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Winning Guide to be a Godly Zeus

September 4, 2014 by Homicide
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Homicide | August 30, 2014 5:12am
Tigerre wrote:

Zeus is a midlaners, which is very obvious, but there's a very good reason people go Arc Lightning into Static Field into 3 levels of Lightning Bolt into Thundergod's Wrath is it gives you so much potential, in truth by the time you hit level 6 you want to gank, you NEED to gank actually. You shouldn't push the lane early on, yes it deals tower damage, but I can't begin to count how often I have played a roaming support and killed a mid because he pushed early.
Bloodstone is generally situational as you don't need the regen that badly, consider getting a couple of Null Talismans in lane for the mana regen and damage, and start with the Bottle rush build, so as you can get a fast Bottle by 1:50 at the lastest and Boots of Speed and 1 Null Talisman by about 3:00, it's easily achievable if you're an active Zeus. You've said that you can farm very fast, if this is the case why not get a Sythe of Vyse and Boots of Travel instead of a Bloodstone.

You've also said that Zeus too slow to contest runes, this isn't that true, most mids who have some sort of pushing mechanism (e.g. Arc Lightning+ Static Field or Static Remnant+ Overload) use that ability to push the lanes and force the enemy to try and get the equilibrium back or lose a tower while you just go "La di da di da *Starts whistling*, gonna take that free Double Damage Rune or Illusion Rune and then I shall destroy you..."

Getting a Force Staff on Zeus is so important I can't stress the importance of it, he helps his allies by moving them away from the enemy, let's you troll allies... (I never said that...), let's you troll enemies and most of all, allows you to get some HP regen and int, so therefore you deal MORE damage, have MORE mana and MORE mana regen, it's too good to pass up. I always get a casual Point Booster on Zeus for the extra tankiness and mana, and an Aghanim's Sceptre later on. If you find that you need HP and a utility item AFTER Force Staff, consider getting a Vitality Booster to build into a Rod of Atos, which is brilliant on Zeus. Getting Sage's Mask at the start makes you very squishy and does next to nothing even when upgraded to Ring of Basilius. The mana regen is not even worth considering and Zeus doesn't even benefit from the regen anyway, as you can get a Bottle really fast and can regain all of that mana that you lost last hitting in the first place.

Rushing Bloodstone leaves you so easy to kill, there are very few heroes that should rush it, only really Storm Spirit (Though it's not that common anymore :P) and Death Prophet, both of whom really benefit from the regen. Like I said, Zeus doesn't need that much regen, and if you do need it put that [[Void Stone into the eventual Perseverance which will build into that epicness that is Refresher Orb.

Getting 2 Null Talismans really helps with last hitting and it also means you don't need to spam Arc Lightning to get those last hits, though you can consider changing 1 into a Bracer instead for the tankability that it provides early, even consider upgrading to Drums of Endurance for the move speed and attack speed and the overall brilliance of the item.

I commonly go- Bottle rush at the start into---> Bottle, Boots of Speed, Magic Wand, 2 Null Talismans, Point Booster/ Vitality Booster, Boots of Travel (Sometimes Phase Boots if I need the physical damage...), Force Staff (Though I often skip that and go straight to Aghanim's Sceptre, though whenever I play Zeus someone else gets it and they can use it on me :P). Then after that early game, I go----> Rod of Atos (If I got Vitality Booster)/Aghanim's Sceptre (If I went Point Booster), Refresher Orb then maybe Heart of Tarrasque or Bloodstone or Scythe of Vyse or Shiva's Guard or Dagon (Not very often though...). I'd say that Bloodstone or Scythe of Vyse are the best options as they both help the team in their own way, Bloodstone provides the heal and the vision in an area when you die and also reduces your respawn time and gold loss, meaning that you are more useful to the team. And Scythe of Vyse by turning people into cute little piggies just waiting to be


You have lots of good points. You agree with getting a point booster and vitality booster though. Which are just steps into building the bloodstone anyways. The build I've provided lets Zeus turn into a spamming caster hero. I literally just cast non-stop don't even need to right click. The armor means you just sit there and cast and really nothing takes you down. You just hold your ground while the enemy focuses on Zeus thinking that he will go down. The rest of your team fights around you and if you happen to die you heal your team. I do agree that Zeus could use some more mobility at times but for this build I didn't go that way. I'm sure there are matches that your build would be better but i've provided the build I use most and win with. I have tried other methods but I find I can buy the items I need faster by not wasting my money on other items or consumables.

Also all those armor points start to compound on each other giving you a **** ton of armor with the extra health regen from tranquil and bloodstone means heros that all damage is reduced and your health keeps regenerating increasing survivability and damage output by the constant cast.

I do however agree that your build for Zeus is also a good one if you want to move quickly but you will also go down much faster. I don't like how other people bash mine without understanding or trying it. If you noticed in the title it is to make a Godly Zeus and I promise that if you try my guide you will understand what I am talking about.
Guip147 | August 18, 2014 1:10pm
no offens but this needs a bit of work most of the coments here have good advis
Tigerre (4) | August 10, 2014 8:13pm
Homicide wrote:

blink is a very expensive item to get and for the amount blink costs I can have a lot more armor plus tranquil boots which are the 2nd fastest boots and lets zeus move quickly around. Zeus can cast and it doesn't get rid of the tranquil speed boost unless zeus gets hit and even then you have more speed and armor. Bottle is a ****ty item for zeus to get as he is so slow and speed is key for rune control and bottle doesn't carry into the late game as well and wastes your money early game. I can have voidstone, ring of basi and boots by the time you have boots and bottle. What you guys are not understanding is the rate of farm that zeus is getting makes this build work.

Zeus is a midlaners, which is very obvious, but there's a very good reason people go Arc Lightning into Static Field into 3 levels of Lightning Bolt into Thundergod's Wrath is it gives you so much potential, in truth by the time you hit level 6 you want to gank, you NEED to gank actually. You shouldn't push the lane early on, yes it deals tower damage, but I can't begin to count how often I have played a roaming support and killed a mid because he pushed early.
Bloodstone is generally situational as you don't need the regen that badly, consider getting a couple of Null Talismans in lane for the mana regen and damage, and start with the Bottle rush build, so as you can get a fast Bottle by 1:50 at the lastest and Boots of Speed and 1 Null Talisman by about 3:00, it's easily achievable if you're an active Zeus. You've said that you can farm very fast, if this is the case why not get a Sythe of Vyse and Boots of Travel instead of a Bloodstone.

You've also said that Zeus too slow to contest runes, this isn't that true, most mids who have some sort of pushing mechanism (e.g. Arc Lightning+ Static Field or Static Remnant+ Overload) use that ability to push the lanes and force the enemy to try and get the equilibrium back or lose a tower while you just go "La di da di da *Starts whistling*, gonna take that free Double Damage Rune or Illusion Rune and then I shall destroy you..."

Getting a Force Staff on Zeus is so important I can't stress the importance of it, he helps his allies by moving them away from the enemy, let's you troll allies... (I never said that...), let's you troll enemies and most of all, allows you to get some HP regen and int, so therefore you deal MORE damage, have MORE mana and MORE mana regen, it's too good to pass up. I always get a casual Point Booster on Zeus for the extra tankiness and mana, and an Aghanim's Sceptre later on. If you find that you need HP and a utility item AFTER Force Staff, consider getting a Vitality Booster to build into a Rod of Atos, which is brilliant on Zeus. Getting Sage's Mask at the start makes you very squishy and does next to nothing even when upgraded to Ring of Basilius. The mana regen is not even worth considering and Zeus doesn't even benefit from the regen anyway, as you can get a Bottle really fast and can regain all of that mana that you lost last hitting in the first place.

Rushing Bloodstone leaves you so easy to kill, there are very few heroes that should rush it, only really Storm Spirit (Though it's not that common anymore :P) and Death Prophet, both of whom really benefit from the regen. Like I said, Zeus doesn't need that much regen, and if you do need it put that [[Void Stone into the eventual Perseverance which will build into that epicness that is Refresher Orb.

Getting 2 Null Talismans really helps with last hitting and it also means you don't need to spam Arc Lightning to get those last hits, though you can consider changing 1 into a Bracer instead for the tankability that it provides early, even consider upgrading to Drums of Endurance for the move speed and attack speed and the overall brilliance of the item.

I commonly go- Bottle rush at the start into---> Bottle, Boots of Speed, Magic Wand, 2 Null Talismans, Point Booster/ Vitality Booster, Boots of Travel (Sometimes Phase Boots if I need the physical damage...), Force Staff (Though I often skip that and go straight to Aghanim's Sceptre, though whenever I play Zeus someone else gets it and they can use it on me :P). Then after that early game, I go----> Rod of Atos (If I got Vitality Booster)/Aghanim's Sceptre (If I went Point Booster), Refresher Orb then maybe Heart of Tarrasque or Bloodstone or Scythe of Vyse or Shiva's Guard or Dagon (Not very often though...). I'd say that Bloodstone or Scythe of Vyse are the best options as they both help the team in their own way, Bloodstone provides the heal and the vision in an area when you die and also reduces your respawn time and gold loss, meaning that you are more useful to the team. And Scythe of Vyse by turning people into cute little piggies just waiting to be


Tigerre (4) | August 10, 2014 8:13pm
Homicide wrote:

blink is a very expensive item to get and for the amount blink costs I can have a lot more armor plus tranquil boots which are the 2nd fastest boots and lets zeus move quickly around. Zeus can cast and it doesn't get rid of the tranquil speed boost unless zeus gets hit and even then you have more speed and armor. Bottle is a ****ty item for zeus to get as he is so slow and speed is key for rune control and bottle doesn't carry into the late game as well and wastes your money early game. I can have voidstone, ring of basi and boots by the time you have boots and bottle. What you guys are not understanding is the rate of farm that zeus is getting makes this build work.

Zeus is a midlaners, which is very obvious, but there's a very good reason people go Arc Lightning into Static Field into 3 levels of Lightning Bolt into Thundergod's Wrath is it gives you so much potential, in truth by the time you hit level 6 you want to gank, you NEED to gank actually. You shouldn't push the lane early on, yes it deals tower damage, but I can't begin to count how often I have played a roaming support and killed a mid because he pushed early.
Bloodstone is generally situational as you don't need the regen that badly, consider getting a couple of Null Talismans in lane for the mana regen and damage, and start with the Bottle rush build, so as you can get a fast Bottle by 1:50 at the lastest and Boots of Speed and 1 Null Talisman by about 3:00, it's easily achievable if you're an active Zeus. You've said that you can farm very fast, if this is the case why not get a Sythe of Vyse and Boots of Travel instead of a Bloodstone.

You've also said that Zeus too slow to contest runes, this isn't that true, most mids who have some sort of pushing mechanism (e.g. Arc Lightning+ Static Field or Static Remnant+ Overload) use that ability to push the lanes and force the enemy to try and get the equilibrium back or lose a tower while you just go "La di da di da *Starts whistling*, gonna take that free Double Damage Rune or Illusion Rune and then I shall destroy you..."

Getting a Force Staff on Zeus is so important I can't stress the importance of it, he helps his allies by moving them away from the enemy, let's you troll allies... (I never said that...), let's you troll enemies and most of all, allows you to get some HP regen and int, so therefore you deal MORE damage, have MORE mana and MORE mana regen, it's too good to pass up. I always get a casual Point Booster on Zeus for the extra tankiness and mana, and an Aghanim's Sceptre later on. If you find that you need HP and a utility item AFTER Force Staff, consider getting a Vitality Booster to build into a Rod of Atos, which is brilliant on Zeus. Getting Sage's Mask at the start makes you very squishy and does next to nothing even when upgraded to Ring of Basilius. The mana regen is not even worth considering and Zeus doesn't even benefit from the regen anyway, as you can get a Bottle really fast and can regain all of that mana that you lost last hitting in the first place.

Rushing Bloodstone leaves you so easy to kill, there are very few heroes that should rush it, only really Storm Spirit (Though it's not that common anymore :P) and Death Prophet, both of whom really benefit from the regen. Like I said, Zeus doesn't need that much regen, and if you do need it put that [[Void Stone into the eventual Perseverance which will build into that epicness that is Refresher Orb.

Getting 2 Null Talismans really helps with last hitting and it also means you don't need to spam Arc Lightning to get those last hits, though you can consider changing 1 into a Bracer instead for the tankability that it provides early, even consider upgrading to Drums of Endurance for the move speed and attack speed and the overall brilliance of the item.

I commonly go- Bottle rush at the start into---> Bottle, Boots of Speed, Magic Wand, 2 Null Talismans, Point Booster/ Vitality Booster, Boots of Travel (Sometimes Phase Boots if I need the physical damage...), Force Staff (Though I often skip that and go straight to Aghanim's Sceptre, though whenever I play Zeus someone else gets it and they can use it on me :P). Then after that early game, I go----> Rod of Atos (If I got Vitality Booster)/Aghanim's Sceptre (If I went Point Booster), Refresher Orb then maybe Heart of Tarrasque or Bloodstone or Scythe of Vyse or Shiva's Guard or Dagon (Not very often though...). I'd say that Bloodstone or Scythe of Vyse are the best options as they both help the team in their own way, Bloodstone provides the heal and the vision in an area when you die and also reduces your respawn time and gold loss, meaning that you are more useful to the team. And Scythe of Vyse by turning people into cute little piggies just waiting to be


Homicide | June 14, 2014 11:53am
Timminatorr wrote:

Sorry but this build is just awefull.

A sage's mask doesnt do jack **** before you upgrade it into a basi, and the regen provided by a bottle provide SO MUCH MORE regen then the 0.65/sec the basi provides.

The skillbuild is also horrible, zeus is extremely reliant on snowballing, and skipping bolt early on makes you unable to kill any hero at all. And even with those points in arc lighting you wont outfarm or outcarry any semi-decent player.

Im also missing important mobility items like blink and force.

blink is a very expensive item to get and for the amount blink costs I can have a lot more armor plus tranquil boots which are the 2nd fastest boots and lets zeus move quickly around. Zeus can cast and it doesn't get rid of the tranquil speed boost unless zeus gets hit and even then you have more speed and armor. Bottle is a ****ty item for zeus to get as he is so slow and speed is key for rune control and bottle doesn't carry into the late game as well and wastes your money early game. I can have voidstone, ring of basi and boots by the time you have boots and bottle. What you guys are not understanding is the rate of farm that zeus is getting makes this build work.
Homicide | June 14, 2014 11:43am
ThreadOfFate wrote:

You mention pushing enemy towers. If you're maxing static early on, that's gonna be some rather significant lane pushing. Your first thought may be: "Oh, why is that bad?"

Simple. If your creep wave is dying to the enemy tower, and getting you stuck on their side of the river, your farm rate (and level rate) will drop rather drastically. As Peppo said, getting some fixed nuke damage early on will give you some possible first blood potential if the opponent overextends, which will give you the gold and exp you say this guide helps with.

Also, the name of this guide. "Winning guide to godly Zeus"
I find that name...Misleading.

..........What. Just....What? Early game, 100% added mana regen ISN'T THAT MUCH! hell, a Ring of basillius will help out more than that, is less expensive, and gives armour for your "tank" Zeus.

Honestly I force people to use up their tangos and leave the lane. I normally do get a ring of basillius if you read my guide properly you would know that. Lastly my winrate with zeus is amazing. The only times I lose is when my team feeds in the other lanes massively and even then by the time I get my bloodstone and armor zeus turns it around and wins the game. Pushing the mid lane does two things. Makes it hard for the enemy to get last hits, forces him to leave the lane to heal or he dies, and does damage to the tower. The extra mana regen lets you do that and the extra armor and health regen turns zeus into a tank that kills anyone that approaches.
ThreadOfFate (14) | May 17, 2014 9:20am
Timminatorr wrote:

Sorry but this build is just awefull.

A sage's mask doesnt do jack **** before you upgrade it into a basi, and the regen provided by a bottle provide SO MUCH MORE regen then the 0.65/sec the basi provides.

The skillbuild is also horrible, zeus is extremely reliant on snowballing, and skipping bolt early on makes you unable to kill any hero at all. And even with those points in arc lighting you wont outfarm or outcarry any semi-decent player.

Im also missing important mobility items like blink and force.

I agree with this statement completely.
Timminatorr (57) | May 17, 2014 8:48am
Sorry but this build is just awefull.

A sage's mask doesnt do jack **** before you upgrade it into a basi, and the regen provided by a bottle provide SO MUCH MORE regen then the 0.65/sec the basi provides.

The skillbuild is also horrible, zeus is extremely reliant on snowballing, and skipping bolt early on makes you unable to kill any hero at all. And even with those points in arc lighting you wont outfarm or outcarry any semi-decent player.

Im also missing important mobility items like blink and force.
ThreadOfFate (14) | May 17, 2014 8:40am
Homicide wrote:

The thing with static field is it is free damage. So you do a lot more damage for how much mana your using to all of the creeps and the other heros. I honestly have played the other ways but I much prefer this method. I find I can get the bloodstone quite quickly and then farm at that point is much faster than lightning bolt maxed out first. Remember that once you get that bloodstone you are just casting non stop and getting great farm, pushing towers and annoying the other team. I find that I lvl faster and get gold faster in my guide.

You mention pushing enemy towers. If you're maxing static early on, that's gonna be some rather significant lane pushing. Your first thought may be: "Oh, why is that bad?"

Simple. If your creep wave is dying to the enemy tower, and getting you stuck on their side of the river, your farm rate (and level rate) will drop rather drastically. As Peppo said, getting some fixed nuke damage early on will give you some possible first blood potential if the opponent overextends, which will give you the gold and exp you say this guide helps with.

Also, the name of this guide. "Winning guide to godly Zeus"
I find that name...Misleading.

Homicide wrote:

buying the Void Stone before Boots of Speed

..........What. Just....What? Early game, 100% added mana regen ISN'T THAT MUCH! hell, a Ring of basillius will help out more than that, is less expensive, and gives armour for your "tank" Zeus.
Moodkill (9) | May 17, 2014 12:35am
A Force Staff or Blink Dagger is important on zeus to either initiate or to escape IMO.
Homicide | February 18, 2014 4:22am
The thing with static field is it is free damage. So you do a lot more damage for how much mana your using to all of the creeps and the other heros. I honestly have played the other ways but I much prefer this method. I find I can get the bloodstone quite quickly and then farm at that point is much faster than lightning bolt maxed out first. Remember that once you get that bloodstone you are just casting non stop and getting great farm, pushing towers and annoying the other team. I find that I lvl faster and get gold faster in my guide.
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