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Shinobi Monki's Profile
Guides: 0     Posts: 0     Videos: 0
Shinobi Monki

JOINED: October 31, 2011
LAST SEEN: February 20, 2013
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Shinobi Monki's Bio

Hey. I'm an avid gamer who plays just about every genre there is. I've had much experience in the MOBA or ARTS field from starting off playing DOTA back in 2006, to moving on and playing HoN in 2009, transitioning into LoL in 2011, then going back into HoN in October of 2011. I'm hoping that I can get into the DOTA2 beta to not only have the root experience of an ARTS again, but to assist in improving the game. I'm a very social, experienced, and rational gamer so I'm willing to play with anyone who asks me to join them, and I am very open to constructive criticism as I do believe that I'm not perfect and always have room for improvement.
Published Guides
latest November 20, 2012

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