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6 Votes

Wawel dragon. The OP dragon of P(r)oland

September 25, 2012 by Debowy_Mocny
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Caswel | September 29, 2012 7:27am
jaslam (21) | September 26, 2012 5:17am
Hmm.. this is my old DK build, and it really doesn't work (LOL) (with this build I used to go tank, get a vang and defiance)
Breath of fire is your main nuke, you can farm/kill heroes with it.

3 bracers, i agree, is not a good idea. Why not get an urn or a drum - cost a bit more, but stats are similar and you get the benefit of the passives and actives. 1575, for 3 bracers, +18 str, 9 int, 9 agi, 9 dmg - with drum for +150 gold (1725), you get 9str,agi,int,dmg and the ms/as aura and active? if you're worried about mana, get a soul ring - you have the passive to regen the sacrifice hp..

Rush treads, plain and simple, don't wait until after you have 3 bracers.

2 levels of dragon's blood should be enough to give you lane sustain, then you should max your breath. so level 8 max breath

I also disagree with not maxing your stun until the end of the game. if you can stun the enemy carry for 3.25 seconds, compared to 2 seconds, he's dead..

this build might keep you alive - but you have no damage, and you being alive while your team is dead - makes the build useless..
wilddeonpwn (102) | September 25, 2012 5:15pm
I don't think getting 3 bracers is great, epically if your trying to be own age. Listen to hades
Debowy_Mocny | September 25, 2012 6:02am
Hades4u wrote:

Even if you have a lot of damage and life steal, it's useless since you attack really slow.

You need Power Treads, Helm of the Dominator, Black King Bar and Hyperstone as soon as possible, which later on will turn in Satanic and Assault Cuirass.

Hmm with attack speed you are right. So i moved cuirass to core. But i think BKB is still situational because sometimes you dont need to be magic immune.
Hades4u (296) | September 25, 2012 4:38am
Even if you have a lot of damage and life steal, it's useless since you attack really slow.

You need Power Treads, Helm of the Dominator, Black King Bar and Hyperstone as soon as possible, which later on will turn in Satanic and Assault Cuirass.
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