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2 Votes


July 1, 2012 by tobepeople
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HamSandwich (34) | July 4, 2012 8:11pm
The biggest problem that void will have when choosing this item route is that he will die a ton before he gets there. Treads and Aghanims are your only source of hitpoints, and you also have an early mask of madness which reduces your effective hitpoints even more. A void who has 1000 hp and activates mask of madness is essentially down to 770 hp before any spells are even cast.
tobepeople | July 1, 2012 4:44am
you can win 1 vs 5 refresher with this items :)
Franimal | June 30, 2012 10:13pm
I disagree with refreshers orb. Sceptre I can MAYBE understand.. that much gold could get items so much more useful for Void.
tobepeople | June 30, 2012 4:55am
i forgot lvl 6 skill i edit , but not enough starting items for idiots , since 2004 i play dota starting item 1 tango enough and 400 gold need 900 gold morbid mask for mask of madness 6 crep kill with last hit and go jungle or direct jungle use creps in the line not need item not need tango max 3 - 5 minute and you have morbid mask use curier and continue to the farm finish mask of madness , and power trades but for noobs hand of midas starting item more good first item gloves haste and finish midas and mom second and 3rd item crystal but only for early game good items

you must watch map and watch little hp heroes in the forest towers and little hp heroes the most best money source

NOTE: iam so sorry iam not best english but if your buy and sell the items very too you spend money
Tylaron (2) | June 29, 2012 10:58pm
Don't get ult at 6? Instead finish maxing W at 6... which isn't possible. Don't skill anything at 7. Plus this isn't a guide, no recommended starting items as well? You should probably change this ****.
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