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Help with Invoker?

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Forum » Theory Crafting » Help with Invoker? 21 posts - page 2 of 3
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by Terathiel » August 22, 2014 7:01am | Report
EMP charge time is always 2.9, it was changed in 6.80 and 6.81. So I do believe that EMP charge time is ALWAYS longer than tornado lift time, even with max Quas.
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Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by KrDotoBestDoto » August 22, 2014 7:12am | Report
Oh yeah I remember now. Thanks for the reminder. ^^
This was the reason I started casting EMP before Tornado to ensure a hit with the EMP.


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Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by Xyrus » August 22, 2014 7:58am | Report
I'm not exactly the world's greatest Invoker player, but here are some tips:-

Tornado is your best Initiation Skill in Teamfights once you have some points in Wex for the Range, just bear in mind that with more points in Quas, your opponents will stay in the air for longer, and whatever you do, don't use it if someone else is going to Initiate first.

You can also start off Ganks with Cold Snap since it has such a huge range.

In order to land Ice Wall to Initiate a Teamfight, you can always Ghost Walk up to your targets and then SOME FRIES MOFO. This isn't as effective as Tornado into Deafening Blast if they have Force Staffs, Black King Bars or good Escape Mechanisms, but otherwise it can be almost as effective as a good Fissure

When using Chaos Meteor and Deafening Blast together, always cast Spicy Meatball first, so you end up pushing your target(s) along with the Meatball for extra spicy Damage. 8{D

Your Boots of choice depend on whether you're going Quas- Wex, Quas- Exort or Wex- Exort. QW is based around early Ganks, so getting Phase Boots to allow you to chase opponents through Creep Waves is ideal. QE is based around Pushing hard and fast, so Bots of Travel come in hadny, and since you won't be Ganking as much early on, a Hand of Midas is usually a good idea. idea. ._.

As for your first major Item (not including Boots), getting extra levels via a Hand of Midas is always best if you don't need any extra Utility for the next 10 minutes. Otherwise, your choices are Blink Dagger, Drum of Endurance, Eul's Scepter of Divinity, Force Staff, Necronomicon, Orchid Malevolence. Don't get Eul's to land "wonky" skills, Tornado, Ice Path and Cold Snap provide you with plenty of lockdown, get Eul's if you need the Purge or want to take someone out of the fight for 2.5 seconds, or possibly for disrupting certain Skills, e.g. Omnislash.

After that, you can get another one of those Items, or you can start thinking about Black King Bar, or bigger Items like Scythe of Vyse, Shiva's Guard, Linken's Sphere, etc.

Don't get an Aghanim's Scepter unless you're going to get a Refresher Orb straight afterwards. Getting one without the other is a waste of gold, so only start building Aghs if you see the match taking another 20 minutes to finish. Aghs-Fresher-Voker is terrifying in the right hands, but very few Invoker players can pull it off properly, so you might want to avoid it altogether for now. In most cases a Scythe of Vyse is much better anyways.


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Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by TheSofa » August 22, 2014 8:12am | Report
Xyrus wrote:

I'm not exactly the world's greatest Invoker player, but here are some tips:-

Tornado is your best Initiation Skill in Teamfights once you have some points in Wex for the Range, just bear in mind that with more points in Quas, your opponents will stay in the air for longer, and whatever you do, don't use it if someone else is going to Initiate first.

You can also start off Ganks with Cold Snap since it has such a huge range.

In order to land Ice Wall to Initiate a Teamfight, you can always Ghost Walk up to your targets and then SOME FRIES MOFO. This isn't as effective as Tornado into Deafening Blast if they have Force Staffs, Black King Bars or good Escape Mechanisms, but otherwise it can be almost as effective as a good Fissure

When using Chaos Meteor and Deafening Blast together, always cast Spicy Meatball first, so you end up pushing your target(s) along with the Meatball for extra spicy Damage. 8{D

Your Boots of choice depend on whether you're going Quas- Wex, Quas- Exort or Wex- Exort. QW is based around early Ganks, so getting Phase Boots to allow you to chase opponents through Creep Waves is ideal. QE is based around Pushing hard and fast, so Boots of Travel come in hadny, and since you won't be Ganking as much early on, a Hand of Midas is usually a good idea. idea. ._.

As for your first major Item (not including Boots), getting extra levels via a Hand of Midas is always best if you don't need any extra Utility for the next 10 minutes. Otherwise, your choices are Blink Dagger, Drum of Endurance, Eul's Scepter of Divinity, Force Staff, Necronomicon, Orchid Malevolence. Don't get Eul's to land "wonky" skills, Tornado, Ice Path and Cold Snap provide you with plenty of lockdown, get Eul's if you need the Purge or want to take someone out of the fight for 2.5 seconds, or possibly for disrupting certain Skills, e.g. Omnislash.

After that, you can get another one of those Items, or you can start thinking about Black King Bar, or bigger Items like Scythe of Vyse, Shiva's Guard, Linken's Sphere, etc.

Don't get an Aghanim's Scepter unless you're going to get a Refresher Orb straight afterwards. Getting one without the other is a waste of gold, so only start building Aghs if you see the match taking another 20 minutes to finish. Aghs-Fresher-Voker is terrifying in the right hands, but very few Invoker players can pull it off properly, so you might want to avoid it altogether for now. In most cases a Scythe of Vyse is much better anyways.

Thanks, Xyrus!

Well... I have been practising on invoker trainers... I can get 5 spells off ASAP pretty comfortably. Any more and my brain hurts.

When is the 'time limit' for Midas, would you say? Like no later than 7 minutes, or something?
I like spicy meatballs.

So... what's the build? I usually go Invoke whenever I can, Quas at 1 & 3, then max Wex. I level Quas up to 4 after that, for the 2 forge spirits. Any Quas after that is situational and I take it when I need more HP regen/disable on Tornado.

So... Xyrus' optimal build would be:

Phase > Midas > Orchid > Agh's > Refresh > Hex.


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Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by TheSofa » August 22, 2014 8:13am | Report
Oh, and thanks for all the comments, guys! It really helps.


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Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by Timminatorr » August 22, 2014 8:24am | Report
TheSofa wrote:

Thanks, Xyrus!

Well... I have been practising on invoker trainers... I can get 5 spells off ASAP pretty comfortably. Any more and my brain hurts.

When is the 'time limit' for Midas, would you say? Like no later than 7 minutes, or something?
I like spicy meatballs.

So... what's the build? I usually go Invoke whenever I can, Quas at 1 & 3, then max Wex. I level Quas up to 4 after that, for the 2 forge spirits. Any Quas after that is situational and I take it when I need more HP regen/disable on Tornado.

So... Xyrus' optimal build would be:

Phase > Midas > Orchid > Agh's > Refresh > Hex.

the item build is situational, never go into a game with a set item build. getting a hex for example can be better then getting aghs refresh.


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Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by Xyrus » August 22, 2014 9:28am | Report
TheSofa wrote:

So... what's the build? I usually go Invoke whenever I can, Quas at 1 & 3, then max Wex. I level Quas up to 4 after that, for the 2 forge spirits. Any Quas after that is situational and I take it when I need more HP regen/disable on Tornado. know that you need 4 points in Wex and Exort for 2 Forge Spirits right? As for how many points in Quas to take, I'm not sure how many you' want to take with Quas- Wex. I prefer Quas- Exort where you take 4, sometimes 5 <}3
TheSofa wrote:

So... Xyrus' optimal build would be:

Phase > Midas > Orchid > Agh's > Refresh > Hex.

Timminatorr wrote:

the item build is situational, never go into a game with a set item build. getting a hex for example can be better then getting aghs refresh.

This ^

If you can't adjust your Item builds on the fly and understand when each Item needs to be taken and what if offers, you should probably switch to a simpler Hero until you learn, i.e. You'd rarely get an Orchid Malevolence after a Hand of Midas since you want to rush and Orchid as so many Abilities and even some Items can easily negate it ( Manta Style, Black King Bar, Diffusal Blade and Eul's Scepter of Divinity)...Midas delays it, so it's not smart to go for both imo.

Fyi, my ideal build would be:-

Boots of Speed-> Hand of Midas-> Necronomicon->Travel Boots-> Necronomicon 3->whatever

I'd just adjust my build to suit the situation, e.g.:-

Let's say, I'm going up against a Storm Spirit and I find out after a couple of minutes that this guy isn't an idiot, he's probably going to build an Orchid Malevolence.

Since I don't want to try out-Ganking a Storm Spirit and risk getting Dived on once he hits lvl6, I'd probably go Quas- Exort (this all depend on the rest of my team and the rest of their team, I'm just simplyfying here) to Rat him later on (because for some reason my Team probably won't win Teamfights but are suited for ratting in this example), I can also bully him with Forge Spirit as soon as I hit lvl3, add in Cold Snap and Sun Strike and if he overextends, I have a good chance to Kill him before he hits lvl6.

I'd probably build Hand of Midas into Eul's Scepter of Divinity to counter his Orchid Malevolence since one of Eul's various uses is to purge negative Debuffs when you target yourself with it.

Since Orchid costs a lot more to build, I can probably out-Farm and out-Level him with Midas and have my Eul's at the same time, if not before his Orchid.


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Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by KrDotoBestDoto » August 22, 2014 9:28am | Report
Wex-Exort is pretty unpopular since it doesn't offer the ability to stay in lane forever. It also has a lack of set-up skills which make the build pretty inflexible.
If the Invoker is safelane farming in a trilane it might be a viable option, but Quas-Exort builds that go for a point in Wex after 4 Quas and Exort offer high enough damage while also giving enough points in Quas for the set-up skills. The extra pushing power + armor reduction in teamfights + imba health regen make the build far superior IMO.


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Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by TheSofa » August 22, 2014 9:29am | Report
Timminatorr wrote:

the item build is situational, never go into a game with a set item build. getting a hex for example can be better then getting aghs refresh.

That's true. Would you ever not get phase on invoker?


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Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by KrDotoBestDoto » August 22, 2014 9:31am | Report
Phase boots are not absolutely necessary on QE invoker. Usually you will get either a Forcestaff or a Blinkdagger anyways so your mobility won't suffer.

On QW invoker having Phaseboots is very very important. It offers additional dmg for lasthits AND gives imba movespeed when on 3 Wex orbs.


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