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your first & best DotA 2 experience!

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Forum » General Discussion » your first & best DotA 2 experience! 7 posts - page 1 of 1
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by NinjaMovesPro » February 18, 2012 1:22am | Report
Hello DotA 2 players! Post in this thread your enviable DotA 2 experience!

This could benefit us who doesn't played yet that prestigious game since forever! That's still like you've story-tell us your first and/or best experience on riding a helicopter, submarine, or rocket-ship! So even though we can't unfortunately played that game, at least you can share your feelings! :P

Thank you.. :)


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Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by Atlas » February 18, 2012 7:14am | Report
My FIRST Dota 2 game was me as Shadow Fiend. I went 2-10. I was still getting used to the engine and it was taking me a very long time to find the items I wanted in the shop. I specifically remember spending like 10 minutes searching for Shadow Blade, because I wasn't aware the name was changed from Lothar's. So I searched and searched, and even asked me team if they took Lothar's out of the game. I got no reply. We ended up winning with Doom Bringer carrying.

My BEST Dota 2 experience was me playing as Invoker. I got really fed early game, but so did the enemies Pudge. It was an incredibly heated battle, and while I always knew basically how to play Invoker effectively, I actually learned that very game how to improve on that. So I was actually learning how to better play him to keep up with the enemie's Pudge. It was incredibly fun and I never really found myself more focused in on a game than that one in particular. The enemy team actually got the raxes off two lanes and almost killed our ancient, we fought them back. At this time, Pudge has only 1 death from a suicide. We push the lane all the way back to their base in a last effort to win, Pudge hooks me, and I pull off ghost walk before he can ulti, suddenly I initiate with tornado, pop an EMP, hurl my QWE, put alacrity on Huskar, law down an ice wall, and then it's like that one battle was in slow motion. Our Sand King burrow's in, ultis, all the while our Huskar gives Pudge his first real death. Somehow or another, everyone on their team dies, and I'm the only one on ours that died (Bounty Hunter got me). In the end we won. I came into that game as a mere boy, I exited as a man.

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Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by Tywnnvlad » February 18, 2012 9:05pm | Report
My first game was with Yurnero since he's the guy I know I could use on DOTA 2, I used him very often on dota. I did 5-12, was getting used on the engine and UI (My first dota again after a year), was rough but in the end we won.

My best game would be Pudge when I hooked the heck out of everyone and carried my team, my team was so bad and we're almost losing because the enemy was getting fed and our carry agi heroes are so afraid to do damage, Riki and Traxex. We can't even push all in because they keep on going back so I had to do all the work, my Pudge was well fed from the kills I got from early-mid-late game :D My health was around 7-8k and I litterally went on their base to finish the match destroying their ancient because our Riki just watch us fight and then backs up. Very intense match, had to secure our win on the game. It lasted about more than an hour and a half.


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Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by dresmasher » February 19, 2012 5:40am | Report
My first dota2 game was with a friend, since I had 2 invites along with my own key, I sent them to my two friends but only one was online at the time. I picked Slardar and he picked Ancient Apparition, one of his favorites, looks so good in dota2 compared to dota1, we were scourge/dire side.

I was lanning with Sven top, not the best lane :-|, we were facing a tri-lane made out of Drow Ranger, Tidehunter and Crystal Maiden and I remember thinking to myself: "oh man we're so screwed, the enemy is a stack and is even trilanning :-|" but I knew I only needed my level 5 and a boot and then I can start doing some ravaging in the enemy team, they had a Night Stalker mid and I think a solo bot doom bringer. I don't remember our other allies.

Once I hit my 5 and go my boot I started ganking mid and bot lanes, got my Power Treads and then went top to pay my old "friends" a visit. Sven had just died top, so I was going alone against 3 but I was confident bc the enemies looked like newbies (even though they trilaned). I somehow encounter them in the woods (prolly warded our pull spot & saw me), I ask my friend to throw a Ice Blast there knowing that I can easily get them to stack on me. My friend ended up with a tripple kill and I survived the fight :-). From then on I just got fatter and fatter ending up as carry for my team. I was actually afraid of Night Stalker but he wasn't a good player either so it was a stomp afterwards.

It was quite nice for a first game imo.

I don't rly have a top-game in mind right now, most of the games are on the same level, the enemy loses bc they have some real baddies in their team or the same with us OR we/they get totally outpicked & get roflstomped.

Although I'm not fond of 72 minute games, I liked this game bc I was actually playing with new ppl from HON and won even though we only had our throne left alive xD, Sniper and Omniknight charged mid and literally made a pathway all the way to the tree and took it, Sniper had so much dmg that not even Anti-Mage could hope to take him down. We kinda won this though bc their Nature's Prophet was sorta bad, the enemy also happend to have (I think) a guy from PDGG where I used to play some time ago so it was nice seeing ppl from that group in action again ( he was Mirana)

This was my first Batrider game in dota2. I play him a lot in dota1 :P
Even a warped mind can see the odds stacked against it!


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Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by Joobieo » February 21, 2012 7:37am | Report
First , playing CM and getting destroyed by bots on Normal lol.
Level 31 on Dota. Steam name = Joobieo


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Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by Thaniel » February 22, 2012 11:29am | Report
My first real game was with Lich. I got a triple kill. Next game, I played Tinker. It didn't go over quite as well.


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Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by NinjaMovesPro » February 29, 2012 9:56pm | Report
Even though I have beta keys, I still can't play this game due to my very low internet connection. I'm in a province plus my PC is wooden. Anyway, thanks for your replies :)


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