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6.84 Gameplay Update

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Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by Hades4u » April 28, 2015 9:27am | Report

6.84 Gameplay Update

April 27, 2015 - Dota Team

Today we are revealing Dota 2’s 6.84 Gameplay Update. Head over to the update page to learn about the various adjustments made to gameplay, the new Aghanim’s Scepter upgrades, new items, and more. These changes are live in the Dota 2 Test Client now, and will be coming to the Main Client later this week.

The International is approaching, and that means the Compendium is on its way. This year’s Compendium will also be available later this week, and will be packed with items, and other rewards you won’t be able to find anywhere else. And if you’re eager to know who you can cheer for at The International, keep an eye on this space; we plan to announce which teams will be invited very soon.
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Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by Krwiozerca » April 28, 2015 11:10am | Report
Reddit comment:

"New strat: wisp+tiny farm mid lane for AC while alchemist farms safe lane for aghs. Alch immediately gives aghs to tiny, and the game is basically over."


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Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by Yasutsuna » April 28, 2015 1:31pm | Report
Am i the only one who feels like DotA is starting to troll us? The new aghs upgrades seem a little... weird.

Does it feel like they're trying to bring back the turtling strategy by dumping all the item buffs to the carries. This update should be interesting.

Naga Siren aghs banzai!


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Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by fires.of.hell » April 28, 2015 1:31pm | Report
Nyx Assassin would be a better initiator/counter intiator with Aghanim's Scepter. Octarine Core might bring the Age of INT Carries and some traditional #1 carries might take the #3 role or Utility Support (please not Weaver, Wraith King, Lifestealer, etc). DAFAQ just happened IceFraud wanna start the ward wars ? The changes are biased for support IMO, maybe 30 mins game is long enough.


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Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by Sando » April 28, 2015 4:34pm | Report
Wow, this is one hell of a big patch. Lot to digest.
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Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by kkoopman3 » April 28, 2015 5:58pm | Report
I feel that the new Radiance is incredibly bs. I also think that most of the aghs upgrades aren't worth the money and neither are the new items.


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Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by apaz » April 28, 2015 10:15pm | Report
Giant patch. I like that supports were buffed again, but I don't like the changes to jungle gold.
I like playing the farming heroes that clear out the jungle every minute. I know how to farm, and I do so to great effect. That has become my playstyle. The new patch is a significant nerf to that.

When I saw that the cover of the patch was Enchantress, I grew hopeful. My god, just buff her strength growth already. She is still a worse Chen.

I really liked the buffs to Tusk. They did that one right at least. WALRUS KICK! Blink Dagger ---> Aghanim's Scepter too OP.

Tinker's new BoTs are are awesome, too. I play tinker a lot, and this is kind of what a tinker needs. He has problems getting to fights, even though he has BoTs and a blink.

I feel like I will be playing a lot more support.

Other notable changes (or lack thereof) is the Windranger, Techies, Alchemist, Kunkka, and Legion Commander.

Windranger actually got a small buff, even though the Slasher build has become popular, and almost broken the hero.
Techies got big buffs, despite being annoying as F$%&.
Alchemist's Aghanim's is weird, and potentially imba.
Kunkka can now Torrent in strange and interesting ways.
Legion Commander's Aghanim's upgrade makes her duels last forever, literally. She is also now much better at dueling, due to buffs to Moment of Courage.

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Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by KEEP CALM AND FEED » April 29, 2015 2:50pm | Report
Yasutsuna wrote:

Am i the only one who feels like DotA is starting to troll us? The new aghs upgrades seem a little... weird.

Does it feel like they're trying to bring back the turtling strategy by dumping all the item buffs to the carries. This update should be interesting.

Naga Siren aghs banzai!

Yatsu chan
Hies! This is kcaf, big fan.

Coming to your post, i mirror your feeling that the game became a bit more trolly than it previously was. Everything is getimg too blurred. Its like anyone get luxuries and make good use of it. This makes me beleive that valve doesnt want a rigid demarcation between all the hero types. More to that, i think pro games will go even more pubby now.


Can you be kind enough to make. Moar guides or update them for 6.84? I need halp.

One more thing haunts me:

we had a troll here, that i believed , had something to do with game development. Was he real or a troll?
Coz its like hes making fun of us budding gamers that take this game seriously, you know, by making this game...... not so serious.
I think icefrog wants to take out the effort element of game out, dont you think?
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Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by RazeMage » April 29, 2015 3:57pm | Report
SMITE, DOTA 2 and LoL updates all in the same time?

I'm so happy and confused with all of the changes at the same time :D


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Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by The Waffle Army » April 30, 2015 10:02am | Report
I have to say, this is the first update that I've been considerably excited for in quite a while.

Maybe I'm crazy, maybe I don't have my head in the meta as much as I should, but I like most of the changes being made, and am especially pumped, possibly even giddy, to trying out the new items.

As someone who generally enjoys supporting, Guardian's Greaves seems like a fantastic addition to the arsenal, while simultaneously freeing up some inventory space, to boot. (the new ward stacking seems catered to this effect to, glad to see icefrog giving some love to support 6-slot problems)

Legion commander's Aghs upgrade is interesting, and potentially terrifying. We may see her meta swing back to the Shadow Blade gank build, something i'm personally not too eager to witness.

Alchemist's aghs upgrade is also... different. Being potentially the fastest farmers in the game, it might not be too strange to see alchemist take up the rather strange role of a 'afk farm support', in which he pumps out Aghs for his ultimate-reliant teammates, giving them huge power spikes well before the enemy team might be able to compensate. I'll reserve judgement on this until i can see it in action.

On the other hand, I'm extremely glad to see tusk getting some much-needed love. Walrus KICK will be an amazing addition to his initiation arsenal, and hopefully could even see his return to the competetive meta (though this is likely wishful thinking on my end. Long live tuskarr<3)

overall, Extremely excited to see this update go live, even more excited to play necrophos while he's still OP (guardian greaves + octraine core + aghs, anyone?)

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