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Janitsu's Blog
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July 10, 2016

Janitsu's July

Views: 4425 Janitsu
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blessedandballing  |  music  |  musicacademy  |  school  |  Sverige  |  Sweden  |  teaching
Janitsu's July

Hello, and welcome to my 5th(?) blog post on Dotafire! Since the last blog post, not much has changed; I am still the very overlord and dominator of Dotafire, I still enjoy watching you suffer get very sad from your suffering and I am still Finnsve!

But to be fair, this month is one the best ones in my life. I have been asked to teach at the music academy in Stockholm for a week due to my acknowledged expertise with violin and its different aspects! I am currently in Stockholm to meet relatives and eager to begin giving lectures :). It's a full-paid trip (food/accommodation included) but I receive very little actual pay for this thing; however, it doesn't bother me as this is going to be a duly great adventure in my life!

Other things that have been happening in my life:

I have begun to play Path of Exile and Hero Siege actively on Steam and Guild Wars 2 outside of steam. If anyone wants to play any games with me, just hit me up!

My birthday is this month and I …
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February 18, 2015
Welcome to Janitsu's 4th Truly Amazing Blog

Hello and welcome everyone! This, as has been mentioned, is my great blog! I am going to write my heart out here and you'd better read and understand all of it :^) Otherwise you'll hurt my feelings and I'll tell Hades and he'll ban you.

So to the main point of this blog; I truly appreciate that you accepted me as a member of this dear community. Yes, I am annoying, I talk about Mobafire a lot, I hate DotA 2 and I don't play it. Despite all this, you have given me a great chance and accepted me as one of your own and you have shown compassion and love towards me. I have received plenty of **** pics as well, even though they aren't as appreciated *** *** pics are (pun intended)

As a thank you, I want to do something (free for me) for you! You name it and I'll try to come up with it.

This also an AMA so ask any questions you want.


I am still not an admin and that needs fixing.

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August 12, 2014


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August 03, 2014

Hello everybody!

Now that my tutorial serie has come to its end I have decided to ask the people around DotaFire if they would be interested in "Signature of the Week" - competition. For those who are not as familiar with the concept of Signature of the Week: It's a fun competition to which everyone can take part in. You basically have to follow the guidelines given and then PM the host(ess) your submission who will add it to the voting thread. There aren't any prizes at the moment but I guess I could discuss about it with Hades ;)!

And if you are now thinking about commenting something along the lines of: "But Janitsu-san, we don't know how to make super pretty signature!"

No worries lil' Timmy. My signature tutorial serie was made just for you! You can find it here!

So tell me what do you think about the idea :)!

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February 21, 2014

Introduction á la Janitsu

Views: 3309 Janitsu
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dota  |  introduction  |  many tags  |  me  |  new here  |  so tags  |  somewhat known on mo

Hello Everyone!

I am Janitsu (I am a bit known on (Profile)) and I play many MOBA games (DoTA 2 and League of Legends mainly though). I enjoy reading and making digital art and making traditional art as well. I sketch a lot and do champion concepts and make the drawings for them.

I have played League of Legends for 3 years now and I have played DoTA 2 from the open beta. Though I never quite understood much of it and I can't claim that I am too good at it. I usually listen to pretty much like any advice that is given because the people who give them usually tend to be better and have more knowledge. There are some exceptions though.

I live in Finland and I speak Swedish, Finnish, English and French. I understand these languages but I do also understand German, Welsh and Russian. I play violin, piano and guitar and I am into creative writing and I study advanced medicine. I also played handball for quite some time but stopped playing it after the school became much …
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