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Worst experience on Dota 2

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Forum » General Discussion » Worst experience on Dota 2 45 posts - page 2 of 5
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by T1mmay » August 20, 2013 3:00am | Report
Was in a party of 4 playing captains mode. The fifth person in our team ended up being the captain and this was his first match of dota....
He then proceeds to ignore us and choose the stupidest hereos for a team ever.
So we'd already lost from minute one, but the enemy decide to farm for the first 60 minutes. Biggest waste of time ever as meepo support doesn't really work too well :-/


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Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by Hades4u » August 20, 2013 5:35am | Report
Happens everyday to me. I can't play a public match without a random being a pain, everyone doing fine and winning besides one guy that doesn't speak english and decides to ruin the match.

Such a good feeling.
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Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by Yasutsuna » August 20, 2013 5:56am | Report
Yep, though I just mute the dude so he doesn't ruin my game too much. After that, I will off DotA 2, sleep, wake up play DotA 2 again and probably meet another one.



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Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by samukobo » August 20, 2013 6:10am | Report
Sadly, muting only acts as a "stop flaming" option, and doesn't make the player stop feeding and disrupting teamplay.



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Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by Sando » August 20, 2013 6:54am | Report
Maybe I'm lucky these days that I don't seem to get too many totally ruin game idiots - but yeah the usual assortment of "can't make a decent pick to save their life" and language barrier issues.

I don't actually care that much that people can't speak the same language as me - if people make a definite and positive attempt to communicate. You can do a lot with pings and mini-map lines. I've been on teams with 4 Russians and have no idea what they're saying, but the occasional ping or "rosh" does the job.

Valve should definitely look at doing more with language filters though - if you tick the box that says "English", you should be both willing and able to speak English. Maybe another reporting options along side Abusive? (no mute/ban, but stop matchmaking them with that language filter option if it happens much). A lot of Europeons end up playing on US East despite the dodgy pings cos you usually get proper team comms and better team work.
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Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by sulaxrox » August 20, 2013 9:37am | Report
The language barrier issue is definitely a major issue.
Some examples of horrid experiences:
Russian player picks sniper after i grabbed QoP and i went mid, he waltzes past me ignoring the fact im already there, and he proceeds to copycat the bots and stand at the T1 attempt to block creeps or anything, even worse he was against an OD, first blood in less than 2 minutes, dies not even a minute later, and continues to feed the OD, needless to say the OD appreciated snipers efforts and proceeded to role into a massive deathball..
Playing in a 4 stack, and utterly dominating a game until a russian riki player on our team buys a Divine Rapier and dives 2 heroes on the other team...needless to say they had vision, he was silenced by clinkz before he could do anything, clinkz scooped his rapier, and things turned pretty quick, we managed to get it back once but it didn't help.
Now, something everyone has experienced, russian players on US servers pinging non-stop, but its ok the ping is universal, were just supposed to automatically understand what theyre pinging about..
Valve definitely needs to address this issue
Step 1: Pick Bristleback
Step 2: type in all chat:"GL hf"
Step 3: solo offlane
Step 4: first blood triple kill solo vs trilane
Step 5: continue head butting keyboard
Step 6: don't care, Bristleback doesn't give a ****
Step 7: screenshot repeated: BB OP comments in all chat
Step 8: alternate games with Slark pick


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Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by SideShow123 » August 20, 2013 10:10am | Report
The worst experience I have with dota, i am sure you have all seen. The random guy who picks a natures prophet last, despite it not working with the line up already chosen. Then proceds to leave some poor support on their own while they jungle thier 20minute midas. Natrually your jungle lane gets utterly crushed and then they start with the "gg" "noob" "uninstall dota". You try pointing out to them that if they wanted to jungle they should have mentioned it so someone could pick a offlaner. But all you get back is "gg" "noob" "this team..." etc etc.
Having said that, I have also made a whole bunch of awesome dota friends who make all the horrible experiences worth while.
The other day though I did encounter a NP who after 30seconds started a relentless tirad of abuse at every other player on the team (despite being the worst player by a longshot!) my buddy and I just thought screw it and straight up left the game. My stats take a punishment, but hell I had one day off from work that week, and I wasn't going to spend it getting abused by a 12 yr old!


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Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by sulaxrox » August 20, 2013 1:32pm | Report
I think a lot of these worst experiences are going to continue in general pub games because of the compendium xp boosts..i stopped playing awhile ago due to army stuff, came back and it felt like my bracket went completely ******... "Yes team, im storm spirit solo mid, no worries ill buy courier and wards.."

although it could be worse, it could be COD on xbox live, which is pretty much the modern day global babysitter
Step 1: Pick Bristleback
Step 2: type in all chat:"GL hf"
Step 3: solo offlane
Step 4: first blood triple kill solo vs trilane
Step 5: continue head butting keyboard
Step 6: don't care, Bristleback doesn't give a ****
Step 7: screenshot repeated: BB OP comments in all chat
Step 8: alternate games with Slark pick


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Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by mattyg2787 » August 20, 2013 1:50pm | Report
I'm not gonna say it's always the russians that screw games. I have a few people on my friends list who are russian and despite their lack of understanding of time zones (stop messaging me at 4am FFS) they are great to play with. 1 doesn't speak a word of english, the other extremely broken. How ever, I've yet to lose a game when partied with them.

I do try to cue up as much as possible with friends and have a big enough friends list in most time zones to cover that (mainly play on Aus and US servers)

As a decent natures prophet player, seeing someone last pick him and jungle pisses me off to no end. We were left with ES, Lina and Faceless - none of which would be able to solo a lane. However, if he had of warned me, I wouldn't of randomed and picked up clockwerk/bounty etc who I can play well. Funniest thing with that game, the prophet and tinker were guys I had just stomped with Meepo :D


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Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by SideShow123 » August 20, 2013 3:19pm | Report
Yeah, some players seem hell bent on giving NP a bad name! I can forgive many many things in games, even stupid stupid picks that mess up the whole team set up. Just why do these idiots have to then abuse everyone else!
I remember someone telling me, go to captains mode, its a better class of randomer who plays there...... lies all lies, only difference is those randomers have got worse attitudes!
Still the good out weighs the bad, gotta keep reminding myself!


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