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18 Votes

FTW Rattletrap, the Clockwerk [6.81]

May 10, 2014 by DzikaPanda
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Reiwilo | August 20, 2016 7:41am
Bardzo fajne :D Dzięki
thippo (10) | July 17, 2013 11:54am
In a solo offlane situation, which is quite common, I like to pick up Rocket Flare at level 2 and level it to at least level two as soon as I can so you can pick up some CS and get harass in on either their carry or their offlaner/mid. Also, Mek is not a good pickup in many situations where your allies have a better mek carrier (really any int support at all, to be honest). Armor and raw HP with a casual Cloak or even a Hood of Defiance provides just as much to you. Pick up an early Buckler for good armor and push, and from there you can either leave it at that if an ally is picking up Mek or continue building it. Aside from those personal preferences, solid guide.
TheAmazingComicBookGuy (7) | July 17, 2013 9:51am
very nice guide you got here, we dominated them (I did have to adjust the build a bit, but it was ok)
DzikaPanda (16) | July 17, 2013 5:46am
dynasty987 wrote:

Good guide, much better than most of the Clockwerk ones currently on this site. I wouldn't always get a Mekanism if someone else is going to be able to get it relatively quickly as it slows down your scepter quite significantly.

I'd also say that if going mid, a Bottle and Magic Wand is enough for mana regen and you can get Phase Boots instead of arcanes.

Lastly, if playing solo hardlane you might want to consider going 2-1-2 at level 5 so that you can last hit reliably with Rocket Flare.

1. As mentioned in guide, I'm buying Mekansm as defensive item instead of Vanguard to survive a little more, allowing supports to buy Pipe of Insight or other support items. Also as a ganker I'm hooking between lanes, so I can heal team mates on each one if they need to.
2. I forgot to mention mid lane in this guide, maybe I should add more sections soon :>
3. I prefer to block creeps and hold them near tower rather than leveling Rocket Flare (ofc you need to ward enemy pull camp), but that's what I used to do for some time.

Anyway thanks for your opinion :>
dynasty987 (6) | July 17, 2013 5:08am
Good guide, much better than most of the Clockwerk ones currently on this site. I wouldn't always get a Mekanism if someone else is going to be able to get it relatively quickly as it slows down your scepter quite significantly.

I'd also say that if going mid, a Bottle and Magic Wand is enough for mana regen and you can get Phase Boots instead of arcanes.

Lastly, if playing solo hardlane you might want to consider going 2-1-2 at level 5 so that you can last hit reliably with Rocket Flare.
DzikaPanda (16) | June 26, 2013 8:58am

About the item build, I'm surprised you don't even mention the Force Staff: talking about competitive games, 90% of the time Clockwerk is off laning against a trilane he goes plain Boots and Force Staff (the other 10% going either for a late Mekansm or for a Blade Mail against Gyro): if you are underlevelled or the enemy carry is simply too farmed, being able to get out of your own cogs (especially when AoE nukers like Skywrath Mage or Jakiro are on the enemy team) makes you more than a suicidal initiator.

I never thought about it, cause when I play Clockwerk I'm nearly always key character that jump into teamfight and disrupt enemies and their ultimates etc., but it seem to be nice idea, maybe I'll give it a try sometimes.

Wulfstan wrote:

If you go Arcane Boots,your Battery Assault is not that good, because you can't keep up.I usually pick Phase Boots on Clockwerk, so the Battery Assault is very potent.However, without the Arcane Boots, you won't be able to cast that Mekansm at all if you have it early, so I understand what you are saying.

Clockwerk is actually quite fast hero (315 without boots), so 90% of the time I don't have any problems with catching up enemies, that are already under effect of my Battery Assault.

Wulfstan wrote:

I had this funny game once when I decided to try out Rod of Atos on Clockwerk.Worked like a charm,I went Phase Boots into Vitality Booster, the Mekansm and then finishing Rod of Atos.I had a ton of tankability and mobility(no, its not that clockwork is a mobile hero-well excepting his ultimate, its just that the enemies were crawling each time I would use Cripple on them).

I prefer making my hero faster than slowing enemies, cause I like to move fast around map (for example my 522 Slark, Boots of Travel + Drum of Endurance on Clockwerk), and generally I think that Rod of Atos isn't such great item, at least not in team fights.

Wulfstan wrote:


Wulfstan (77) | June 26, 2013 1:12am
If you go Arcane Boots,your Battery Assault is not that good, because you can't keep up.I usually pick Phase Boots on Clockwerk, so the Battery Assault is very potent.However, without the Arcane Boots, you won't be able to cast that Mekansm at all if you have it early, so I understand what you are saying.

I had this funny game once when I decided to try out Rod of Atos on Clockwerk.Worked like a charm,I went Phase Boots into Vitality Booster, the Mekansm and then finishing Rod of Atos.I had a ton of tankability and mobility(no, its not that clockwork is a mobile hero-well excepting his ultimate, its just that the enemies were crawling each time I would use Cripple on them).

Peppo_oPaccio (70) | June 25, 2013 11:20pm
As soon as I saw the Mekansm, I istantly pressed +1: finally an up-to-date and not pubbish Clockwerk guide! I usually go 2-1-2 at leve 5 though, because two levels of Rocket Flare can be used to get easy last hits from a distance and harass the enemy laners.

About the item build, I'm surprised you don't even mention the Force Staff: talking about competitive games, 90% of the time Clockwerk is off laning against a trilane he goes plain Boots and Force Staff (the other 10% going either for a late Mekansm or for a Blade Mail against Gyro): if you are underlevelled or the enemy carry is simply too farmed, being able to get out of your own cogs (especially when AoE nukers like Skywrath Mage or Jakiro are on the enemy team) makes you more than a suicidal initiator.

Also, a little suggestion: I usually play this Hero in the off-lane, so I get more regen and start with two Tangos, a Healing Salve, a Stout Shield and an Iron Branch or Clarity depending on what I think the enemy lane is.
jawbreaker261 (4) | June 25, 2013 2:34pm
Pretty good guide, but I don't agree with the core items - I'm a huge fan of Phase Boots, which combine very well with battery assault in 1v1 situations (especially early game) and the damage doesn't hurt when you're whacking someone in cogs. This obviously means Mekansm is out of the question (and I'm not sure it would be worthwhile even with manaboots) due to mana shortage. Drum of Endurance is a much better choice - more stats for less gold, and the support should be getting the Mek anyway, and in that case you'll still benefit from the heal and aura.

Recently I've been experimenting with Soul Ring (keeping in mind Clock's spells are fairly cheap mana-wise) and the health/mana regen doesn't hurt either. Urn of Shadows is another item I've been looking to try with him, as he can use the STR and mana regen, and should be involved in ganks to keep it charged. I like Drum of Endurance for him, and I think this is a much better choice than Mek.

One more thing - you can get a bit of a jump on your ganks if you pop Battery Assault before hooking in - you'll lose a shot or two of it, but you'll be able to start whacking immediately (rather than the delay of popping 2 spells, which can take almost a full second). Not sure if it's more efficient this way, but I like to think it is.

Just my .02, I'm not pro or anything, I just play him a little differently than you.
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