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6 Votes

Wawel dragon. The OP dragon of P(r)oland

September 25, 2012 by Debowy_Mocny
Comments: 5    |    Views: 5973    |   

Wawel dragon's toys

DotA2 Hero: Dragon Knight

Hero Skills

Dragon Blood (Innate)

Breathe Fire

4 8 9 10

Dragon Tail


Wyrm's Wrath

2 3 5 7

Elder Dragon Form

6 15 16


11 12 13 14 17 18

Wawel dragon. The OP dragon of P(r)oland

September 25, 2012


Welcome, or not... YOU ARE NOT WELCOME cus you are noob, nobody loves you etc. But you can change this, yesssss and i will show you how to do that.

THis guide will teach you how to play dragon knight in wawel dragon (Polish) style. Cus i from P(r)oland.

In Poland we had a dragon called wawel dragon, he pwned everything but someone fed him with brimstone stuffed fake sheep (oh boy) and wawel dragon started to drink water and he exploded (Or maybe that was a fake dragon and wawel dragon is hiding somewhere cus he seen davion comming for him).

Now you gonna learn how to pwn everyhing like a wawel dragon cus in dota 2 they dont have fake sheeps stuffed with brimstone (thanks god).

SO read this ******* guide cus this guide is the only way to be a pro (the other way is picking no-skill hero called antimage).

You must agree with at least 90% of this guide to be a pure man. If you dont do that, you are gay.

Dont complain about my english, i know, my english is not perfect but i hope you will understand what i mean.

First, dragon knight is a CARRY, not tank, not nuker. CARRY. His ult wreaks havoc.

Dragon knight is a one of strenght heroes who looks like a pure man. Slardar? EEE just a giant fish. TIdehunter? Mutant water thing. Pudge? Stinking fat thing. SVEN? Maybe...
Just only dragon knight looks like pure man.

Davion is a pure man, he killed dragons before he got dragon power. But anyway, READ THE GUIDE NUB

Pros / Cons

* Very durable carry
* One of the best 1 lvl non-ult stuns
* Splash dmg on autoattacks in late game (when your autoattacks deletes enemy hero in 2 secs, that means you win teamfights in 3 seconds if you are not focused)
* At 16 lvl, your autoattacks makes perma slow
* Very durable early game (Dat passive)

* Not much powerful dmg output in early game compared to other carries
* Untill 6 lvl melle range
* Usually he ks-es in early game
* You must have team of thinking people


Breathe fire
Simple nuke. Not bad AOE dmg. But there is a one problem. IT EATS TONS OF MANA. I prefer to max this spell after maxing Dragon BLood. But sometimes is one situation friendly to max breathe fire.
THis sitation you have when...this nice man is your lanemate, and your enemies dont harras so much. Keeper of light gives you mana so you can freely spam breathe fire to make enemies sad, very sad, in other ways you use it as finishing move in early game and in late game use it between auto attacks to make more dmg output.
Dragon tail
Very long stun at 1 lvl. You can punish enemies for tower diving your ally, you can make ganks more effecive. In 1v1 you can stun enemy and freely deal some dmg when he stays like an idiot. Man, this is so good. 1 point at this skill is enought. You max it at your last lvl's (23,24,25). IN teamfight stun their carry or initator (before he initate of course).

Dragon blood
THis passive = free helms of iron will.
This passive makes you durable and hard to harras.
Just farm with hit and run method. Come colser to creeps when some your creeps are low hp. If enemy ranged is an idiot he will try to harras you with autoattacks and he will lose some lasthits.
Max this passive and enjoy your powerful sustain and farming like a boss.

Elder dragon form
What is better than pure man? A PURE MAN TRANSFORMING INTO A F*******G DRAGON.
This skill is just for pure men.
Your transform into dragon, and your attacks becomes ranged (Ranged durable carry... Because f**k you). But you think this is enought? Lol nope... THERE IS MORE.

Green dragon - Enjoy your bonus 20 dps. THis is so nice. You can do some damage before you get daedalus.

Red dragon - Take it if you get daedalus or 15 lvl (what comes first). Man, splash dmg + crits from daedalus can rly bring destruction in teamfights. Also you can farm hard.

Blue dragon - You think DROW is overpowered with her frost arrows and perma slow? Dragon knight just laugh at you. BLue dragon mixes frost attack with splash dmg. SO you have Mix of awesome splash dmg and multi target perma slow. WHat now trax? HUH?


Now is time to show you toys what you use to show everybody who is a PURE MAN.
- this little boy gives strenght (so that means, more hp, more dmg from autattacks and more hp regen.
- this thing gves you agility and intelect, you need them for bracers.
- 3 x bracer gives you in early game alot. Hp, dmg, attacks speed, mana, armour. IN early game you can do something before getting daedalus. Pure man needs 3 bracers (first bracer he wears on left hand, second bracer wears to the right hand third bracer... protects him from being castrated).
- you just need boots.
- say hello to wawel dragon's best friend. DAEDALUS. With this baby you can clean your way from any MLP fan, Justin Bieber fan and anybody who is aganist heavy metal, the music for PURE MEN
- make power treads to make some attack speed, to make killing faster.
- Take this and go for solo roshan and pick aegis. This gives you strenght and lifesteal. Also active is powerful and for pure man. You fighting 1v1? U low hp? Activate this baby and in sec be fully healed and rdy for round 2.

- MOAR ARMOUR, MOAR ATTACK SPEED. AND this aura. When you have some right clicks in your team, you need to pick this toy.
- Sometimes to avoid stunlock is not going first to teamfight. But ever if disables makes you mad and you can't do anything to avoid them. SO say hello to black king bar and piss on their disables.
- If enemy carry just do too much dmg... use his dmg aganist him. Also powerful in 1v1.
- WIth this item you destroy everything on your path. But be careful. Dont pick it when enemies still can kill you in teamfights. But when enemies cant kill you in teamfights (your team just protects you rly hard and enemies are stupid) buy it fast and win game.
- Get this boy if you need more durability. + 40 dmg not bad. Lot of hp and this powerful regen. You are hard now.
- Nice dmg, nice attack speed and this chain lightning. Dont worry when already you have satanic. They can work together.

- Take it when missing attacks are iritating you too much. THis counters butterflies, brewmsters, phantom assasins and anybody who can make your attacks miss. ANd this dmg, is soooooooooooo for PURE MAN.
- some agility, some strenght, some dmg, some speed. And this slow and movement speed booster. This item is nice for wawel dragon.
- Strenght + dodge + disarming. Just take it to make enemy right click hero unhappy.
- Strenght is good. GIves loads of dmg. But wait... THERE IS MORE. Your auto attacks can stun and you have active stun to stop anybody, magic immunity doesnt protects. U MAD BLACK KING BAR LOVERS?

Before you think " OMG OMG OMG NO SOUL RING, ONE ONE ONE". Read this
Soul ring is not for dragon knight. Breathe fire is not a skill for spamming. You need to lasthit without pushing to make your dmg items like daedalus in fastest possible time. Dragon blood protects you from harras enought good. And also you must spend 800 gold for this so you must wait longer for daedalus. Thats all.

How to play.

Early game
Just go duo lane with someone who dont need farm and has good dmg in early game.
Avoid enemies who can deal in early game lot of magic damage and also with good CC.
All what you need is last hitting sometimes you can farm easy, sometimes you must farm with "last hit and run" method, your dragon blood makes harras aganist you less effective. If you have at leas 4 points at dragon blood, you can kill creeps in jungle when your lane is pushed too much. If your teammates are ganking your lane, help them with your stun, use your skills wisely. Your can stun when you are running away from not good situation. Beware of enemy ganks. Ganks can screw you up and make you useless in mid/late game. Transform into green dragon to bring down enemy towers. Just try tu use any situation to build your advantage, if you get some kills in early game... you gonna show them who is the man faster than everybody thinks.


Mid game
Usually you farm more. When you got daedalus, you can hunt for some heroes. Dont hunt alone. ALone you can farm when you are sure, they dont catch you. If you have satanic, you can go solo roshan for aegis and gold.

Allways follow your team and dont go first into teamfight. Just join to teamfight after enemies burns some of their disables and nukes. Activate ult and start owning enemies with your perma slow and tons of AOE dmg. When your hp is low activate satanic and be ready for round 2. Also kill roshan when he is alive for gold for team and aegis for you. Try to destroy all barracks before you will try to destroy ancient. The key is in building good items for actual situation so TURN ON YOUR ******* BRAIN.

Team Work

IN early game everything what you can provide to team is stun. Use it for ganks, and also for saving your teammates. Your team must try to keep enemies busy when you are farming. In mid and late game you are a carry. You just bring dmg output in dragon form to kill enemies, also stunning key enemies in teamfights can help your team in teamfights.

WHen your team is full of noobs you are in bad situation. You need some protection to farm and then to kill enemies in teamfights and carry this game. If team dont provides you this, you are more f****d than naked black man in ku klux klan building.


THats all what can i teach you about way of wawel dragon my friend.

If you think that build suck just go test it 10 or more times then you will change mind.

I just want to show how i play with my favourite hero, dragon knight.


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