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NinjaMovesPro's Blog
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July 02, 2014

How to Start an Advantageous Clash

Views: 2989 NinjaMovesPro
+Rep Report

How to Start an Advantageous Clash

Clash is one of the most critical part in Dota games. A lost clash means a tower lost. Sometimes a lost clash means a game lost. Observing GGnet.Puppey's picks, it is clear that he is going mostly for early game 5v5 clash and push. Ganking is less in his picks. The reason here is that players have evolved now. They aren't that easy to gank anymore unlike in the past years when MYM would usually go for massive ganks. There are also a lot of surviving mechanisms in today's version. Going for a gank-oriented line up isn't that secure anymore.

There are a lot of ways clash are started but I observed from best Dota teams before and now that there are 5 best way you can start a clash that would most likely make you win the clash.

#6 Gank a hero and rush to push towers

Average teams would most likely go for this strategy because of its safety. Once you gank and killed a lone hero and you rush towards their tower, you are initiating a ha

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July 02, 2014
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How to Meet and Exceed Your Team's Expectations

"To be good at something, you have to meet people's expectations; to be great at something, you have to exceed their expectations."

I know you might be pressured by this one but great players are always surprising. If your team mates expected what you're going to do, your enemies would probably expect it too.

1st step: Defining

You first need to know what are your team mates' expectations that you should meet. If you're a support, they probably expect that you place wards on rune spots and to help the team have map control. If you're at solo lane, you're expected to be stable on your lane and hopefully dominate it. If you're in a trilane, you're expected to know the combo. There are a lot of default things that you're team mates are already expecting from you.

2nd step: Planning

After knowing the expectations of your team mates from you, you now need to plan. You cannot rush into doing it at once. Plan... You need

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July 02, 2014

How to Push Towers Successfully

Views: 2046 NinjaMovesPro
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How to Push Towers Successfully

In every single game of Defense of the Ancients, no matter how you do it pushing is one vital and the most important thing to do in order to win. Taking down towers in order to get to the main building is one thing that a team or a player needs to master in order to dominate the opponent. Now here are a few tidbits to help you by when it comes to pushing.

Avoid long sieges

Make a push as swift and powerful as possible. Laying a long siege on an enemy base or tower may result in your allies going low on HP and MP and may cause some of their skills and ultis to be wasted resulting in unnecessary cooldowns.

Pressure the opponent

But not to the extent that you're gonna be reaching a point that everyone in your team is going to be low on HP and MP as stated from above. This scene is commonly seen as a part of the current meta of the game (especially in the PH scene where it is labelled as "pugak") it is an act of doing a 2 lane push wherein 4

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July 02, 2014

Pros and Newbies Differences

Views: 1582 NinjaMovesPro
+Rep Report

Pros and Newbies Differences

People would often rate a player based on how well they play. Players that play superb and are inspiring players would often be called 'Pro'. If a player is called professional, he should be earning from that game but we love to exaggerate things so we call them Pro. Most people tend to call uninspiring players as noobs but I prefer calling them newbies because noob, for me, is a very hurtful word. We all started from being ignorant of the game so calling a person noob or dumb is way too heart-piercing. Are you wondering what are the qualities Pros have that are not present to Newbies? What are the things done by newbies that make them uninspiring and prone to criticism?

Here are some things that separate Pros from Newbies

Newbies: I'll do what I feel like doing.
Pros: I'll do what should be done.

Newbies: I will execute my plans no matter what.
Pros: I will wait for the perfect timing to execute my plans.

Newbies: I will pick these heroes becau…
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July 02, 2014

Watching Anime Helps Improve DotA Skills

Views: 2194 NinjaMovesPro
+Rep Report

Watching Anime Helps Improve DotA Skills

You may say it's crazy but it's true. Watching Anime stories with fight scenes will inspire you a lot to be a better DotA Player. When I was on my early years in the game, I simply do the things that must be done. If I need to win, I farm heavy items to be able to kill them all and push. If I need to survive, I simply run back to the fountain. If I need to gank, go to other lanes then I use my skills at once to kill them. In short, there was no art, no prediction, no precision in my game back then. Most people today improved their games through experience and by watching how the pros do it. In my case, my first improvement in this game is after getting inspired by how Anime characters think during battles. These are some anime character's traits that will inspire you in playing better in DotA.


Anime characters taught me how to be precise in every move I'll make in DotA. They would often have a plan on how to attack the weak

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