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4 Votes

Wraith-Night Drow Ranger (Carry)

December 23, 2013 by Beztix
Comments: 3    |    Views: 44080    |   

Hard Carry

DotA2 Hero: Drow Ranger

Hero Skills

Precision Aura (Innate)

Frost Arrows

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Wraith-Night Drow Ranger (Carry)

December 23, 2013


Hi, I'm Beztix and just wanted to share my Wraith-Night experiences with you, maybe it will be helpful to some of you .

I nearly always played Drow Ranger in the Wraith-Night mode, as its damage output is great for clearing the waves and finally killing the Wraith King in a rush, therefore every team should have a drow imho ;)
This build focuses on DPS, which makes drow really squishy if you get caught in an enemy wave, but with your lifesteal and some kiting-practice this shouldn't be a big downside.

Drow Ranger has a new spell for this game mode which replaces silence:

Quelling Shot
"Drow's arrow splits in front of her in a cone shape, dealing less damage but cleaving multiple targets. Each arrow can only hit a target once. If Frost Arrows is activated, Quelling Shot's arrows will be converted to Frost Arrows, increasing the mana cost per arrow."

Range: 700/750/800/850
Arrows: 5/6/6/7
Damage reduction: 34%/33%/32%/30%
Mana cost: 12/15/18/22

Imho the must-have heroes for your team:
- Drow Ranger
- Axe
- Omniknight

The other two slots could be filled with any other heroes, I already played very well with Sven, Legion Commander, Magnus, Windrunner, Venomancer, Shadow Shaman and Sand King.

General TIps

Some general advice for playing Drow in Wraith-Night:

- Use Quelling Shot (later) nearly permanently, but cast it manually!
Quelling Shot is awesome for Drow's damage output, as it may be used to do some AOE damage, as well as to fire all shots to one enemy right in front of you to hit it with all of the arrows, dealing massive amounts of damage per shot!
Although I use it nearly permanently after getting the Arcane Boots, don't put it on auto-cast! There are two reasons for that: first and most important, the orb effects (Unique Attack Modifiers) will be active with the Quelling Shot this way! That means you will have lifesteal, Chain Lightning procs and all the other cool stuff for every arrow you fire: awesome. Second you will be able to aim better if you cast it manually to a point.

- Learn kiting!
Run a bit away from the enemies, shoot at them, run away from them, shoot at them...
By doing so you can wipe out the waves without having to tank any damage, if you let the enemies chase you around the towers these will damage them too.
Sounds simple, but needs a bit practice to get the timing right. I combine this technique with casting Quelling Shot manually for maximum effectiveness.
Remember to always keep moving, as you don't have much HP and can get killed with ease when standing in front of the enemy, keeping on the move is really important!

- Don't be too cocky!
As already said, you will be squishy with this build, don't risk a death that could have been prevented. A buyback would be devastating for your farming, don't protect the towers no-matter-what and better call a tanky teammate for help if needed, especially early game.

Skill justification

Frost Arrows:
Personally I don't use the frost arrows that much at the beginning, because the waves will consist of large amounts of creeps so the AOE damage from Quelling Shot is needed much more. You are able to cast Quelling Shot and Frost Arrows at the same time, but that will cost a large amount of mana so I wouldn't recommend doing this.
Later on Frost Arrows is quite useful for boss-like enemies. This skill will be maxed second, just because of the downside of maxing Quelling Shot, which is described below.

Quelling Shot:

This is your perfect skill for Wraith-Night! Great increase in damage output and the much needed AOE damage!
One point in the beginning, but afterwards this skill will be maxed last. Why? Because the mana cost will increase drastically, while the skill doesn't get much more useful. Leveling this skill should only be done after you get your arcane boots II or enough other teammates got arcane boots, to be still able to cast it almost permamently.

Precision Aura:

Well, damage increase, not much to say.
I max this first, just because maxing Frost Arrows or Quelling Shot doesn't make sense as I explained above.

As in normal DOTA, this skill greatly increases Drows damage output and armor. Always skill it when possible.

Item justification

I will explain the item choices in general, how they perfectly match your needs in the different waves will be explained at "The Waves".

Boots of Speed:
Will be build into Arcane Boots.

Iron Branch:
As always, best use for spare starting gold: some early stats, will be used to build a magic wand later.

Arcane Boots:
Core item for Drow Ranger, because it will allow her to use her Quelling Shot as much as needed. Get this ASAP!

Morbid Mask:
Lifesteal. Crucial for Wraith-Night as you will constantly receive some damage from the enemies and you need to heal up.

Magic Stick -> Magic Wand:
Great investment as many of the enemies will use skills, so you get some nice restore for only a few gold.

Gloves of Haste -> Maelstrom:
Another core item: The chain lightning provides a great increase in damage, as it could by triggered by EVERY arrow fired, so the combination with Quelling Shot makes this item awesome! Lightning in your face *****es!

Helm of the Dominator:
Its active is removed in Wraith-Night, but its stats are increased (25 Damage, 5 armor, 20% (!!) lifesteal) which makes this one a good choice: damage increase, lifesteal increase, armor.

Blades of Attack -> Crystalys:
Crit. Nothing more to say. Crit!!

Arcane Boots II:
Doesn't mean another pair of arcane boots but the special Wraith-Night item "Arcane Boots II"! Greatly increases the mana restore of the Arcane Boots, needed to cast Quelling Shots while maxing this skill.

Demon Edge -> Divine Rapier:
DAMAGE! As there are no enemies who might pick it up, the rapier is one of the perfect items for Wraith-Night. This will greatly increase your DPS and lets you wipe out the enemies in seconds!

Demon Edge -> Daedalus:
Some more increase of DPS. You will love those awesome crits, I had games of Wraith-Night in which I hit 2000+, take that Wraith King!

Why I didn't use some other items:

Well, Mjollnir would be a nice upgrade from your Maelstrom and if your farming is going even better than expected for this guide, you should pick up the Hyperstone and build your Mjollnir. But in general your gold might not be enough for that, so picking up the Hyperstone will result in not being able to build up Rapier + Daedalus, which definitely isn't worth it. The increase in Lightning damage is just minor compared to the massive DPS Rapier + Daedalus provides.

As the HoD already provides 20% lifesteal, the 5% increase given by Satanic isn't really needed, you will heal up enough because of your high hits. It's the same argument as for Mjollnir: Satanic would prevent you from building all of the other items, and that just isn't worth it.

Butterfly is always a nice item on Drow, but once again you need to make the choice between Butterfly and Rapier, and guess what? Rapier wins.

The Waves

Some tips on what to do in each of the waves:

Wave 1: Kobolds, Kobolds Everywhere!
Just clear them with your Quelling Shot when there are many on a spot and with auto-attacks when not. If they might overwhelm you feel free to pull them in the middle, they won't destroy your towers if you don't **** up completely. Focus on the Troll Healers in the end.

Wave 2: Left 5 Dead
These will be a bit tougher than the kobolds, but you should already have your Arcane Boots so keep firing Quelling Shot. Be careful with the green ones, they will explode when killed and do serious damage. Focus on the ones with the HP-bar, as they will spawn new Zombies. If you might get overwhelmed, don't hesitate to call a teammate for help!

Wave 3: The Ugly Stick
The Ogres are quite tough, just do some nice kiting and let them chase you around the towers, then you should be fine. These wont spawn any new enemies, so if you just keep kiting and pull them away from attacking towers you should kill them earlier or later. The hits you will take occasionally should be healed by your lifesteal.

Wave 4: Smashed to Slithereens
Keep moving permanently, once you get stunned you are nearly alway dead! These need some practice, kill the small ones by firing Quelling Shots, if you get the timing right the arrows will often hit them right in front of you when they jump at you and will kill them instantly. Then kill the big ones when the small ones are gone.

Wave 5: They Speak for the Trees
If everything went well you should have your Maelstrom by now and you should be able to deal quite some damage. The Forest Prophets might therefore be killed fast by running up to them and shooting all your arrows from Quelling Shot right into their face!
Kite the Treants until you have some on one spot and kill them with Quelling Shot + your Chain Lightnings. If you get trapped in trees by the Forest Prophet keep firing to heal you with your lifesteal!
The big Aged Treants could be killed by spamming them with your Frost Arrows.

Wave 6: I Lost Count
Spam the Broodmother with Frost Arrows and tell your whole team to always kill the eggs before new spiders hatch, maybe help with some Quelling Shots. The appearing wave of spiders could be taken by Axe, the other teammates should keep chasing the Broodmother.

Wave 7: Burn Notice
This is a bit tricky, but with some practice not too hard: Always move really fast when Split Earth was cast on your spot and really get the **** away if an Ancient will use its fire breath as this could instantly kill you. Besides that run up to them and fire Quelling Shots in their face to kill them fast.

Wave 8: Compound Interest
Quite interesting wave, as the Golems will split into massive amounts of smaller Golems, which will then deal incredible damage all together, so keep a bit of distance! If you do a good job kiting these enemies should not be a problem for you as you will crush them with Quelling Shots and Chain Lightnings in seconds.

Wave 9: Bear Force One
Dangerous Wave! The Bears deal a ****load of damage, which means you really shouldn't stand right next to them. So keep moving and kiting, let a tanky teammate tank them and you should be doing well.

Wave 10: Chin' Choppa Chin' Choppa!
Two Pudges who want do get you with their hooks. Take good care, as you will most likely die if you get caught by its hook and focus with the whole team on one of them, then the other one. Just stay in safe distance and spam it with Frost Arrows.

Wave 11: Danger Zone
Another wave which is quite dangerous for you, as the missiles do some serious damage and you don't have much HP. If possible let the Omniknight take care of you with its Repel while spamming the Goblin Launchers with Frost Arrows.

Wave 12: Stay Frosty!
Quite easy wave if your team does one thing: Stay away from each other! Lichs Chain Frost will bounce up to 10 times with a maximum damage of 4050 to a single target, don't let that happen! Just stay separate and clear the waves, you should be able do to so easily with AOE Quelling Shots on the Satyrs and massive to-the-face Quelling Shots on Lichs and Ancient Apparations.

Wave 13: Reborn
Finally, kill the reborn Wraith King! Keep a safe distance to him and make sure to stay out of the green circle if he casts it, otherwise this might be an instant kill. If you get hit by the Wraithfire Blast you might heal back up by your lifesteal.
This wave has three phases.

Phase 1:
Not much to say, you should deal massive amounts of damage right now and kill the Wraith King really fast.

Phase 2:
The King will summon Wraiths which should be killed first as they buff the King, this phase should be won quite easy again.

Phase 3:
Now it gets a bit tricky: The Wraith King will spawn obelisks on the map, which then spawn ghosts to heal him. If you have a Windrunner or Magnus on your team one of these (because of their high mobility) should destroy the obelisks as fast as possible, while you should kill the ghosts with Quelling Shots before they reach the Wraith King. Otherwise you should destroy the obelisks yourself, while killing the ghosts with Quelling Shots on your way there.
After a bit fighting you should finally really kill the Wraith King !

Final Words

Well, this is my first DOTA-guide and not even a "real DOTA" guide, but I hope you like it though.
I hope some of you use some of my information to really make the best out of Wraith Knight and you learned how awesome Drow Ranger is for this game mode :)

Any comments on the guide are welcome, feel free to share your thoughts on this build.

PS: As I won't be home the next days I might unfortunately not be able to play DOTA and test out suggestions myself :/

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