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Win the Game

June 13, 2016 by Lord Frieza
Comments: 2    |    Views: 20643    |   

Build 1
Build 2


DotA2 Hero: Lycan

Hero Skills

Apex Predator (Innate)

Summon Wolves

1 3 5 7


8 12 13 14

Feral Impulse

2 4 9 10


6 11 16


15 17 18

Win the Game

Lord Frieza
June 13, 2016

How to Win

The Plan

Game Start

First decide whether you are jungling, or farming safe lane. If jungling, wait until 0:00 and then summon your wolves and send them to a jungle camp (make sure you don't block the camp spawn). Meanwhile, leave Lycan in base until he his mana has returned to full before also heading in.

The principle is fairly similar for laning; spawn your wolves at about -0:50 and send them to either rune spot. Regen and send Lycan to the safe lane rune. The wolves can be used to scout the enemy before the rune fight, and you might sometimes even be able to deny a rune from an enemy.


Most of the tips for laning and jungling are in the ability and item sections, but one thing that must be mentioned is gold. In order for this build to work, you're going to need to farm fast. When on lane, you should be aiming to get at least ~55 last hits in the first 10 minutes of the game. If you aren't farming well in your current situation, move somewhere else.


The pushing stage should usually begin with you assisting your team with taking a tier 1 with the help of your wolves and howl. You should probably fairly easily be able to take all three tier 1 towers whilst also farming your necrobook levels.

If the enemy team notice you during this and start defending hard, then it's time to invest in BoT so that you can just keep waves pushed and tp to a forward wave to outmaneuver them. Once the team fights begin, the ratting stage really starts.


Once you have your necrobook and BoT, stop focusing on killing enemy heroes and team fighting entirely. You are a lone wolf, not a team player. Just try your hardest to keep all three waves pushed, especially the side lanes.

The most important objective is to get an early set of racks before the enemy are strong enough to stop you. Often, the way to do this is to start pushing the wave on the opposite side with your hero to distract the enemy team and make them tp to you; if you are really lucky, they might even waste glyph. Then, now that they have wasted their tp's, use your BoT to change your attack to the other tower and melt it as fast as possible with your creeps.

If someone comes along that you can easily kill, then nuke them fast and take the racks; if the defender might stun lock you or kill you, then make sure you ult early so that you can escape. BKB can also be helpful by providing you with some extra time to hit towers.

Remember to micro. You can often keep someone busy with your wolves or your hero whilst the rest of your army takes the objective.

Once this racks is down, it both means that one of the creep waves will naturally push itself, making your job easier, and also opens up an area of the enemy base for you to utilise. Not to mention the fact that solo taking two racks and a tier 3 will give your team and especially you a good boost of gold. Try and do the same thing for another set of racks, however if you find that it simply isn't working anymore then it's time to start backdooring.

If it wasn't already obvious; at any point in this stage, if there is a team fight you should usually get involved. Instead, use the distraction to try and push for a racks. Once we reach the backdooring stage, you will probably have to wait for a team fight before you are able to do this. And because fights can often break out at reasonably unpredictable moments, you need to be ready to jump inside the enemy base at a moment's notice.

To backdoor, send your invisible wolves into the enemy base, making sure they are hidden from towers or wards. Then, when a fight or other distraction occurs, first ult then tp to a wolf, then summon your necro creeps and select your army and get melting. If the enemy come back to defend, distract them by fighting them or running around at ridiculous speed with just your hero, all the while continuing the base assault with your creeps. You'll be surprised just how easily you can destroy towers through backdoor protection with desolator and howl.

At this point you should pretty much just stop caring about kills and deaths entirely. It is often a good idea to save for buyback so that you can surprise the enemy with a sudden base push just after they thought they dealt with you.


    Summon Wolves - Set up your micro controls, getting god with the wolves is the key to success with lycan. In lane, level second after E and use the wolves for harass or to get last hits if you're being bullied by the enemy lane support.
    Howl - Use this in combination with necrobook and wolves to melt towers. Also useful if your team need extra damage in a fight. If the enemy have started to save fortify for when you rat, save this until after the fortification ends. It can also be saved for when the poor solo support sent back to defend by the enemy team arrives at the tower to defend, as you can surprise them with a huge burst of damage.
    Feral Impulse - When laning, level first for last hitting; combined with quelling blade, you will be able to last hit creeps from quite high health. This will allow you a longer time window in which you can dive in to melee range for last hits. In the jungle, it is more effective to micro and aggro switch with wolves so skill E second.
    Shapeshift - Your ult really helps you rat and push by providing you with another fast re-positioning option on top of (or before you get) BoT. When using it to escape, try to predict the arrival of the enemy and use this prior to them catching you, as the cast time is fairly long.


    Quelling Blade - Helps to dominate the last hitting game in lane. In the jungle, cut trees at the back of camps to create a gap and stand here with your hero when you fight the camp. Only one neutral creep will be able to fight you at once, and you can send your wolves around into the camp to fight them from behind as there isn't enough space for them. Make sure you keep the aggro on yourself by microing the wolves whilst your hero stands and right clicks.
    Stout Shield - Essential jungling item. Also important on lane so that you don't get hurt so badly by harass when last hitting in the creep wave.
    Iron Talon - Decent item if you are going to spend a long time in the jungle because your team are losing the lanes and they are not suitable for farming. If you are continually getting ganked in the jungle or the lanes are safe and your farm is good, then this isn't necessary.
    Ring of Basilius - Provides you with bonus damage and mana regen, and has aura armour for you and your wolves. In most situations you should buy this first, as it will help you stay alive under harassment in lane and jungle more effectively.
    Headdress - In the jungle, definitely buy this after ring as the mana regen for more wolf summoning is very useful. In lane, if you're getting harassed but don't find yourself using your wolves or needing much mana, then you can buy the ring of regen component of headdress before basilius.
    Boots of Speed - If you are worried about getting ganked in the jungle, then it might be a good idea to buy these before headdress for the escape speed.
    Vladmir's Offering - Vlad's is perfect for buffing your wolves and later your necro creeps. The lifesteal will really help you win on-on-ones with other heroes who try to stop your pushes. Aim to complete before 10 minutes.
    Power treads - If you are ahead on farm and find yourself fighting enemies before you have necronomicon, then you can buy power treads for extra attack speed and hp before you farm for BoT.
    Boots of Travel - Buy boots of travel once the enemy team start clocking on to the fact that you are slicing through their towers. This could be straight after getting necronomicon level 1, or if they aren't on the ball, then you might be able to wait until after necro 3. Late game, these will really help you backdoor.
    Necronomicon - Necrobook + Howl + Vlad's = Dead Towers. Complete necrobook 3 and BoT before 20 minutes, 25 in a bad game. Make sure you remember to use the archer's mana burn ability, it can make a big difference in one-on-one fights.
    Assault Cuirass - Buffs your creeps so they hit quicker and tank better. This is usually your first big item after necrobook, provided that you don't need the BKB.
    Desolator - Reduces tower armour, this will allow you to backdoor late game without the need for creep waves.
    Black King Bar - If you are getting nuked or perma-stunned every time you try and rat, then BKB should solve this. Pop it to fight the spell caster and then once he's dead, melt the tower and racks.
    Divine Rapier - For that super late game last ditch attempt to solo backdoor the enemy base and steal a win out of a losing game.

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