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Now, back to your first build, getting
No it's not, Images can farm medium camp with 2 points in it and then with actual hero can farm hard camp which is really good for her.
Yes, I did read it. I was just saying that
I did check out both builds. Still, I have to agree that maxing
she is getting increasingly popular as a carry again though. meracle really showed that she is really hard to defeat once you have your radiance, and that she is in the top 3 of hardest carries, since her illisions are much stronger than PL's.
Really micro-intensive though, so not a lot of people who can pull it off very well.
Also, I think someone he chatted with suggested getting BoT before Radiance, it's kinda good to do so, if you die a few times in the early game.
Ever saw EternalEnvy play
Consider getting
Does he go BoT prior to Radiance? If you consider the pick up after Radiance check out Build #2!
Thanks again everyone for the feedback.
Consider getting
I did check out both builds. Still, I have to agree that maxing
First, do you realize that
Now, back to your first build, getting
I won't agree on getting
Also, why max
Actually, she exist as a support a lot times more than a carry.
You're writing a guide here for other people to read. You're suppose to explain why those items are good to you. Saying that makes people feel that you don't actually know much. No offense on here.
Even if you want to play split-pushing, I suggest getting only a point of
getting early levels in mirror image is fine, they help you farm faster and generally you dont need ensnare that much.
but did you even read it? he is writing a guide about hard carry naga, to do this you NEED a radiance. why do you even mention that you think she is better as a support?
i would say that she is the best late game carry in the game apart from spectre and situationally medusa.
great guide, you described very well how you need to play the game if you want to 1v5 the opponent.
a) Regarding diffusal blade: I agree that Diffusal Blade works well with your illusions in terms of DPS against heroes. However, this is not the style I want to illustrate here. This guide is all about split push and the style pursued mostly by Meracle. It's not about getting kills, it's about getting 600 last hits by 45 minutes. You cannot achieve this with Diffusal Blade.
By the way, I am not saying that getting a Radiance past 20 minutes is bad. In fact, in the average game you get it at about 25 minutes. Im just saying that if you get it any later, the game usually is out of hand and your chances of winning pretty slim. The only way of coming back at that point IMHO, is to still get the Radiance and rat your way to victory.
b) Also you questioned the Abyssal Blade. Abyssal Blade should be considered as your 6th slot item to finish the game. For finishing the game your illusions usually are not enough. So you have to come and fight. Abyssal Blade helps locking down the most important hero for a sufficient period of time. This item should be considered a game finisher, though is highly situational.
Refer to the average game item progression for the normal build. I just wanted to cover every viable item pickup in the situational section.
By the way: you are the "hard carry" with this paticular style.
c) The question regarding Ensnare is answered in the skill section. There are pros and cons for both builds. Paticularily, it's Meracles build and he always plays it like that. Check Lod[A]'s build though. It is situational.
d) Mirror image has to get maxed asap after Rip Tide since your illusions in fact get quite tanky after optaining Drums and are able to jungle the big camps while you are still in lane. Also Mirror Image at lvl 1 is useful to stack camps to farm them later. Going Mirror Image at lvl 10 is just way to late in my opinion.
e) I too think the Armlet is generally a viable option. But again, it is not the style I want to point out in this guide. Getting things like Armlet just fills up the much needed slots in your inventory, thus delaying your core and not paying off because you have to sell them again very soon.
tl;dr: You have to understand this as some kind of a "niche guide", which focuses on one paticular style and does not want to cover every viable options in terms of gameplay.
This is in my opinion the best way of playing her.
Now, back to your first build, getting
I won't agree on getting
Also, why max
Actually, she exist as a support a lot times more than a carry.
You're writing a guide here for other people to read. You're suppose to explain why those items are good to you. Saying that makes people feel that you don't actually know much. No offense on here.
Even if you want to play split-pushing, I suggest getting only a point of