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4 Votes

Where are my manners?- BristleBack Guide

May 26, 2015 by lazarilho
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Tirolone | August 19, 2015 5:57pm
Hello! Im living in Lisbon currently, and I play a lot with Bristle too hehe! So, much in common!

nice guide, I find it always nice when people describe which piece of the items they like to get first, it really makes the guide better. Your guide is really nice, congrats!

some suggestions: try to leave the base with an Enchanted Mango , because it can give you an early kill. And while u don't use it, it will give some hp regen.

Also, you might wanna consider building a Solar Crest in many situations, as well as Hood of Defiance . I find those two items to be core for Bristleback , so perhaps its nice for you too!

Also, I'd like to know what do you think about Octarine Core and Lotus Orb for Bristleback , if you could write a little about it, it would be nice!

nice guide, keep it up!
michimatsch (26) | May 26, 2015 3:52pm
Because you will help your team with it.
Later on you won't do that much damage (you still do a lot but compared to a Faceless Void it sucks).
But you are extremly hard to bring down or to focus. So you just stack aura effects on your hero and help them by staying alive. The longer you live the longer the auras last - that's why you build em on tanky dudes.
YellulzQuiet (8) | May 26, 2015 2:54pm
why Vlads ?
Tigerre (4) | August 27, 2014 9:04pm
If soloing the off-lane getting a Stout Shield over Ring of Protection is a bit better, then you'd build into Vanguard for survivability in lane is better, then you can get a Ring of Basilius, just for the mana regen... Getting Vladmir's Offering is somewhat situational, better off getting Pipe of Insight, especially if up against a Zeus or Doombringer...

Bristleback is one of my favourite heroes, though I've yet to try him in a pub, though I doubt that I would be able to get solo offlane.....

+1 from me, it's really good (Add Armlet of Mordiggian, Heavan's Halberd and other items that'll help your team :P)
lazarilho | August 22, 2014 6:52am
Zerak Kyria wrote:

Also make a second build with Stout Shield. it's really good and if upgraded to Vanguard combined with Bristleback turns you into a ridiculous tank. not to mention I like to go into Hood of Defiance thereafter which turns you into a walking tank machine.

otherwise nice guide.

Thx for feedback!

I Explained why i don't go Stout Shield, but i guess you're right to include a second build with it. Still I think Vanguard is kinda overrated!
Moodkill (9) | August 22, 2014 3:33am
Mek ? Pipe ? Armlet ? These really should be added.
Zerak Kyria (8) | August 21, 2014 7:04pm
One thing you've missed. If you're going offlane, I generally put my second point into Bristleback because it gives you more tankiness.

Also make a second build with Stout Shield. it's really good and if upgraded to Vanguard combined with Bristleback turns you into a ridiculous tank. not to mention I like to go into Hood of Defiance thereafter which turns you into a walking tank machine.

otherwise nice guide.
lazarilho | August 21, 2014 3:19pm
TheSofa wrote:

Good guide, I see you've formatted pretty nicely. :)
A chapter on gameplay or something would be helpful.

Thank you very much :)
Will build a chapter on gameplay for sure...

Fumbles16x wrote:

Four big items left out. Heaven's Halberd, Shiva's Guard, Pipe of Insight, and Mekansm. The last two can usually be bought by a support, but they're actually really really good on BB.

The guide looks good. Formatting is nice!

Thnx for feedback :)
Yes, you've a point there, as i said Bristleback is kinda of a Carrier Support, and your suggestions can help him bring much more to teamfigths.

Krwiozerca wrote:

You very often write: "You're" instead of "Your". You're = You are; not Your.
It is a common mistake, so don't worry :).

Already working on it, much appreciated :)

Krwiozerca wrote:

I consider Bristleback the best Heaven's Halberd carrier.

I like the Vladmir's Offering idea, because Auras on a tanky hero is a great idea and it's very cheap for it's effectivenes.

Do you believe that i never had a Heaven's Halberd on Bristle? Oh boy, now i'm willing to try it :)
Yes, Vlad's Aura has the bigest ROI ( return on investment) in DOTA. The more a hero stands, the more he's team benefits from auras, that's the problem with most supports...they're squishy!
Krwiozerca (34) | August 21, 2014 2:11pm
You very often write: "You're" instead of "Your". You're = You are; not Your.
It is a common mistake, so don't worry :).

Exactly, Heaven's Halberd is a great mid-game item on Bristleback, because it gives him more STR, a minor slow and 25% evasion, so until they will build Monkey King Bar you should be very hard to kill and also active of that spell is great for you. Bristleback wants to be in the middle of the fight, so he will actually have the best acces to the enemy team carry to prevent him from attacking for a while. I consider Bristleback the best Heaven's Halberd carrier.

I like the Vladmir's Offering idea, because Auras on a tanky hero is a great idea and it's very cheap for it's effectivenes.
Fumbles16x (4) | August 21, 2014 1:35pm
Four big items left out. Heaven's Halberd, Shiva's Guard, Pipe of Insight, and Mekansm. The last two can usually be bought by a support, but they're actually really really good on BB. Heaven's Halberd is good because it can disarm a carry, while also giving you evasion. Pipe is good against casters, and makes you tougher against magic in general. Mek is kind of along the same lines as Axe getting it. You're really hard to bring down when you have the regen and the burst health + armor. Shiva's is good if your carry got an AC already, plus it gives a good aura, nuke, and gives you basically unlimited mana for your spamming.

The guide looks good. Formatting is nice!
TheSofa (54) | August 21, 2014 8:34am
Good guide, I see you've formatted pretty nicely. :)
A chapter on gameplay or something would be helpful.

I don't think Radiance should be picked up as a 3rd item at all, it's really dependant on you getting it fast.

Other than that, great guide!
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