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52 Votes

Wait for it.. Wait for it..

January 7, 2012 by Leech
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whogivesafuck | July 5, 2017 5:55am
I have been playin a few games as WD (+200) and there are things that I think could be done differently. First of all, start lvl 1 with paralyzing...ALWAYS. Its your best defence and harass-ability earlygame 4 U and your lanemate. Also it grants an oppurtunity to go offensive 4 a fast kill when combined with other spells. Then U need 2 maximise Maledict, its crucial. Maledict is such a great way 2 harass enemies. If it doesnt kill them it makes almost any hero unsure in lanes and gives your teammate better chance to get "freefarm" while most heroes back of 4 healing. Make sure you get A LOT of mana earlygame so you can afford 2 stay in "offensive harass-mode"....cost a lot of mana :( Be fast 2 get manaboots and of course ward as much as U can...there will be time 2 ward the map while the enemies run home 4 healing. Instead of ShadowBlade I would go Glimmer Cape. Its cheaper so U can get it pretty earlygame, right after manaboots, and while bein activated it grants 55 percent protection against Magic-damage. Then, depending on situation, go 4 Aghs or Linkens. Depends on if your team needs killing-power from U with aghs or not. If not you can wait 4 aghs and get Linkens before Aghs....4 protection AND improved mana-restotation...goes up 150 percent. To achieve maximum killingrates, be real fast with your combination as follows: 1: Paralyze, 2: Maledict, 3: Ulti, 4: Activate Glimmer Cape so your Ulti doesn´t get interrupted. Playin so, and with correct attacking-angles (hidden prefered), U will destroy your enemies in most teamfights early- mid- and lategame. Thats my opinion, and as always: depending on your enemies teambuild, a specific hero could always be fragile, so itembuilds on WD can always go in different directions. Sometimes better 2 be safe than sorry....but offensive harass-gaming is the funniest!
Emperor guy | February 4, 2016 3:04am
I honestly play witch doctor a lot and I would say putting a level into voodoo restoration at level 2 because it will help your carry cope with the occasional lane harass without spending too much on regen items. The heal affects witch doctor as well, making a single clarity heal much more than it is worth. A single level in the heal can result in a better landing stage for both witch doctor and the carry. The rest of the guide is good.
ShoutyShout13 (2) | April 25, 2014 4:44pm
True Venom wrote:

I think you should max out cask followed by voodoo then maledict last cause during late game,you and your allies damage will be higher so more damage.The voodoo is good for early game heal and cask is to save your carry when being ganked.

You should not be maxing Vodoo Restoration unless you have sufficient mana regeneration. If you want more damage, Maledict should be the 1st thing to max out, since it's power can drop off later in the game.

To the guide, I think Maledict maxed oiut is far better than a Cask maxed out, since it will only deal 37 damage (magic resistence). Damage after is variable since creeps can get in the way. Maxing Maledict is far stronger and can greatly hinder the opponent's farm if you can consistently kill.
Bieberwhole69 | March 30, 2013 3:11pm
Pro tips: ok so the good thing about shadow blade that you didn't mention is that if u activate death ward then activate shadow blade... YOU'LL BE INVISIBLE WHILE CHANNELING! That's the bread and butter of that item and can prove a lifesaver in team battles where ur the first to get focused! just be careful of aoe attacks or slarders amplify damage or bounty hunters track ect. Also In my opinion I would oppose getting both bkb and shadow blade since both are mainly going to be used while ur death warding so I typically choose one and invest that cash flow somewhere else! Finally blink dagger can be great for catching up to a fleeing heros and using that ever so beautiful maledict to take them out :)
True Venom | March 10, 2013 12:37am
I think you should max out cask followed by voodoo then maledict last cause during late game,you and your allies damage will be higher so more damage.The voodoo is good for early game heal and cask is to save your carry when being ganked.
wizardrelic1 | January 7, 2013 4:04am
Nice guide ! +1

Love it when 2 heroes standing side-by-side and got eaten by paralyzing cask, just like a 4sec stun.
Smith (2) | October 9, 2012 6:21pm
Aghanim's Scepter?

Probably the best ult to upgrade in the game!!!!
Numeta (27) | October 9, 2012 6:19pm
Add medallion to situational :D
Smith (2) | October 9, 2012 5:47pm
Aghanim's Scepter?

Probably the best ult to upgrade in the game!!!!
unknp13 | August 9, 2012 11:48am
These are my puny ideas:

Maxing Maledict earlier is way more better than maxing Paralizing Cask. Maledict can be very lethal for a first blood attempt if u could land it well. then take a level to Death Ward and max Paralizing Cask by level 9. Most of times I play really aggresive with Witch Doctor, that's why I choose Maledict to max. A very early Dagon can ensure a kill for u on each gank with Maledict.

As core build, grabbing a Black King Bar and an Aghanim's Scepter is better than grabbing a Shadow Blade. Invisibility is a counterable status. A Black King Bar can give way more survavibility in teamfights. If u need an escape mechanism, get a Force Staff or Blink Dagger, they're more reliable and cheaper from my vision.

However, nice guide.
Leech (25) | April 7, 2012 2:23pm
I'm a veteran of this site, not a Dota veteran. Also the reason I prefer to lane with him is i can harass well while my carry farms the lane.
borodin (5) | April 7, 2012 10:29am
I tried jungling with him and it ended up destroying the enemy team . You are Vet . Why you don't try it and write about it but nevertheless good job +1 .
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