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Posibility of a WE invoker build

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Forum » Theory Crafting » Posibility of a WE invoker build 14 posts - page 1 of 2
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by FleetAU » February 25, 2014 11:39pm | Report
I am entertaining the possibility of a wex-exort build on Invoker, with QE builds being phased out and a lot of QW build coming up I have been thinking maybe WE build could work.

Though up some pro's/con's here:

  • No need for mana regen with EMP
  • Insane Chaos Meteor
  • good sunstrike damage
  • Fairly decent deafening blast
  • very good right click dps with alacrity(I think I spelt it right :S)

  • no stuns without Cold Snap
  • no forge spirit
  • no ice wall to block paths or catch enemies
  • ghost walk would still be a viable escape method but not a great slow
  • lack of hp regen options

I do still think you should skill some quas fairly early-ish just only 1-3 levels
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Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by Ancient Hero » February 26, 2014 5:35am | Report
The problem is that you have no HP regen and invoker is a hero that doesnt use a bottle and has bad rune control. You also have no cc abilities until quas is leveled so ganking requires an extra person just to stun.

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Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by Timminatorr » February 26, 2014 8:51am | Report
Ancient Hero wrote:

The problem is that you have no HP regen and invoker is a hero that doesnt use a bottle and has bad rune control. You also have no cc abilities until quas is leveled so ganking requires an extra person just to stun.

Well its not like you cant go bottle :P.

But the problem with this skillbuild is that wex does very little in lane, and ofcourse the lack of cold snap hurts.


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Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by FleetAU » February 27, 2014 12:27am | Report
I have taken these kind of things into consideration, a single set of tangos should see you through early game easily enough and from then I thought maybe you could get some tranquil boots if you where having major hp issues, although a ring of health would be better probably. Honestly in early ish game you are going to be ganking other lanes so the people in the lane if coordinated should be able to help you with it (stuns). I just think that with a WE build you would have a fairly large team fight presence and the ability to land easy 5 person EMP's
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Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by Ab4ddon._.E43 » February 27, 2014 4:34am | Report
Well that is my favourite Invoker playstyle. You max exort, wex second priority get a 1 quas at lvl 9 and start with salve tango and branches.

This playstyle makes him more of a carry with Meteor and Alacrity as always active and SS as per your needs.

You will be quite fragile so getting HP items like aghanims helps.

People seem to forget about Alacrity until late game, but early to mid game that spell is OP, with that short cooldown and bonus damage.
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Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by FleetAU » February 27, 2014 8:16am | Report
really interested to here about someone who has tried it, I completely agree that alacrity is underrated, I will have a go with it soon in a pub after a few practice bot games
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Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by T1mmay » February 27, 2014 8:40am | Report
This type of Invoker is my type of Invoker!! Don't play it very much as my friends rage at me cause of my ideas with him going WE :-(

The biggest issue with this skill build though is the lack of control, but you have 4 other players on your team, they can sort this problem out! This is just theory crafting, but I think this skill build would work great with Faceless Void, as he has the ultimate control with his ultimate Chronosphere where you skills can wreck havoc and you can give Alacrity to the Void.
With these two heroes you would have a hard early game, but you can solve this with some early game strong supports.

Against bots, you either teamwipe them, or they buy two Mek's and just heal through all your damage and then kill you! :-p


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Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by Peppo_oPaccio » March 1, 2014 5:54pm | Report
I hope I'm not too late for this. But anyway, here's why it is a great concept but, in theory, it doesn't work:

Provided you get a Bottle (which is actually very beneficial as Invoker is pretty mana-hungry) and a level of Quas, you then have both attack speed and attack damage. The first problem is: what will you keep activated, Exort or Wex? You could say it's actually beneficial, as you can adapt to the situation (Wex for chasing, Exort for harassing), but I'd say it just makes your life harder: keeping one activated just disrupts half the usefulness of the other one. But it's still not that big of a problem.

More importantly, what will you use in teamfights? You'd have a very long range Tornado and both a strong EMP and Chaos Meteor, but they're simply too many spells: you can't go EMP if you go Chaos Meteor as you'll need a Deafening Blast, and you don't want to keep your high level EMP for yourself. My suggestion would be Tornado --> EMP --> Deafening Blast, but this way you're losing a huge chunk of damage coming from the Chaos Meteor (so the QW build would've been better). And you don't want to lose the mana drain from the EMP going Tornado --> Chaos Meteor --> Deafening Blast for the same reason. The lack of consistent Cold Snaps also hurts.

Overall I think it's playable, but it just doesn't focus on a particular role so it makes you "average" at everything. Quas- Wex is still better for this meta in my opinion, I always loved it and it finally became the strongest build!

On another note, I tried working on a pure Quas support build: the super Cold Snap is really fun to use with a proper lanemate, but most of the time going QW is better because of the roaming possibilities.


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Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by KoDyAbAbA » March 2, 2014 5:26pm | Report
i've started playin' a bit of invoker (4 games)

i think that QW is probably the best because it gives you early game presence with a pretty good late-game transition.

i usually go with the singsing vroom-vroom build :3
which is phase > drums > orchid/Euls > Euls/orchid(in whichever order desired) > aghanim's>some damage item/scythe.


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Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by SeekHeart » March 3, 2014 4:13pm | Report
I've played QW and QE, QW is better for early team fight while QE is better for semi carry and pick offs.


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