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Hey guys, a couple more questions! What do they mean when people are referring to "autocasting"?
I've seen it in guides a lot.
Also what does it mean when they refer to "pull camp"?
Autocasting I believe normally refers to orb abilities like Drow Ranger's Frost arrows or Huskar's Burning spears where you can right click the ability and it automatically applies to your normal attack. Basically you don't have to click it to cast it.
Pull camps refer to the top and bottom medium creep camps (where it says 15/45 M on the image below) which you can agro into your lane at specific times and get your creeps to attack the neutral creeps. This is normally done to help lane control as you usually want the enemy creeps close to your tower as it is safer to farm them and it is harder for you to get ganked.
You could also have a look at this
The times have been changed since the recent patch and I think the current pull time is 10/40 until the 7 min mark where it goes back to 15/45
Arcane Refresher is bad.You're just a giant creep running around to keep people doomed while you die.Not the best idea, or item build.
Yea you are just a giant creep who completely disables 2 of their carries to use any spells or items, including potential bkb's or hex's.
Im more then happy if my doom uses DOOM on the enemy gyro casting all his spells, or blinking anti mage with abbysal, or the almost unkillable weaver, while at the same time he also makes the enemy puck useless for the rest of the fight. so i can lock those bastards down or right click them.
I rather have that 'walking creep' then a decent right clicking doom with mjollnir who gets kited the whole team fight.
It's harder to farm those items if you're not going DPS, and Doom is easily killed before the teamfight phase.
Also, while double Doom is nice to have, you can only have it once per three minutes. Teamfights are going to occur more frequently, and you can use one Doom anyway without refresher.
It's harder to farm those items if you're not going DPS, and Doom is easily killed before the teamfight phase.
Also, while double Doom is nice to have, you can only have it once per three minutes. Teamfights are going to occur more frequently, and you can use one Doom anyway without refresher.
You don't realise that if you go for those items you will just die.The enemy carry can still right click.
I do realize that (hence, I stated that I prefer carry Doom), I just stated that caster Doom Bringer has its merits, and can be good very situationally.
Really, doom only needs to get off his ulti, since you should have a carry other then him. Doom isnt a good 1 role hero. He is best either 1v1 side or middle, or jungle. The only time when i may consider going doom safe lane is when you have a carry mid lane like a shadow fiend.
Nah **** it, you can go whatever you want, we play pubs after all, you can go carry crystal maiden with armlet mask of madness it it works for you, this is just the build that i think is the best for your team. But a midgame tank dps doom is fine with me if you are snowballing of some kills. Just dont aim to go lategame 40+ minutes doom.
Autocasting I believe normally refers to orb abilities like Drow Ranger's Frost arrows or Huskar's Burning spears where you can right click the ability and it automatically applies to your normal attack. Basically you don't have to click it to cast it.
Pull camps refer to the top and bottom medium creep camps (where it says 15/45 M on the image below) which you can agro into your lane at specific times and get your creeps to attack the neutral creeps. This is normally done to help lane control as you usually want the enemy creeps close to your tower as it is safer to farm them and it is harder for you to get ganked.
You could also have a look at this
The times have been changed since the recent patch and I think the current pull time is 10/40 until the 7 min mark where it goes back to 15/45
With the new update, the times have changes about 3-5 seconds. So i suggest subtracting 3-5 seconds from the times posted on the image to pull a lane.
Autocasting are basically skills you're able to toggle on and off, such as Drow Range Frost Arrow mentioned by SmoothRide, a way to identify if it's an auto-casting/toggle spell is right clicking the image and if successful the image will have a light just racing around the image.
Does silence/no mana stop passive abilities? I'm sure there are some passives blocked by silence but in general.
Normal silences do not disable passive skills. The special one is of course Doom, which disables some. But that's a thing of it's own. And I'm not sure what you mean by "no mana". Passive skills are... well... passive so they don't require mana, if that's what you mean. They work even if you have no mana.
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