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Non-necro Lycan build

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Forum » Theory Crafting » Non-necro Lycan build 11 posts - page 1 of 2
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by Zerosaviour » July 4, 2014 8:34pm | Report
So I've been testing out a couple of builds where I just ignore the necro books in general and go straight dps and control.

Start with orb of venom, ring of protection, and some tangos

Rush into ring of basilius then treads. then go to finish off vlads.

So going into mid game you would have:

Orb of venom
Power Treads
Vladamirs Offering

Starting in mid-game you will be building a Maelstrom first to help with farming. Followed by Skull Basher for the stun chance. Finishing off with BKB.

So going into late game you would have:

Orb of Venom
Power Treads
Skull Basher
Black King Bar

If you haven't sold Orb of Venom yet; then now is the time to do so.

For the sixth slot item: There are three choices imo. Daedelus for the crit. Heaven's Halbred for the evasion and disarm. And Assault Cuirass for armor and negative armor on enemies.

Also the upgrades to Maelstrom and Basher.

This build in general will make him more of a right clicker than a creep controller.

So questions? Comments?


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Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by Wulfstan » July 4, 2014 10:21pm | Report
This is how lycanthrope was played ages ago before the nerf (except the maelstrom). I see nothing wrong with it, but Daedalus purchase is useless, since he crits while in Shapeshift.

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Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by Peppo_oPaccio » July 5, 2014 12:49am | Report
This is what they call the "combat Lycan build", which is only better if you aren't having a good time in the laning phase: think of the Necro 3 as if it was a Linken's Sphere or another core item that gives stats, you can clearly notice that if you get it early you have a huge advantage. By the way, the common DPS build is Vladmir's Offering, Power Treads, Armlet of Mordiggian (so the nerf to the ultimate isn't too noticeable), Black King Bar and Assault Cuirass/ Abyssal Blade depending on your needs. I personally don't like the Maelstrom on Lycan because a Cuirass is much better than a Mjollnir on him, and if you don't want to turn it into anything the Armlet is easier to build and better for STR Heroes.


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Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by jawbreaker261 » July 5, 2014 6:58pm | Report
Old school as hell. This was the standard back in Dota 1. I don't think I ever saw Mael or OoV on him though, it was always treads/SnY/BKB/basher/AC, maybe an armlet or deso in there somewhere too.


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Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by Zerosaviour » July 6, 2014 4:14am | Report

Old school as hell. This was the standard back in Dota 1. I don't think I ever saw Mael or OoV on him though, it was always treads/SnY/BKB/basher/AC, maybe an armlet or deso in there somewhere too.

I like Maelstrom. Even when I don't go for Mjonir; it still allows for quick farming and wave pushing.

OoV at the start for the slow mostly. One of the few problem with Lycan is that he doesn't have an innate way to slow or stop an enemy.


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Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by Xyrus » July 6, 2014 4:39am | Report
Zerosaviour wrote:

One of the few problem with Lycan is that he doesn't have an innate way to slow or stop an enemy.

He does if you know how to Micro the Suumon Wolves. 8{3

Body Block ftw!


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Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by Zerosaviour » July 6, 2014 4:42am | Report
Xyrus wrote:

He does if you know how to Micro the Suumon Wolves. 8{3

Body Block ftw!

Unless they have Phase Boots. Also, relying on getting a good body block to slow an enemy isn't really that great of a strategy.

Also not a big fan of Armlet. Just personal preference. Maelstrom gives me more over a long term compared to Armlet IMO. Also can be upgraded and gains a good active afterwards.


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Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by Illumination0110 » July 6, 2014 4:43am | Report
What about Monkey King Bar ? Especially the fact that Brewmaster and Phantom Assassin will be around as your opposing heroes quite a few times. I'd consider that above the Daedalus since Shapeshift gives you Critical already. And wow at Orb of Venom, I didn't see that coming


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Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by Zerosaviour » July 6, 2014 4:49am | Report

What about Monkey King Bar ? Especially the fact that Brewmaster and Phantom Assassin will be around as your opposing heroes quite a few times. I'd consider that above the Daedalus since Shapeshift gives you Critical already. And wow at Orb of Venom, I didn't see that coming

MKB would be situational. No point in going for it if I'm not up against those heroes or any enemy heroes building into evasion items.

Also, about OoV. Pretty much 20 minutes in it will probably be out of my inventory. Or whenever I am able to replace it with Basher.


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Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by Timminatorr » July 6, 2014 5:17am | Report
The damage item that you want on lycan is the abysal so MKB would be situational yes.

About the combat build, it think it is the way to go if your allies dont go necrobooks. A single necro isnt that amazing anymore after all those nerfs.


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