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Forum » General Discussion » Introduce Yourself! 389 posts - page 32 of 39

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Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by TheSofa » July 24, 2015 3:28pm | Report
Hello Nightmare!

Enjoy your stay!


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Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by Zandesh » July 24, 2015 8:56pm | Report
Hi there,
My name is Zandesh, and i'm only level 4 in Dota 2, but to be honest I am losing interest in this game due to the extreme amounts of toxicity against new players.
Obviously i'm pretty **** at the game, and I know that already, but getting flamed 24/7 is helping nobody..


Posts: 1
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by CapnDaft » July 24, 2015 9:09pm | Report
Zandesh wrote:

Hi there,
My name is Zandesh, and i'm only level 4 in Dota 2, but to be honest I am losing interest in this game due to the extreme amounts of toxicity against new players.
Obviously i'm pretty **** at the game, and I know that already, but getting flamed 24/7 is helping nobody..

Mute them, bro. If you know you're new and you're not super skilled, just mute them, they can eat *** :)
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Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by Janitsu » July 24, 2015 9:16pm | Report
Zandesh wrote:

Hi there,
My name is Zandesh, and i'm only level 4 in Dota 2, but to be honest I am losing interest in this game due to the extreme amounts of toxicity against new players.
Obviously i'm pretty **** at the game, and I know that already, but getting flamed 24/7 is helping nobody..

Or just be witty and sarcastic like I am :^)


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Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by fromage_enrage » July 27, 2015 9:33pm | Report
Hello there, fromage_enrage (angry cheese) from France ! I've been going to Dotafire for a while now, reading builds and news, but never singing in on the forum. I've decided to do so today, maybe I'll find some nice teammates ! That's about it for now I guess !


Posts: 22
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by Hades4u » July 27, 2015 9:43pm | Report
Welcome to DOTAFire people, enjoy your stay and game on!
Message me if you'd like to join our official Discord server!

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Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by dekotaa » August 5, 2015 11:23am | Report
I am dekotaa and I suck in dota. Dont know what is going on most of the time. Will I ever learn?


Posts: 20
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by michimatsch » August 7, 2015 12:20pm | Report
U sure will!
Dotafire is a good step towards learning dota


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Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by Mekrodon » August 8, 2015 2:58pm | Report
Hello my name is mekrodon and i am looking for an effigy reforger. pls add me if you have one and are willing to trade/gift wrap it for something


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Steam: Mekrodon
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by dotareward » August 30, 2015 10:08am | Report
Hello, i m Thibault from France and i play dota since 10 years. I like romaing like bh, techies or mirana and i have low skill in ... english :D


Posts: 5

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