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The Wild Cards

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Forum » News » The Wild Cards 14 posts - page 2 of 2
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by Sanvitch » July 27, 2015 1:00pm | Report
I can't recall specifically, but what level was Barra when he had the DD? Since, Clock can threaten to kill the Bara from level 2 Battery ***ualt onwards, and DD or no, deciding to secure farm rather than go for a risky kill is not a bad choice. Especially when failing means Clockwerk gets a faster 6.

I mean, I didn't get this feeling of either team being really bad that you had. Mostly because I didn't go in expecting them to be amazing; The are tier 2 teams, with CDEC being the best probably because they can take games off of big teams with decent frequency. Flawless play is not to be expected from those kinds of teams.

I'd also point out nerves probably played a part, because this would easily be the biggest event any of those teams will have been in, and these games were for basically the prize money of a decent sized lan. The teams being nervous and messing up as a result is not unexpected.

But again, all speculation. Let's not pretend we know everything, and instead appreciate how amazing the 2nd game in the MVP Vega series was. Like a lot of misplays on both sides, but still an amazing game to watch live.

Since you just can't have enough Chaos Breaker.


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Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by Dimonychan » July 27, 2015 1:40pm | Report
Yes, nerves were probably one of the reasons of such a performance, but I still think Vega should consider banning heroes/hero comboes that rekt them in previous game. First time they didn't they won because of that great surprise TA lastpick and great plays early game to render both enemy cores useless, but then they didn't ban Bristleback/ Io... if they did they could have been in the group stage already.

Bara was level 3, he had level 2 Bash, and there's no way Clockwerk can solo kill Bara until level 6 if Bara is not careful. He has superior armor, superior attack damage and 71% bash, he culd just charge and right-click once he got DD and that would at least burn Clockwerk through his regen, and if he got lucky he could just fore him out of the lane or even get a kill. It was at least worth a try, eh risked nothing, you can't kill Spirit Breaker with level 2 Battery Assault.

Xyrus wrote:

Dimony confirmed 9k reddit MMR 8{3

1 vs 1 me n00b


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Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by Sanvitch » July 27, 2015 1:57pm | Report
The Bristle/ Io didn't win that third game, as much as the SF and the stacks did. Well that and the Undyng did nothing with a 2 and a half minute pair of Arcane Boots and level 4. He should've gone around wrecking all the other lanes off of that.

Like the Bristle Io worked so well in game 2, because they had no natural counters to either of the heroes. Getting wrecked by an Io combo that's not been counter picked is pretty expected. In game 3, the Duo was both counter picked, and both were solo killed by the Undying. But the SF got ahead and the Undying didn't press his advantage, so they just got behind and lost, because they had heroes that needed to be ahead.

It's not just looking at what heroes wrecked you, but why they did, and then make the decision about it. Or at least, that's my take on it. If they really wanted that first stage Bristle/Io in the third game, I can't blame them for not banning it out first stage either.

As for the Bara bit, yeah okay I did the maths wrong, clock needs like a 3rd level in Battery Assault and luck. I'd need to check the replay myself to look at it again, but I don't fault him that much for not going for the kill even with the DD.

Since you just can't have enough Chaos Breaker.


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Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by Timminatorr » July 27, 2015 2:54pm | Report
i would agree that CDEC's draft in game 1 against vega was a bit better, but a lot of that was just the risk of picking Ember Spirit. but it worked out. they got him a decent lane and a good start after that triple kill. everything was just lost after they got outplayed at that first rosh fight. CDEC just started by nuking SF to low HP and at that point he was afraid to fight and just stayed back.

now the reason why vega went agressive tri is because they knew the SB+undying offlane would screw with Ember Spirit's farm, so why not lose some farm by going aggressive but at the same time also screwing with QOP's farm?

you cant just say, oh QoP is a strong laner CDEC should have won the lane, Qop is a strong laner because of Shadow Strike which has very short range. she cant really use that because Skywrath Mage just throws orbs, and makes the trade not worth it, and on higher levels maybe even kills her with silence.
yes the Undying is dangerous when a fight breaks out but Disruptor is almost useless.

so the choice was between letting QOP have freefarm while she bullies Clockwerk and Disruptor can pull for levels, meanwhile SB+undying lower ember's farm.

Or aggro tri and lower Qop's farm, let disruptor and undying have less levels and let Clockwerk have a 1v1 which he wins. even with the DD rune clock can just use Power Cogs to stop the charge so he has no kill potential.
SF vs DK was going to be SF favored in every scenario since vega's supports have mediocre ganking and CDEC none.

from what ive watched so far i think Noone was the weak point in Vega, especially in the above mentioned game it seemed like he was a bit low on farm the entire game for an SF, and he overall makes mistakes because he can be overaggressive, he certainly wasnt the only player like that in the wildcard, but he didnt really make up for it with crazy flashy plays like for example QO does.
the one that was probably the most costly was the second rosh fight in that game where he didnt use BKB, got dragon tailed and chainstunned after by charge and nether strike. although that fight would have been hard because they were running up highground.

Im still watching MVP vega so i cant say much about that yet.

overall CDEC had as expected the best teamwork, and MVP phoenix recovered a bit after the shuffle, before they really looked way worse then with their old lineup.
well and the last place for the team from the salted plains of NA was kind of expected.


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