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2 Votes

Why Chaos Knight is OP as F!@k

February 2, 2015 by The Real Uncle Sam
Comments: 13    |    Views: 13809    |   


This is my own personal take on Chaos Knight, his strengths, and his weaknesses. This is my first guide so all I have done is write chapters and try to keep them organized and not to wordy.

If you have suggestions pls put them in the comments. I will ignore requests for videos, images, things like that. I am not trying to be rude. I just don't want to spend the time doing that. If you have requests for further explanations, more elaboration, things you think are important that I missed I will answer those and incorporate them into the guide.

Credentials, all i've done is play this game for over 1600 hours my solo MMR as of my writing this is 2600 and my party is 3100.

Motivation, I am jsut tired of seeing a hero who I think is insanely good be barely used as well as people having terrible builds for him and play him incorrectly.

What is Chaos Knight?

First he is a carry. What do I mean by a carry? I mean that that the more gold he gets the more scary he gets.

Second, he is an illusion hero, he is also the only illusion hero that is strength based. This means that standard damage items are not as effective on him because illusion heros in most cases rely on their illusions to provide most of their damage and Chaos Knight is not an exception to this rule. Illusions do not get an increase in damage from items that give them flat damage, they only get increase in damage from stats.

Third, what is his objective in team-fight? Carries generally have either wide spread damage and abilities like Sven, Medusa, and Luna or they tend to be single target killers like Phantom Assassin, Troll Warlord, and Lifestealer. While there some mixing and matching these are the two categories that most carries find themselves in. Chaos Knight is in the second class of carries, he is a single target killer who kills a victim and then moves on.

Fourth, is he a late-game carry like void Spectre and Medusa who require enormous quantities of farm before they can come online or is he a mid-game carry that does not require that much farm and needs to finish the game quickly before he get out carried? The answer is that he is both. He as incredibly powerful laning combined with and incredibly high natural damage increaser of 520% or 650% all directed at a single target. No other hero in the game gives out as much damage as ck to a single target as he can.

Why Chaos Knight is hard to play.

First, hes not hard to play. he's different to play. For one he does not have sustain in a fight. He does not life-steal, he does not regen mana in a fight, he does not wear down his foes, like Phantom Assassin, Phantom Lancer, Lifestealer, Trollwarlord, and other heros. He will go in and generally kill you within the first few seconds and not even give you time to react. This allows him to go kill in Trollwarlord and other heros who are incredibly strong with their basic attacks, he does not bother to enter a battle of sustaining but kills you in a matter of seconds before sustain becomes an issue.

This means that many standard items in carries are worthless to him. For example, he is better off with heart because it gives him roughly an extra 208 damage as opposed to satanic which only gives 130. Most carries would rather recieve a Satanic than a heart because they want sustain, as I said before, Chaos Knight does not want sustain, he wants tank and damage as that are all his illusions can use.

This really comes down to the core of what Chaos Knight is, he's a nuker who kill people with right click nukes. This is amazing actually because this effectively means that you have caster who also to be tanky and can scale up all the way into the late game.

This is not just in health but also in mana. You don't want regen, you want mana pool. You will not be able to regen the amount of mana you will need for late game fights. The only answer is mana pool.

Why Chaos Knight needs to focus on his Illussions to win.

First, obviously his illusions are where he gets all of his damage from.

Secondarily they increase his durability. Single target spells have a harder time picking him out and doing damage to him as well as auto attacks. His illusions also do some of the most damage and take some of the least amount of damage in the game. Since he is a strength a hero his illusions can also be the tankiest in the game.

Pros / Cons

Now for some fun Pros and Cons

One of the most BKB free carries in the game.
Highest damage multiplier in the game.
He can literally duel almost anyone in the game and win.
Can destroy building like a kid driving a bulldozer through the Crystal Palace.
You literally have to counter pick him to win.
Freaking fast at 325 base movement speed.

He can never be a bash lord.
Does not have a built in farming mechanism.
Needs a **** ton of mana but has almost none. But we can work with that.


Chaos Bolt

An incredible stun, while it can be mediocre with only a 1 second stun at times, it is still an incredibly powerful tool that allows you to dominate your lane with your supports and get kills off the offlane.

I tend to upgrade this whenever I can, having increased length is incredible important and allows your supports to get into position.

Reality Rift

This is what allows you to be practically unstoppable and allows you to chase people down and never let them escape. This also make you absolutely terrifying in lane as you pull people out of position stun them, and the beat the **** out of them.

You upgrade the stun first and this second.

Chaos Strike

This is the icing on the cake. This gives Chaos Knights illusions exactly what they need, a damage multiplier. it achieves everything that a Daedalus would accept better.

You get this last, As I said its the icing on the cake and its more important to get reality rift up so that your cool down is measly 6 seconds.


Don't listen to the ******** about Chaos Knight not having enough mana to get this at level 6. If your not a flaming idiot and don't harass people with your spells you should have plenty of mana for it. Also lets look at what it gives you at level one, it doubles your damage, makes it so that people have a harder time singling you out for spells and damage....yeah, way better than anything else you could spend the point on.

Always upgrade this when you have the chance.


To start off While Chaos Knight does have situational items they are very limited, his build is not flexible at all and is very rigid for him to be effective.

Starting Items

Tango- Regen

Salve-Emergency Regen

Circlet- You need mana son.

3x Branches- You need even more mana

The point of these starting items is to allow you to stun two times in row. It happens occasionally especially when contesting the rune that you will be able to stun twice during the fight and it can be crucial having the mana.


Magic Wand- This item is crucial on Chaos Knight as it can often mean the difference between a win and a loss and it gives you something to do with all those branches

Bracer- You get this next because yes, you need more mana and stats.

TP scroll- Chaos Knight is a power house and should capitalize on the fact that he is one of the most scary carries early in the game. Be aware of conflicts and see if you can help out.

Robe of the Magi- Yes you need this for more mana.

Drums next to conserve space so you can keep tp scrolls, regen items, and other stuff.

Battle Treads- Robe of Magi, then brown boots, then finish it off


Manta Style- This is where my guide is unique. I always advise getting a Manta Style instead of an Armlet of Mordigian. It is absolutely necessary on him. Manta gives Chaos Knight everything that he needs, a way to get rid of an aoe silence, a way to create illusions other than his ult, more mana, and more tank. This is farm more important than an early Armlet of Mordigian that only gives you tank. Your illusions are far less effective when you cannot reality rift someone and surround them and hit them all at once.

In building the Manta I suggest you go for the ultimate orb first as it will give you the stats you need at that point of the game instead of a bunch of agility that you really don't need if you build the Yasha First.


You then have 3 choices each with their own merit

Armlet of Mordigian- You feel like you need to catch up.

Heart of Heart of Tarrasque- Everything is good and your fed.

Skadi- You want more mana.

Super Late Game

Refresher Orb- I kid you not this is very useful, your ult is on decently big cooldown of 140 seconds and you illusion only last 42 seconds. Thats close to 100 seconds of down time between ults and late game they can take down towers after a team fight and or make the difference. YOUR PHANTASM ILLUSIONS DO NOT STACK!!! DO NOT THINK YOU CAN HAVE 8 PHANTASMS RUNNING AROUND WRECKING THINGS IT WON'T WORK. THEY WILL JUST DISAPPEAR.

Max out on Hearts- Seriously no item benefits Chaos Knight as much as heart.


Monkey King Bar- Evasion is the one thing that really screws with Chaos Knight because it wastes your time, and your a nuker wasting time is the worst thing possible. Also your illusion don't get any damage increase from this item so the only reason your getting it for is the true-stike that you illusions get. So yeah, its a pain in the *** to get this item.

Black King Bar- Honestly if you need this your ****ed. Because they probably have got a lot of aoe and they basically have shut you down anyway before you could get the big items that would allow your illusions to survive aoe damage. If you need it to deal with Silencers ult or multipe aoe silences then that is fine. Otherwise your Manta Style should offer you all you need.

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