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24 Votes

Who's that handsome devil? BoredomIsFun's Storm Spirit guide!

December 31, 2011 by BoredomIsFun
Comments: 15    |    Views: 77639    |   

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TinySmahed (2) | August 14, 2012 8:20am
I PREFER remnant over overload coz in the mid game you dont have enough mana or mana regen to pull off many procs of overload. well its all about player preference.
HamSandwich (34) | June 19, 2012 11:26pm
"Black King Bar goes through BKB"
BoredomIsFun (12) | May 16, 2012 7:30pm
flowingbloom wrote:

Electric vortex on lvl 1? mustn't agree!

I fixed it up! :)
flowingbloom | April 6, 2012 12:23pm
Electric vortex on lvl 1? mustn't agree!
Jegor (1) | February 25, 2012 9:14am
Good guide mate, i learned a trick or two :)
Just wanted to tell you that you have a typo in your bkb vs linken chapter where it says (ie Black King Bar goes through BKB)!
While im a swell here commenting could ask aswell, do you guys have any tactic against a BS when mid? He just rapes me with the silence, denys all my creeps (your all gonna says learn to last hit but he got more base dmg + quelling)
BoredomIsFun (12) | February 17, 2012 3:18am
eftmike817 wrote:

Solid guide. Everything that you did not explain is fairly self explanatory and the most debated ideas i.e. remnant and bkb are discussed here

Thank you good sir!
eftmike817 (1) | February 16, 2012 5:18pm
Solid guide. Everything that you did not explain is fairly self explanatory and the most debated ideas i.e. remnant and bkb are discussed here
Atlas (117) | January 27, 2012 6:01pm
Getting a 404 on "my website".
BoredomIsFun (12) | January 27, 2012 5:37pm
Updated my Storm Skill Build + Item Build. Haven't changed the text yet. Check me out at my website. Still adding content.

Edit: Link fixed.
Whated (12) | January 5, 2012 9:39am
Great guide! Even thought I would go with Q lvl 1 and E lvl 2 then getting W 3 times in a row. Also I kinda disagree with the item build but it is just my opinion...
kumquat (15) | January 1, 2012 7:50am
I'm really sorry. :/ I'm not trying to sound negative or overly aggressive, I'm just saying how I feel.

I was aiming for a non-spoon-fed guide (ie Hmm what do we get scythe Null Talisman for?), but I do see and understand where you are coming from. I'll try to explain a tad more :P.

The thing about guides is that they are generally going to be read by new players who don't know anything about the character. Experienced veterans won't need to read a guide, so spoon-feeding them information is somewhat necessary. You did say how, but you didn't say why, and if players simply blindly pick skills and items, are they actually learning anything?

Also, I would like to know where it's 'jumbled', I would just like to know so I could fix it right up! (and possibly prevent it in the future).

It's really not a big deal. The little things go a long way.

1) Heading to base?
Ball Lightning as much as you can! Use it effectively as well, jumping over a cliff rather than walking around saves time!
2) At base?
Use a skill! Get that extra overload charge!
Bottle Spam!
3) Defending?
Make a wall of strongman poses for some burst defense!
4) Don't forget, Remnant gives unobstructed vision!

Could be..

1) Heading to base?
Ball Lightning as much as you can! Use it effectively as well, jumping over a cliff rather than walking around saves time!

2) At base?
Use a skill! Get that extra overload charge!
Bottle Spam!

3) Defending?
Make a wall of strongman poses for some burst defense!

4) Don't forget, Remnant gives unobstructed vision

Things like that. Like I said, proper use of colors can go a long way for your guide and help make things appear more readable overall.
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