big weakness that CLinkz usually gets Monkey King Bar just to break TP scrolls even though Daedalus gives infinitely more DPS.
- movement speed!
- Euls dispels Ghost Scepter, another huge weakness of Clinkz. You see a lot of Diffusal Blade Clinkz in competitive just to dispel ghosts.
I mean, sure Euls gives no DPS but as soon as you have it you can go full DPS and BKB. And in terms of pure utility it's almost comparable to Blink Dagger *and* orchid.
I'm surprised that I haven't yet seen a Clinkz guide mention Euls even as situational. Sounds extremely strong. I tried it, and I was really happy with it. Orchid is great if you're against heroes with escape mechanisms like blinks, but if they don't have any escapes you can just chase them around with euls.
NEIN. mana regen is overrated, the active itself is good on utility heroes but on clinkz...... if you are having such a bad game that you cant get an orchid, then if you go for euls you wont have damage at all.
i always get pissed off when supports like rubick default to a euls after arcanes, if you have good at conserving mana you dont need it at all.
and even getting such an expensive item just for mana regen and a situational active.
It's useful as a Utility Item as Timm says, but it's useless for Ganking on Clinkz.
2.5. seconds in the air, gives them plenty of time for Blink Dagger to come off Cooldown or for them to Shift-Queue their Escape Mechanism. Clinkz needs lockdown and Eul's Scepter of Divininty doesn't provide squat in that area. Orchid Malevolence/ Diffusal Blade can give you some control over your opponents at least.
Dare I suggest... Abyssal Blade? I know it's hardly beneficial to build a Skull Basher with only a 10% chance to Proc on a Ranged Hero, but it does give you a 2 Second Stun that goes through Magic Immunity, and with Strafe, getting a Bash isn't all that unlikely.
NEIN. mana regen is overrated, the active itself is good on utility heroes but on clinkz...... if you are having such a bad game that you cant get an orchid, then if you go for euls you wont have damage at all.
Between Death Pact, Searing Arrows and Strafe, you shouldn't need Damage anyway, just levels. Sometimes it is better to take a quick trip to the fountain, especially when you can run there at Max Movement Speed.
i always get pissed off when supports like rubick default to a euls after arcanes, if you have good at conserving mana you dont need it at all.
and even getting such an expensive item just for mana regen and a situational active.
Agreed, Blink Dagger is more effective usually, you only ever go Eul's first when need more control/Purge/2.5 seconds of not having to deal with that annoying Tank
You can get eul's depending on the situation. If you know the enemy heroes don't tend to go for a lot of movement speed which would prevent you from getting hits in Rod of Atos and Diffusal Blade are a much better choice than Eul's Scepter of Divinity.
If they don't however eul's is a legit item.
Cyclone just gives the enemy team an extra 2.5 seconds to come to your target's rescue.
Well, it's like Disruption and Astral Imprisonment, you need to know when the right time to use it is. Although I can see why using it on a lone target would be a bad idea in a lot of cases, since the Duration takes almost a long as a TP.
i like your reasoning for Euls scepter but i think if you see the reasoning behind Blink Dagger then you might see why it is better.
- Blink provides mobility on an already highly mobile hero. try and catch me now fools!!
- Blink on Clinkz is more about being able to Kite your target.
- going into later game you will be coming up against targets who are able to just run at you and man fight you blink means you can keep distance while bursting them down.
- blink disjoints most projectiles. if your orchid wears off or you dont have one ...wait till they throw their stun then blink around it.
- blink allows you to escape ganks where euls wont. going in a 3v1? burst down one then euls a second? u still have the 3rd guy coming at ya. blink in just burst down one blink into tree's tp out or blink out of vision tp out.
- though blink provides no stats like euls you should basically be only using strafe when ganking or pushing a tower. you should only use your ultimate when ganking or needing to stay alive on low health.
- with a bottle ( which you should be picking up anyway since you should be transferring through the rune spots quite a bit) your mana wont be a problem.
i like euls ive tried it and it works in some cases but i find being able to just appear blink disappear blink appear blink disappear the mobility is just way to ******** high for people to focus you down. i had a game where i died once with blink since none of them could lock me down.
Indeed Blink Dagger is just so OP that you can get it on any hero just because of that ; blink is just too good of an escape I get your points about blink.
2.5. seconds in the air, gives them plenty of time for Blink Dagger to come off Cooldown or for them to Shift-Queue their Escape Mechanism.
No, no, the whole point is that Eul's is the best counter to Blink Dagger in the game. Eul's disables blink dagger because it deals 50 damage *as the target lands*, disabling blink. That's why Eul's is a hard counter to kite-able blink dagger heroes like Ursa or Axe.
And obviously I'm going Orchid Malevolence if they have escape mechanisms like Blink/ Leap Ball Lightning/whatever. But very few heroes have escapes skills actually (dota would be a nightmare otherwise ^^), in most of the cases you actually don't need the silence from orchid to gank.
True, it's 2700 gold for zero DPS. But late-game Clinkz likes going Scythe of Vyse which is really good on him, and that's no DPS either. Disabling is sometimes more important than DPS, although admittedly it's situational.
It's actually pretty good on Clinkz...but as a late game item. In early/mid game you're probably better off with other stuff, and your attack speed isn't *that* high yet. I was talking more about a first/second item to replace orchid - rushing Skull Basher on Clinkz sounds a bit silly :)
Actually I thought about Eul's on Clinkz because I always thought that Eul's is core on Windranger... Wind can just Eul's a guy into the air to initiate, walk up to his position, Windrun on him to get the 30% slow (melee range!) + the evasion to manfight him, and just Focus Fire him down (and on the other hand rushing Skull Basher on Wind is actually really sick xD) Never saw much point in orchid on Wind - so I was wondering if you could replace orchid by Eul's on Clinkz as well.
I'm not saying that orchid is a bad item by any means, just that it's not very good on heroes with huge kiting issues because it's not a slow or stun. I think orchid is more of an item for high mobility nukers/disablers like Storm or QoP.
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