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Weaver: Like the Pros

April 5, 2014 by TheMonkeyGorrilla
Comments: 0    |    Views: 8029    |   

Build 1
Build 2

Linkens Build

DotA2 Hero: Weaver

Hero Skills

Rewoven (Innate)

The Swarm

3 12 13 14


1 4 5 7

Geminate Attack

2 8 9 10

Time Lapse

6 11 16


15 17 18


Hello and already I would like to thank you for reading my first guide on Weaver. Weaver is a really fun and strong hero if played correctly, my favourite thing about him is that he can solo a Pudge easily. Now let's get crackin'.

Item Build/Justifacation

The reason why I get a Tango and 2 Clarity's instead of what you normally get is because you usually will be using Shukuchi a lot to harass and last hit. The first item you will be building is you Linkens Sphere because it will protect you from all the single target nukes in the game which could mean the difference between Time Lapseing or not. Depending on you situation you can pick up your Void Stone or Ring of Health first just be sure to make your Perseverance after you get you Boots of Speed. The reason for only getting Boots of Speed is because most of the time whilst running/chasing you will be using Shukuchi. After your Linken's Sphere then you can get you Power Treads which is the only boots I recommend on Weaver because once you have you early Perseverance you are going to be OK on mana and health for a little while, hopefully until you get your Linken's Sphere. The next item is up to you but I recommend Desolator because the minus armour stacks with swarm. IMPORTANT NOTE don't skip the Ring of Aquila it is definetley worth it.

Skill Build Reasoning

A lot of people who play Weaver like to level Shukuchi and Germinate Attack equally but the reason I Max out Shukuchi first is because Germinate Attack doesn't need to proc on every attack, 5 seconds is just fine until you are team fighting every 5 or so minutes. Remember to level Time Lapse whenever you can because it is just so good and will quite often save your life. Whenever you are ganking or team fighting remember to use The Swarm on you primary target.

If You Face A Pudge

If you face a Pudge then you will not want to try and take him on until you have maxed Shukuchi. The way you kill a Pudge is by Shukuchiing up to him and applying your The Swarm on him, and Shukuchiing through him whenever he goes to attack you. This is because Pudge is slower than you and you can get away from him to auto attack him. DON'T FORGET when he gets close enough you want to Shukuchi through him.

Thanks For Reading

As always I would like to thank you for reading my guide and if you have any suggestions or tips I should add please tell me and I will explain my reasons or add it.

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