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Magic Wand

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Forum » Theory Crafting » Magic Wand 3 posts - page 1 of 1
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by Iratesniper » April 5, 2012 8:24pm | Report
I keep seeing this item in almost every build and I must say, I find this item completely useless. Could someone explain why a lot of people use this item.

Magic Wand(not sure what the code is to directly link it)


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Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by Dr.D » April 5, 2012 8:59pm | Report
It's used everywhere because, when fully charged, it gives you a burst heal of +225 health and mana, which is fairly significant early-mid game. This can easily make the difference between life and death in an early skirmish or going oom and casting that one, crucial spell. Plus, none of the other regeneration items, such as Healing Salve or Urn of Shadows, provide "burst" healing, which is usually more desirable than a healing over time effect.

Besides this, many people also get at least 1 Iron Branch as a starting item, so Magic Wand is a nice way to reuse these otherwise useless (if not going for Mekansm) Iron Branches. Even if you didn't, the item itself only costs 509 gold, barely more than a Boots of Speed. Since it can easily save your life for a bargain price, there's really no reason not to invest the gold for this item.

And before you decide to just use Magic Stick instead, keep in mind that Magic Stick can only hold up to 10 charges that heal 10 each, which equals a maximum of +100 health and mana. That's not even half of the effect of Magic Wand.

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Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by PotM_Plz » April 5, 2012 9:34pm | Report
yeah seriously Magic Wand is literally the best item in the game. considering its price and everything, and how it fits in to its the perfect item.


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